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Posts posted by Firios

  1. I am struggling to do a list with both Dashels. There is so many good profiles and beautiful minis that I want to include !

    Also, I don't know if I should try to do a list with a bit of everything (some fast minis, some shooters, some melees,...) or if I should pick a "full theme" (full gunline, full melee,...)?


    I have a couple of questions too :

    - Dashel 1 :

    * @Corn told me that I can summon basically anything, but mounted guards and executionners are some of the bests summons, so do I need to buy one of those in my list, or should I just summon them for free in game?


    - Dashel 2 :

    * As he is really good in melee, do I need to take an executionner in top of that, or is it overkill?

    * Does he need a pale rider or a mounted guard to make him go faster, or does his double charge is enough to help him close the gap?


    - General questions :

    * I really like the guild hounds minis, but they're very fragile, is it a good idea to buy some in my list, or is it better to take Disease containment unit and summon them?

  2. 12 hours ago, Diceman87 said:

    Disclaimer - my recommendations are formed based on me facing Guild decently often, and what I would do if I picked up Dashel.

    I would recommend the three remaining guard boxes (Run Them Down, Crime and Punishment, and Rank and File).

    This gives you Guard Patrol (Dashel 2 Summon, mounted guard demise), Mounted Guard (solid hire), Guild Hound (Disease Containment Unit summon), Executioner (all star beater minion).

    After that the Guild Staples of Pale rider, Lone Marshal, Guild Steward, Guild Mage, and Guild Lawyer are all good purchases.

    Nice, thank you, I am glad that Dashel plays a lot with his keyword because apparently there is a lot of Masters that don't really play with theirs.

  3. Hello, I am a new player  and I have decided to pick Dashel 1 and 2 !

    I need some advices about the main boxes to buy after the Dashel starter and They all fall down (to get Dashel 2).

    I am looking for the most competitive choices as I will start tournaments in autumn (I have one in October near where I live), because I want to jump in and learn the hard way as soon as possible.

    So, what are the main boxes I should pick for Dashel 1 and 2? @Corn I summon you, as you seems to know a lot about that faction, and Dashels in particular ;)

  4. 8 hours ago, Corn said:

    If you are brave, you can even playtest via Vassal to really get a feel for how the different crews feel on the table top!  

    There are also a few battle report channels on youtube, where you can see games of people playing the Masters.  Although I personally find miniature wargames tough to spectate.  

    Good luck finding the crew that you vibe the most with.  The Guild Guard can always use a new recruit though. 


    I had no idea what was vassal, and I just looked it up, and going to try it, thank you for the idea !

  5. 23 minutes ago, Adran said:

    Cooper is a big game Hunter, and his mechanics stem from trying to get as much damage from his gun as possible. Most of his crew are about setting up his shot. Of course he also has access to a dinosaur, so you can switch things around in play styles. 

    Ok thanks, so he fills one of my big con, that is a shame, so 2 left then, Reva or Dashel ! I may playtest them with proxies to see if I have a blast with them.

  6. 3 hours ago, Adran said:

    One thing I would say is that Malifaux is a system where you build your list after you find out what the objective is, rather than you make a list and then try and make it do what you need. This means there is a lot more customisation so you can generally more easily avoid the gameplay parts you don't like. ( if you don't want a crew with only 1 threat, then don't hire only 1 threat when you hire the crew...)  ( I think I can play just about every keyword and avoid the gameplay dislikes listed, but there are some I'd be playing very differently to normal to achieve that)

    I'd also point out that a lot of the "is it competitive?" Is talking about fairly high level competitive play. I don't think any of the crews will lead you to an automatic loss with your mate, so I probably wouldn't rule them out entirely. 

    Out of what I can see you talk about I would suggest  Reva, in part because you're also interested in McMorning and they can overlap models as they share a faction. ( reva wins as a first choice as mcm is quite close combat and has several auras you do want to play around with). 


    Thank you for the advices !

    Yes Reva and Mcmourning are definitely both in my final list.


