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Questions about elevation/vantage point



OK, I've had a game that ilustrated me on how I understood vantage point and elevation rules incorrectly.


OK, first question and maybe only one depending on answer, a Ht 2 model is on a Ht 3 structure and is more than 2" from the border of the Ht 3 structure, so it does not ignore the "ledge" according to the vantage point rules. Does that model have no LoS whatsoever to anything below the Ht 3 structure because of not being able to "ignore it" to draw the oblicual line? Are all models in the ground unable to see it unless they are in Ht 3 because they cannot draw an oblicual line without passing through the Ht 3 structure which isn't ignored because the model on top of it is more than his Ht from the border, even if it's another Ht 2 model on a Ht 2 structure?


If I'm undestanding this wrong, then how is it supposed to work?

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They rules are a bit abstract in Malifaux sometimes, especially with LoS/Ht/Vantage Points.  But they are very clearly defined so as long as you follow them and make sure you agree on terrain traits before the game begins (i.e. what is blocking/climbable/severe etc.) it should be clear.  It is sometimes a bit odd when you look at the actual models and are convinced that something should be/shouldn't be able to be seen (Ht 1 models directly behind crates can still be seen by anything Ht 2 for example), particularly if you are used to true LoS games.

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Bloody charming, specially how anything that ignores LoS with a gun pretty much makes the game explode when Ht comes into the equation... will have to explain this train wreck to my community again then and by god, I hope the FAQ gets a few stupid proof diagrams to make it crystal.

That's a pretty strong response. Which models in particular are causing you grief?

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