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Hi all,

I've not played since 1.5 where I used to play Pandora and Zoraida but having seen the new plastic Seamus and McMourning set I have dove back in by purchasing both (and the mini rulebook). I'm also looking at picking up the Canine Remains and Open Graves box (mainly for Punk Zombies and Mortimer) how well does Mortimer synergize with McMourning? I have read the wiki and fling rot sounds like a good action however is this from one of his upgrades as I cannot find it on Crew Creator. Finally any news on Molly in plastic as I loved the previous fluff for Molly and Seamus? Its looking like I'll have a decent Horrors summoning pool.

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Hi there! Welcome back to the game. 


Mortimer Synergizes fairly well with any resser master really, for those that require Corpses he can make them. His Fling Rot is a Sh action on his stat card so no upgrades needed! His regen makes him quite durable and his can swing his shovel for some fairly decent damage, overall he's pretty damn good! Especially when you take into account his Chatty aura which prevents the enemy from interacting within 6" of him. 


No word on Molly in plastic. Wyrd are still very much in the process of releasing Wave 1 models from the first book. Molly and Co. were a Wave 2 release so I wouldn't expect to see until maybe Gencon... Maybe. Failing that next year some time if we are lucky. Bear in mind though that due to Wyrd relocating there has been effectively a month and a half delay on all releases although that seems to have been sorted now. 

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Thanks for getting back to me guys, well at the very least I should be able to get my head around Seamus, McMourning and possibly Nico so wont need to learn too many new models when she is released and I pick up her box. Also gives me plenty of time to get things painted and build my custom bases. I love that artwork as well, how close are the sculpts to the art? My order nit arrived yet.


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The mini's are usually 100% accurate when it comes to the artwork so you can be pretty much 99% certain that Molly will look like that picture. I say 99% because there have been a few slight changes from time to time. Santiago's tongue for example is shown in the render but doesn't feature on the model. 

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