    2 hours ago, Corn said:

    I don't play Explorers, but I'm a long time Guild Player, and Guardsmen have held a place in my heart since 1.5e.  Dashel, like the Guard keyword that he leads, is a very flexible master and you can really adapt him to just about any situation that may present itself.

    You want to build a gunline?  You've got access to things like Riflemen, the new Disease Containment Unit, (and most guardsmen have decent guns anyway) and of course Guild All Stars like the Pale Rider are always available.  

    You want to smash something up close?  You've got access to Executioners who are devastating 9 ss melee beaters... and Dashel's title version is a melee beat stick who can hang with the best melee masters in the game.  

    You need to move around the board?  Mounted Guard (ride along) and Sergeants (consolidate power) can help get your troops in position where you need them.

    Dashel1 is the Guild's Summoner, and arguably he is one of the better summoners in the game because his pool is one of the most diverse and has multiple high end options- generally Executioner (13 rams) and Mounted Guard (12 rams) are the best summons, but even things like a Warden (9 rams) are viable if you want a bulky model.   Basically, Dashel doesn't really have any holes in his summon list and summoning an executioner into an opponents face if they try to push in on you is a terrifying prospect.   The big thing to keep in mind with Dashel1 is that gaining grounds (the rules used for most more competitive games) tend to nerf all summoners and that includes Dashel.  Essentially, his summoned models cannot take the interact action to impact the Strategy.  

    Dashel2 is a melee beat stick who can make Lady Justice blush.   It completely changes up his playstyle and turns him into a front line whirlwind of death.  

    Overall Guard are a very well rounded keyword.  You won't generally find yourself without any answers- especially with Dashel1 where he can summon whatever answer he needs.  


    That is VERY interesting, as I really like the fact that I can change the gameplay of my crew if I want to. Sounds really nice. Definitely in my final list too ! Thanks you for that


    2 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    I would also put weight in choosing a Faction rather than a single Master as the usual expectation is that you end up playing at least two or three Masters that you can then choose from for a game. So I would favour a Master who is from a Faction that has other Masters that you like the look of.

    That said, it isn't impossible to win tournaments playing a single Master (even with a fixed list) but that does limit you.

    Thank you for the advice, I looked into every faction, and every minis, I really want to choose one faction and stick to it.


    So now,  I need to choose between :

    - Resurrectionists, with Reva 1 or 2

    - Guild, with Dashel 1 or 2

    - Explorer with Lord Cooper (even if I still don't know much about him, I really love the mini, so I am still waiting for someone to enlight me about him ;) )

  7. 39 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Parker 2 is very competitive,  but frequently uses Benny to make a million rats so may not be what you're after. I think a typical list for him is benny, mad dog, hodgepodge emissary, pearl, etc.

    He doesn't work well with his keyword as there's a bit of a rules bug with drop it and perdition (people just drop the markers where he can't see it and it does no damage).

    Dreamer 2 I think is very competitive, and personally I do pretty well with Dreamer 1. He plays very well with his keyword, and has many 8" range options. It isn't on the same level as say Parker, but you do a lot of 8 inch attacks to manifest nightmares. Although word of warning - playing a summoner like Dreamer can be very time consuming. If you want to avoid slow crews, maybe save this one until you know the game better.

    I am watching a youtube video with an in depth guide with factions, and the 3 guys just said exactly what you just said about Parker 2 : some rules are bugged, bad keyword, etc...So both Parkers are out.

    According to what you say, Dreamer 1 and 2  do not fit a lot of my requirements, so he is out, but I will definitely play him one day, as I really love the Nightmare concept.

    I made a choice between the 2 resurectionnists, and I chose Reva, because I prefer the minis, and the gamplay looks funnier. So both McMournings are out. I am gonna keep Mc Mourning as an option in the end, because the zombies theme is appealing to me.


    So the 4 finalists are :

    - Reva 1 or 2

    - Mc Mourning 2

    - Cooper 1

    - Dashel Barker 1 or 2


    Waiting for more informations about Cooper and Dashel, then the other boxes that I will have to buy to do a 50 SS list will help me make my final decision, because if I don't like the minis, that will be a nope for me.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Yeah, those were what I meant!

