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Pushing into base contact



Hey guys, this came up during a tournament.


Been using Hoffman allot and I have been playing his push into BC as a straight push against anywhere that is base contact.


After reading the rules closely that is what I believe is correct.


But there is an argument for pushing the closest distance, but due to wording I don't think this is how Hoffmans push works, as its not towards etc its BC.


Need some support on this.

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Any Push in relation to an object (ie target model in this case) must be directly toward/away. It is in the rules.



Some game effects require a model to be Pushed in relation to another object, such as towards or away from another model. When this happens the model must move in a straight line while obeying these restrictions, moving directly towards (or away from) the specified object.

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A push is always in a strait line closest point to closest point. So a model pushing into base contact with another model will always end up touching in the nearest point of the other model, assuming there's nothing in the way to stop the push.

Relevant rules references;

A Push is an effect that moves a model in a straight line, such as an explosive force shoving a model back, or a model being thrown by a larger friend. Talents that cause a Push (instead of a Move) will state that the effect is a Push.

A Push is not a normal move, and it does not count as a "move" for rules purposes. Pushes are not affected by severe terrain.
Usually, when a model is pushed it must be moved as close to the maximum distance of the Push as possible, in a straight line. However, some push effects will state that a model is pushed "up to" a distance. In this case, the controller of the pushing effect may choose how far the model is pushed, up to the maximum distance.

Some game effects require a model to be Pushed in relation to another object, such as towards or away from another model. When this happens the model must move in a straight line while obeying these restrictions, moving directly towards (or away from) the specified object.

The pushed model cannot pass through impassable objects (such as other models, or walls) or climb. If a pushed model comes into contact with an object that is impassible, the pushed model stops in base contact with the object.



When measuring a distance between two objects on the table, measure from the closest point of one object’s base to the closest point on the other object’s base. All measurements between objects should be made using the shortest distances possible.


There was also a long discussion about this in a recent thread here.

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