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Hipper Hopper Table Toper

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Posts posted by Hipper Hopper Table Toper

  1. Hello,

    greetings from Germany.

    I just bought this Game. More specific did I bought the Hoffman Core box as well as the Viktorias core Box, to play this game with a friend.
    In general I would say I understood the rules so far. But there are some uncertain things.

    Here are a small list with of things I dont understand:


    1. Charles Hoffman (guild): The "spool up" trigger of the attack action "enhanced fist".

    If I get it right the opposite player must have a Tome in the Final Duel Total but I must win it. Is this correct?


    2.Vanessa Chambers (outcast): The "Harness Ley Line" abillity.

    As long as Vanessa is in in Base contact with the centerline, she gets +2 for her duell stats & always the Tome suit in her final duell total. Right?


    3.Melissa K.o.r.e (guild): The "Power Converter" abillity.

    She can discard a Power Token for th + on the Flip or the selectable Suit even if she doesn't removed a Scrap Marker at the beginning of her Activation?



    4. Ronin (outcast): "Puncture" Trigger  of the "Daito" attack

    & Hunter (guild): "Critical Strike" Trigger of the "Metal claw" attack

    Both say in Brackets quote: "(to a maximum of 2)"

    How can I get the maximum? I just get one Suit from the Card which I fliped in the duell. How would it be possible to get a second Ram suit?

    I hope u can help me.


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