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Ryle and Pieces of Myself


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So I really want to like Ryle's unique upgrade, but I can't ever really justify taking it in a crew.  I'm wondering if somebody here has had a good experience with it, as from looking at it, it just feels too situational to be worth the 1ss cost most of the time.  I really want to like it, as handing out reactivate to a powerful construct can be potentially game changing, there seem to be a few glaring issues with the ability.


1) A Memory Stirs is a (0) action, on a model that has some amazing (0) actions.  Socially Repressed and Field Repairs are both excellent abilities, and you need to spend a minimum of three turns using A Memory Stirs instead to get the required Something Lost condition to fund Whispers of Genius.  From fielding Ryle I already find it difficult to choose between the Push and the Heal, and I can't imagine wanting to use a Memory Stirs three times in a normal game


2) A Memory Stirs requires Scrap to function.  Which means you either need Hoffman for Shakedown, in which case you are competing with Hoffman's scrap use for :pulse heals, upgrades, or just plain blowing them up with remote mines.  Or relying on dead constructs- generally friendly as you can't guarantee what your opponent's crew will be composed of, and you cannot count on the enemy constructs being present.  The problem with relying on casualties is you need to be able to get 3 scrap over the course of the game, and still have a friendly construct nearby to give reactivate too.  I suppose the ability could be nice if you know you are going against a scrap summoning Master and just want another way to take away their resources, but this seems too highly situational- especially when compared to remote mines for that purpose. 


Have people been having luck with Ryle's unique upgrade?  I feel like the upgrade is missing something and I just cannot justify ever taking it.  It would definitely be worth it if it either a) worked off of scheme makers as well as scrap, or b ) discarded all scrap in a :pulse, and gained Something Lost +1 if at least one scrap was discarded.  But as it stands I just can't see this upgrade being worth 1ss unless I know in advance what master I would be playing against.  So what am I missing?

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Sadly it was changed late Beta and it was 100% better tha the old upgrade... but that doesnt make it super useful sadly.


If Guild get more scrap generation in future releases though it 'could' be really useful!


It doe shelp build up his resistance to WP duels which is always nice in none Hoffman lists.

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