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M&SU Basing ideas...


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So, I have a Kaeris crew that I'm slowly painting up, and I'm starting to think about how I want to decorate the bases.


Now, I want to do something that 'says M&SU', and I think I'm sorted on the 'S' side - pipes, and taps, and maybe wheels and cogs - but I'm a bit stuck for something that says 'Mines' or 'Miners'.


The only thing I've thought of so far is 'minecarts', and I might perch Kaeris atop a half-buried one, but I really need something that I can easily fit onto a base alongside, say, a Gunsmith, for example.


Anyone any better ideas than minecarts?


(oh, and I don't want to use 'soulstones', 'coal', or 'rails', as I have plans for using those on other bases)

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Rock, rock, more rock...  shovels, picks, lanterns or crude electric lights, caged canaries.  Probably not much by way of buried bones, those would be in the topside ghost towns.

I really like the idea of shovels and picks - in fact, now you've suggested it, I don't know why I didn't think of that myself!

Lanterns/lights too - certainly might look at seeing if I can create something like that.

And the canary idea is genius! Though, maybe an empty cage, with it's door open...

Thanks for the great ideas!


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Edit: should read original posts better.

hehe, yes you should.


What you suggested, though, was actually the first idea I had, but then I thought it would be cool to only use them on Masters and Henchmen (because they're the only models that have a Cache and can use them).

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Graveyard Accessories pack includes a shovel and a lantern.

Good idea, however, I've already got 7 M&SU figures to base, and I'm sure I'll be getting more, so that would be an expensive way to get things for them.


Fortunately, I've found a company that does a spure that has 3 shovels and a pick on it, for not too much money. It's 28mm, and comes with a whole load of other stuff I don't need, but it's a reasonably economical way to get picks and shovels that shouldn't look too out of place.


So, I'm pretty sure I'll go with pipes and taps, for the 'S' part, and shovels and picks, for the 'M' part.

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Is the company called Black Cat Bases? Only reason I ask is because even though their stuff is pretty good quality for the cost - a combination of illness and computer issues have meant that their orders can take at least a month to reach you. Just wanted to throw that out there in case you needed the stuff in a rush for a deadline. :)

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Scale's slightly off, but the railroad section of your lfgs might have appropriate accessories as well.  (Oil cans!  I forgot those.)

.... Doing a little digging online, the S Scale or American O scale railroad stuff is probably closest to the right size  (most minis are 1:60 to 1:56, S Scale is 1:64, O is 1:48)


There's also the Imperial Guard Tank Accessories sprue, albeit a tad pricey.  GW may have that sprue available, or through bits sellers on *bay, or bum some from IG players at your lfgs.  ;)

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There's also the Imperial Guard Tank Accessories sprue, albeit a tad pricey.  GW may have that sprue available, or through bits sellers on *bay, or bum some from IG players at your lfgs.  ;)

Don't you mean the Astra Militarium Tank Accessories sprue! :P


But, at £9 for a single sprue, containing one pick and one shovel, if I'm not mistaken, when the same amount gets me 4 sprues, with 1 pick and 3 shovels per sprue, I think I'll give that one a miss.


Though, actually, thinking about it, I must have some shovels from the Cadian Heavy Weapons Team sprues somewhere...

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