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Newbie Faction Help

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Hi guys, my friends and I have recently decided to get into Malifaux and I need a bit help deciding on a faction/starter box.

To give you some background we are all brand new to Malifaux (although we're all experienced in warhammer/40k/warmahordes etc). So new in fact that my rulebook is still in the post!

We've each decided to try different factions to give a wide variety to the game. Initially I was planning to pick up the Shadows of Redchapel starter but I've been beaten to it by a friend who's got both the Seamus and Nicodem boxes. Thats Ressers out then. The other regular player is going to pick up Som'er Teeth Jones new plastic starter.

So, Ressers and Gremlins aside, what faction/master I choose for my initial foray into Malifaux?

I like games which reward clever tactical play, maneouvrability and tricksy thinking. I'm not averse to a bit of brute force when required but do enjoy a bit of cunning and finesse more.

So what would you suggest?

I've been looking at Neverborn (Teddy and Baby Kade!! Hehehe) and The Guild (gotta love those Death Marshalls) but from what I can see Guild tends to be a direct application if force and firearms.

You guys are the experts so I'd appreciate any help or advice you can offer.


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Well, what miniatures do you like? Due to the recent edition change the game is very well balanced now and buying by the looks is not a bad way to go.


On the Wiki you can find short abstract for each Master (that's what I linked), and some additional information on playstyle.


From your description I would suggest Marcus or Lilith. Both are very versatile, tricksy Masters who like to do some serious face-beating from time to time.

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I like games which reward clever tactical play, maneouvrability and tricksy thinking. I'm not averse to a bit of brute force when required but do enjoy a bit of cunning and finesse more.




This is a pretty good description of Lilith. She has plenty of brute force, but with her movement, pushes, and terrain tricks she has quite a bit of finesse. Illisionary Forest is great for control. It can give you cover from shooters, block enemy reinforcements, and block escapes.

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Thanks ABoyNamedSue.

I've actually bought the Pandora No Shelter Here starter box and Teddy to begin with. I don't know if Pandora is quite as tactical as Lilith but I just couldn't pass up on Teddy and felt he worked a bit better on Pandora's crew with Baby Kade.

However, I'm sure it will just be a matter of time before I get the other Neverborn starter boxes.

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