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Hardcore Henchmen Tournament @ Meeplemart

SuperFly TNT

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Hardcore Henchman Tournament

November 3, 2014

Registration begins at 5.30PM. First round starts at 6.00PM.


$5 entry fee. Winner receives 50% of pool in Meeplemart store credit. Players who complete all rounds will be entered into a draw for the remaining 50% in Meeplemart. Other prizes TBA depending on turn out (6+ players).


· 20SS, with no augmentation of the Henchman's SS cache allowed (printed value only). Unused SS are lost.

· Legal, faction-specific crews, which may purchase permissible upgrades.

· Must contain no more than 4 models 

· Same crew must be played in all rounds

· No actions/abilities/triggers that create models allowed

· Standard deployment on 2 ft by 2 ft board

·  All rounds: Strategy  is Turf War (starting turn 1, still max 4 VP) & Scheme pool is Assassinate, Vendetta and Murder Protégé (select one).

· 30 minute rounds with 5 minutes for setup. Three or four rounds of Swiss format depending on turnout.

· Proxy models may be used for figures which have not been released by Wyrd (metal or plastic), provided they are easily identifiable and appropriate. 



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There are a varying number of unreleased models in all the factions except the Guild iirc. I can get together a list if necessary.


No painting/basing requirement for this one. Usually there is a bonus for having stuff fully painted (extra entry to the raffle) but with quite a few new players joining us in the last few weeks I decided not to implement anything.

I understand the frustration but it's difficult to make exceptions due to stock availability. To keep things as objective as possible the proxy rule stands.

(FYI there will be some leeway for alt models in the upcoming storyline encounter league.)

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