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Intermountain Malifaux Story Encounter


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On Saturday May 17 we will have our first Intermountain Malifaux event in Logan, UT at Toad & Tricycle games. If you live anywhere close, show up and play!  Sign-up starts at 1200 PM and the event kicks off at 1 PM. A $3 entry will be used for prize support with 100% going to players. 


This event will be a fixed master 100 SS pool. Pool must include the upgrades you will take. Dual faction masters can draw from both of their factions for upgrades and other models, but must stay within their pool limit. If you can take an upgrade multiple times, you only pay for it once for pool purposes.  Any model from Wave 1 or 2 may be used, but you must provide your own Wave 2 printed cards. Games size will be 45 SS. Strategies and schemes will be announced after all pool lists have been turned in.



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The 1st Intermountain Malifaux event is just a week and a half from today. On Saturday 27 May in Logan Utah we will have a story encounter that's also a tournament beginning at non at Toad and Tricycle Games. If you live anywhere in the Intermountain West, come play!

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