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Jacob and Sensei Yu



Hello everyone.

My doubt is about Jacob y Sensei Yu.

When you use Disciple of Sensei Yu it says "This model immediately takes a (0) Action belonging to a friendly Leader in play. Any cards which this model would discard during the course of the Action are shuffled into its deck instead after completing the Action"

and Jacob has Ace in the Hole that says "When a Ace from this Crew's deck would be placed in the discard pile during another friendly model's Activation, this model may place it in its hand instead after the Action resolves."

Whats its first,after completing the Action, or after the Action resolves or its the same timing and then the player choose?


And a second one. When you use Lure : "Move target model its WK. The target must end the move as close to this model as posible", can you pass the model that lunch the lure if you have enough Wk. Im goin to put a example:


       :)                  :angry:    the smily one  use a lure with the angry one. Both are of the same player. If the angry one has enough Wk

                                          can it finish  as the grafic but IN CONTACT with the smily?, that is the closest that you can be of a model



Thanks for your help


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Not sure on the timings but I don't think you'd be able to use Jakob's ability here. If I'm reading it, when you use Sensei Yu you don't actually discard cards in the normal manner, i.e. they go back into your deck, not into the discard pile. Jakob Lynch's ability states that he only gets the Ace if they go into the discard pile. Because the cards discarded by Sensei Yu don't ever actually go into the discard pile I don't think you can pick up any aces into your hand.


I must stress that I'm not completely up to speed on the timing and interactions of abilities like this so may well be wrong.

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Technically, when two effects go off at the same time, the controller of both effects normally gets to put them in the order he or she wants to resolve them.

Sensei Yu's rule is a "must" while Lynch's is a "may". Also Yu's is built into the Action itself and changes discard to shuffle, so Lynch's Ability wouldn't ever occur, since Yu's Action must completely resolve itself -- including shuffling, since it's part of the action itself -- before Lynch's could trigger.



Yu uses his Action

 -> Triggers a (0) Action inside the previous Action (like a Charge's Attacks or Obey Actions -> Actions within Actions)
-> That Action completes / resolves, cards shuffle

-> Lynch's Ability checks now
Yu's Action resolves
Lynch's Ability checks again

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The key language is "would discard" meaning they never are actually discarded. But 2 mulligans a turn is still pretty awesome.

And the lure is a direct as close as possible means once it hits your front that was the closest point from where the lured model started. Course there is some debate if you care to. exercise your search fu.

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For me, the important  here is what you have to do first

if its jacob's or you can chose

you do the mulligan with disciple

Jacob's Ace in the hole all the aces that you would discard go to your hand

Sensei Yu's Disciple there is no card to discard because they are in your hand

if its Sensei Yu's

you do the mulligan with disciple

Sensei Yu's Disciple all the cards that you would discard you have to shuffle

Jacob's Ace in the hole there is no aces to discard because you have shuffle

and in respect to the lure, i dont see anywhere that says that its direct. I've read a lot of topics about it and i dindt see why have to be direct.

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