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Hipper Hopper Table Toper

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Everything posted by Hipper Hopper Table Toper

  1. Yeah cool, thats what I meant. But my wording was insufficent. Thanks.
  2. OK. So if it would say ...reduce damage suffered by this model by X... then I would have to use as many as the +X value would be at this moment. But since it say ...reduce damage suffered by this model by 1... It is only 1. Right? This may sound like a stupid question, but I only want to be clear about that. thanks
  3. Hello again. 1. If a model has shielded +2 in the moment it would take damage. And lets say the attack would cause 2 damage. Can the attacked Model use both shielded conditions at once, so that the damage in this example would be 0? 2. Do a model has to use it´s shielded condition in the moment it takes damage, or can it decide not to use it?
  4. I will try it a second time. Right now I work on the translation of the fluff from the first and second Edition into German. I would like to Pin the translated Books (only the Words, no Pictures at all) in our local Discord channel. There is Fluff available for free. (e.g. Detective Dice [youtube], Play Wyrd [youtube, spotify]) So I would guess it is ok. But the Owner of the Discord want to be sure about it and demands that I ask here. So I do. I mean It would be good to have the Fluff translated, because there is a difference in reading Rules, which are written pretty dry. And Storys, which uses much more unusual words. Please let me know if it is ok. Or if this is the right place to ask. I mean this is the official Forum? Right? cheers
  5. Hello, I am from Berlin and my English is ok. I own a physical copy of the 3E Factionbooks from the Guild and the Outcast. I realy tried to read the books by myself, but it is too hard for me. Every third or forth word I have to look up in the dictionary. Thats the reason why I bought the digital Books of 1E and 2E and soon the Rest of the 3E (Including both books I allready own). I can copy them in the DeepL translater and this helps me a lot. Now I am wondering, if I am allowed to post it in our local malifaux community discord? I mean these Storys are open available via youtube and spotify, so it should be ok if I share them. Right? It would be very kind if I would be allowed to share the Translated Storys. And a Lot of German players or potential players would be happy to have the fluff in german. So please tell me, if it is ok, or not. cheers
  6. Thanks for the examples and explainations. It helps a lot. From game to game I get deeper into the mechanics, strategies, and schemes..... and into the addiction. 🤪 And you guys help a lot. T H A N K Y O U !!!!
  7. Like l stated yeterday I stumbled recently over the FAQ. Under Section 1: General; number 5 is stated: "If a model suffers damage from a Trigger, is that damage considered to also be from the Action that generated the Trigger? a) Yes. Effects from Triggers are additional effects of the Action. Thus, Abilities such asIncorporeal that modify the effects of certain Actions would also modify the effects of their Triggers" Lets say Bishop is attacking a model with the "Incorperal" ability with his "staggered punch" action. He is doing weak damage (2) and has declared the "critical strike" trigger which inflicts (1) more damage. Now I have following question. How is the calculation? It is Action Damage + Trigger Damage - Demage reduction from Incorperal. Right? Due to the math rule from page 31. Correct?
  8. Hello dear Malifaux professionals, I just took a look at the Malifaux FAQ 2021. Under number two is the following mentioned: "2. Does the Accuracy Fate modifier (pg. 24) apply to variable flips generated from an Action’s Trigger? a) Yes. All variable flips (damage, healing, etc.) that are generated by an opposed duel have that duel’s Accuracy Fate modifier applied to them, including those duels in which a model relents as well as Resistance Triggers." So lets say Bishop (Mercenary) would use his bonus action "challange" on a model and both models would have the same duell total and Bishop declared the "Survival skills" Trigger. Would Bishop have a two on this variable flip?
  9. I learned the difference of to target something and affecting after our long discussion under the topic "Does aura affect a model that generates it if the model itself is buried?" 🙃 But thanks for your help. Like always. 👍
  10. It says Models within range must pass a TN12 Df duel. It is a normal duel, right? So if the Whiskey Gamin would use this Tactical Action on an enemy Whisky Gamin, the enemy Gamin would have pass a Duel with the TN12 and would use his Defence of 5 as fixed Stat. Is that correct?
  11. Ok. Thanks. I think I know what will be my next crew. 🙃🚀👢
  12. I was looking through the Stat cards of some Models and found the diving charge ability from von Schill. It says, when doing a charge: "...it ignores terrain while moving...". If I get it right, models with this ability can move through impassable terrain and dont suffer from hazardous Terrain. Right? I just wonder why this models would be able to ignore buildings. Do they have jumppacks? Do they beam somehow like in startrek.
  13. The manual says at P.23 under Demage reduction paragraph 2: "Reduction may not decrease the total damage amount below 1 unless otherwise stated..." Until today I thought Armor do decrease the Damage to zero if it is high enough. The reason for that is the wording "reduce all damage...". But now I saw the the Incorperal ability which uses the same wording but it says also "...to a minimum of 0". Now I assume that armor don't decrease the damage to zero. Am I right?
  14. The text says Vanessa gets a bonus of +2 for her "non- actions." If I get it right, the bonus only applys for all of her actions which aren't Meele. But it dont apply for duels where other Models attack her and she has to defend her. Did I get this right?
  15. On Page 9 (right side; paragraph 1; Sentence 2) it says: A Player cannot cheat fate if they flipped the Black Joker. So if I get this right, both Players can't cheat fate if any ofg them flipped the Black Joker. Did I get this right? It sounds a bit hefty to punish both players. Maybe my english is just to bad and I got this wrong. Please help me.
  16. What is Taelor holding in her left hand? Is it some kind of storm lantern?
  17. Are you asking because, there is written "Outside" in the Text?
  18. The model which is pushed must end its move in engagment range. So if it has an attack which has 1" range it needs to be in 1" at the end of this Push. P.26/engagment paragraph 1: "Every model has an engagement range based on the range of its longest y Action. If an enemy model is within a friendly model’s engagement range and the friendly model has LoS to the enemy model, the friendly model is considered to be engaging the enemy model..." Thats my point of view. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. Yeah, I found after Adran told me. I thought the upgrade card itself is called Pilot. But thank you. Very kind of you.👍🙃
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