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Buried Models and Scoring VP



This link says that everything has an implied in-play statement unless otherwise noted.

Buried models are removed from play, but still have Conditions and may be targeted and killed by Actions that allow it, like Tara's Crew.

If I hand a model Distract and then Bury it or kill a Buried model for Murder Protege, do I score VP?

No, because of the implied "in-play" on Schemes and Strategy.



Yes, because Buried models specifically may still possess / process Conditions.


Yes, because a model Buried can still become Killed.

If it's the 'No' option, Tara is a lot worse than I thought for killing Schemes / Strategies, aside from Tara Bomb itself.

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I appreciate that it has finally been clarified that buried models can still score Vp. There were several threads over the past week where some veteran players were saying no and then the misunderstanding with adding "in play" to rules descriptions such as scheme rules that didn't specify the model had to be "in play" to score. 


My other thread that is now locked and I cant respond to it was not meant to game the system or twist anything. I didn't agree with peoples opinions that models buried not being able to process a scheme condition when the rules already say that they do process conditions as normal. To me this caused a muddy situation with "in play" versus "not in play" and I felt the misunderstanding could be extrapolated to other areas that would then also not make any sense.


Before I even posted my thoughts there were others who also misunderstood what Justin was trying to initially say by posting things like "Unfortunately there is apparently an invisible "in play" everywhere in the rules unless otherwise noted: - Math Mathonwy


and I believe that the text on Distract implies: "At the end of every Turn, this Crew earns 1 VP if at least two enemy models in play have the Distracted Condition."  -Math Mathonwy


So no I am not "that guy" trying to twist anything around but I did genuinely feel that the initial postings of veteran players regarding buried models not scoring Vp from conditions based on the models "not in play" caused me to question other things.  

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