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Gaining Ground 2015 and proxies


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So have read gaining ground 2015 and am largely impressed by all the changes and steps being taken to ensure fair play.


I do have one query however: puppets. I have bought a large number (and I mean a large number) of puppets to use as legitmate proxies.... puppet silurid as silurid, 3 puppet silurid on the right size base as gupps, ice gamin, Bad Juju, hooded rider, teddy.... all are now based on malifaux bases and painted...are these no longer legit proxies? 


This would me a massive shame-they have cost me a fair amount of both time and money, yet seem excluded from the new tourney rules. I actually own most of the M2E models for these in various stages of construction- I just prefer the puppets...... :(

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I would probably say the puppets would fall under the 'using a model that was converted with manufactured pieces, no more than 33% of the finished model may be built using other game companies’ models, while the rest must be either wholly or a combination of original sculpt or Wyrd manufactured pieces' bit from GG2015. The puppet could reasonably considered to be a conversion using 100% Wyrd parts, and even if not I am 100% sure that no TO is going to disallow them.

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You better believe the metal zombie chiquaqua is my permanent replacement for McMourning. I like using puppets as proxies for wicked dolls but shy away from direct replacements.

Puppets are definently legit proxies, though having a huge amount of puppets in a single crew, especially with similar color scheme, can lead to confusion late game or after a few games in a row.

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Lunarsol beat me to the real reason they probably aren't listed: They have always be considered legal options for play.

Logically, if Wyrd is going to say that tranparent and day-glo plastics are totally fine on the board unpainted, then 100% wyrd models that are sculpted to be the model in question (say, puppet executioner playing as an executioner) surely are allowed.

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