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My gunslingers...Ortegas!


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Well even though I'm very unhappy with M2E, I have decided to finish all my guild models and at least have a presence on the showcase and albums gallery. That way I can show my work and respect others skill at painting models. I was a fan of 1.5 and haven't really played since 2.0. I'm thinking about getting back into the game. Here are my Ortegas....



Hope that worked.....



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As for my models thank you for the comment, so few people comment unless your stuff painted at like a godly level. I don't get it. I know I'm not the best painter ever, but my Justice Crew I posted so long ago was pretty rad with super cool conversions and only 4 people had anything to say about them...kinda wild. I even posted models in the gallery and nothing. Oh well I guess time for me to comment on some art.


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Don't feel bad, people hardly comment on my stuff either. Sometimes there are just so many threads, people don't have time to comment on them all or even see all of them, I know I don't.  I don't recall seeing your Justice crew.....I see the Judge in your profile pic and I think I'd remember that (got a link?) I usually get a better reaction to my stuff on the Facebook group 'A Wyrd Place'......I see lots of comments on people's stuff there.

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Yeah honestly don't be down by lack of comments on here! Same with me. My plog on here only get's one of two comments if that. In fact no new comments on my last post.


BUT I posted a picture on the wyrd group on facebook yesterday and currently on 50 likes and 26 comments.

So if it is feedback and Kudos you are after then maybe post on there as well.


And never played 1.5 myself as brand new into malifaux the last few months so cannot comment apart from to say I love M2E. What is it you don't like about it???

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It's not the praise or feedback I'm after (although that would be nice) I'm using the comments to poorly gauge if any ones still playing this game. Doesn't everyone enjoy art and painted figures? Why would the facebook Malifaux site be far more active on Malifaux art then the Malifaux site? Are those people even real Malifaux players overall, or are they people moping around facebook all day? I really don't know anything about facebook, I don't "do" it.


I guess I'm a little shallow, all people are to some degree. My figures are pretty cool overall and I've given some harsh and through critics. I though there would be more interest. It's almost like a person expecting a storm, conditions are right and every thing is quiet, but when none comes it's even more creepy.



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There are some nifty conversions in that Lady J crew, but there are some painting issues. Foremost being that it's difficult to really rate the painting because it looks like you used a Gloss sealant and everything is really shiny. The real chains on the totem are really awesome.

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I don't get your last comment, thank you though I think.


I'm a little surprised you didn't put your comment on the Justice Crew thread. Ya I gloss sealant everything and make it really shiny. It makes them shine and (kinda) protects them from scratches. I have always been a sealant guy and I just cant use anything but glossy. It just seemed like after all the work I put into painting models in vivid colors any other sealant looked like I dipped them in muddy water killing all my work. A few people I know (far better painters then me) won't even seal models because it dampens color. Your right though gloss make it hard to judge models.

Ya the real chains of my scales are totally rad. I'm like unnaturally proud of that idea, even though few people find it as cool.  There kinda sloppy at the top but nothing perfect.


WOW thank the god I save messages on notepad while typing them...dam freeze ups.


Anyway to save time just know my Justice Crew was totally BREATHTAKING and people would gladly trade their kids for my models on a 1 for 1 basis....BONG! You know I would NEVER lie to you and I still have my models because I don't want peoples kids.



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It's an old thread and I didn't want to Necro-.


I kinda agree about the sealant changing the color, but I think the effect is minimal and totally worth it if you're painting something you're going to be using on a regular basis.....but, that's also another good thing about my bright paint-style.....a sealant doesn't really affect it. I probably wouldn't seal something that was just for display....but since I don't paint anything just for display.....

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