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the definition of killed.

The Godlyness


When a model is reduced to 0 wounds does it become killed right then and there. Or is it when the model is physically removed from the table does it count as killed?


Collette's death defying trigger Has no verbiage similar to Hamelin or Levi.


Obedient Wretch: The text of the Stink of Death Trigger is now: After damaging and determining whether the target was killed, if the target is still in play, summon a Malifaux Rat into base contact with the target.

This trigger sstill is wonky. If it's just reduced to 0 wounds and killed its still not removed Untill after the trigger is resolved in which no matter what you get a rat.

But if by determining if it's killed you mean removed from the game then it works but slightly confusing.

Stink of death: After Damaging if the target has 1 or more wounds remaining summon a malifaux rat into base contact.

Now this is much clearer but you might run into an odd scenario with Collette she uses death defying and is placed elsewhere and a rat pops up next to her. But besides that I don't see how it would adversely effect any other triggers.

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Oh I don't play it any of the ways I have posted about. I know how they should work and play it as such.

If the OB kills a model no rat. I understand that is how it should work. I understand that Collodi should not make dead models dance. I completely understand that Collette should not be killed if she triggers death defying from non insta-kill triggers.

I guess my ocd sees the poorly worded. ..words and wants it to be right. Clear and concise so no one can debate it. Mainly cause I love the game.

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I'm only confused about the obedient Wretch. 

Stink of Death: After damaging, if the target is still in play, summon a Malifaux Rat into base contact with the target.


Stink of Death: After damaging and determining whether the target was killed, if the target is still in play, summon a Malifaux Rat into base contact with the target.

These are not functionally different within the rules. You still get the rat with both wordings even if the model is killed. 

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Oh I don't play it any of the ways I have posted about. I know how they should work and play it as such.

If the OB kills a model no rat. I understand that is how it should work. I understand that Collodi should not make dead models dance. I completely understand that Collette should not be killed if she triggers death defying from non insta-kill triggers.

I guess my ocd sees the poorly worded. ..words and wants it to be right. Clear and concise so no one can debate it. Mainly cause I love the game.


It is appreciated. :)


I just have to walk the fine line of...correcting too much.


There does come a point when too much errata/FAQ/etc drives people away. There also comes a point where re-explaining things people were doing correctly in the first place makes them stop and think they had been doing it wrong.

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