    We also number them (original is 1, title is 2).

    So McMourning 1 is considered quite weak, but I think he is just shy of competitively viable.

    McMourning 2 is considered pretty good, but I think has some limitations. Outshined by stronger options, and really does better if he emphasizes flexibility with hiring.

    Reva 1 is pretty strong,  but not with her keyword IMO. She has some really awesome teleporting combos with Grave golem, bete noire, and bone piles.

    Reva 2 is awesome with her keyword, and summons lampads, one of the coolest looking models in the game. She is strong competitively in some situations, but very challenging because she dies so easily.

    Nice, thanks for the informations, I will keep both as strong options. My main opponent just told me that he is going to play Rasputina because he just love ice magic, so I got rid of her.


    Now, I just need some informations about :


    - Parker 1 and 2 : I know that I will like the gameplay, but are they competitive?

    - The dreamer 1 and 2 : Love the concept of Nightmares, just need to know more about the gameplay. I see a lot of monsters, so probably no range shots, but is there some ranged magic of any sort?  Competitive or not?

    - Dashel barker 1 and 2 : I don't know anything about the gameplay and the competitiveness (is that a word?)

    - Lord Cooper 1 and 2 : Need to know a bit more about the gameplay, but it looks like there is a lot of shooters with his keyword, which I like. Competitive or not?


  9. 7 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I think Reva and McMourning hit tons of the boxes you're looking for...

    They have access to hit and run models, and have access to tanky models. And both are condition based.

    Reva has a good range ability.

    However, ressers in general are primarily melee. Someone like Parker is better for ranged hit and run.

    Also worth noting that Mcmourning and Reva aren't the most competitive masters, particularly if playing them in keyword (although their titles are a bit better in this respect).

    Hello, thanks for your answer.


    What about the other versions of Reva and Mc Mourning? Insanitary and Luminary? Are they not competitive either?

    EDIT: That is probably what you meant by "titles", sorry i am new, I am not used to all the Malifaux vocabulary ;)

  10. Hello, thanks for your answers !


    I have edited the main post, removing the Masters that don't fit any of my requirements, and I will wait for more informations about the others.


    22 minutes ago, Mindbadger said:

    Lord Cooper is perhaps not the only threat in his keyword, but it is very much centred around him, his gun and setting up kills for him. Perhaps his title version less so, but I would defer to someone else's knowledge on that.

    Sounds good enough for me. And I really love Cooper mini, so I will keep him in my options.


    22 minutes ago, Mindbadger said:

    You might struggle to find someone who matches all your criteria, but there should be several keywords who have at least a bit.

    Of course, only in an ideal world I could find the perfect crew for me ;)

    My goal is to find a crew who will have like 2-3 pros for 1 con if you know what I mean.

  11. Hello everyone, new player here, looking for advice for my first crew. I am going to give you as much informations as possible about what I like and don't like, so you can help me choosing my first crew !

    Note that I would never pick a crew if I don't like the minis, so any crew that is not mentionned in those that I like visually will never be an option for me.


    1. What I like :

    * Masters I like visually :

    - GUILD : Dashel Barker 1 and 2

    - RESURRECTIONISTS : Reva Cortinas  1 and 2

    - EXPLORER' SOCIETY : Lord Cooper 1


    * Gameplay I like :

    - Fast movement, Hit and run like

    - I also like tanky minis, as long as the gameplay is not too slow and if there is some synergy.

    - Conditions stuff, especially Poison like

    - Any magic in general

    - Range (shooting or magic) over close combat


    2. What I DON'T like :

    * Gameplay I DON'T like :

    - Slow minis, slow gameplay

    - Every Aura system in general, minis who have to stay within X inches from their teammates, etc...I really don't like the "pack your minis" gameplay, the game board is big, i want to use all of it and spread my band. I don't mind if maybe 2 minis of my band need to stay close to each other as long as it is not ALL of my band though.

    - Faction who relies on ONE big threath, while the other minis are just cheerleaders. I want more than one of my minis to be important and do something.


    Thanks !

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