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[Bel Air, MD] Bel Air Games Growth League - Vengeful Spirits crew as top prize!


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Will Hicks crept along the side of the town's hall, easing his thin frame from barrel to barrel, crate to crate, always seeking cover. The revolver in his rattled ever so softly as his hands trembled. The smoke from the town's barber shop stung his eyes, but the ashes and soot in the air gave him extra cover. "Some mayor I turned out to be," he thought. He took in the town's broken and burning buildings as he crouched behind a water trough. "More like it's chief pallbearer."  The only building left whole stuck out like a sore thumb. The Guild's Bank. That's where they had brought those artifacts they found in Burk's field, the ones that started the whole town's ruin.

"That's when they all started coming. All the masters and their henchman. They turned this place into a charnel pit. Well, time to end it," thought Will, as he steadied his pistol on the trough and took aim at the rough shapes outside the bank...

We're starting a Growth League at Bel Air Games in Bel Air, MD! It starts 9/23/14. 25 Soul Stones to start, 10 additional stones per week, with a final story scenario to decide the fate of Last Hope. Prizes will be awarded for Top Player, possibly second place as well depending on how many enter. We will also award the player with the Best Painted single model and Best Painted Crew!

You can play each player in the league once a week, and the more games you play, the better!

Should six or more players enter, the top player prize will also include a brand new Vengeful Spirits (Kirai) crew box, fresh from Gencon!

$10 entry, Fixed Faction, with a new set of Schemes and Strategies each week.


1202 Agora Drive

Suite B

Bel Air, MD 21014

If you have any questions about the event, you can PM me here or email me at MalifauxMatt@gmail.com

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Tonight is the final encounter in our Slow Growth league in Bel Air Games in Bel Air, MD.

We're going to mix it up and make it an enforcer brawl! Take your favorite enforcer, give it one legal, non-leader upgrade from its home faction, and take it against all the other enforcers present!


You gain points as follows:
1 point for putting at least one wound on an unwounded model
1 point for surviving the round
3 points for putting the final wound on a model
-3 points for being killed or sacrificed.


Once your model is killed, you get to redeploy anywhere on the board six inches from a table edge and start the mayhem all over again! It's a fun-filled death match! The points you win will be added to your league total, so it's still anyone's ballgame!


Be warned, however, that a certain Henchman may be looking at the rules for the Carver, who may or may not be out for blood in the arena!*

*He will be. Or a reasonable proxy will be anyway.


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