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Posts posted by Gheist

  1. On 10/7/2021 at 11:06 AM, RisingPhoenix said:

    Yup, I think it's most likely a "gotcha" build (something that works once or twice, but fades in effectiveness as the opponent learns how to counter it) but I dunno.  That's a LOT of damage.  And you can use Guilty as Charged to power it up... hmmm.  It's a LOT of damage.  And hey, just making them not take a bubble crew when they want to can be a win in and of itself for a very killy strategy.   I really gotta play test him like a lot a lot, the potential is there but I don't know how easy it is to counter it. 

    If nothing else it's nice that Sandeep can't just erase Jack Daw from existence casually.  I still don't think I'd ever pick him into Arcanists, but at least now it's a consideration rather than having your opponent laugh heartily and remove Daw from the table without even using flips.  6 Health Daw had some glaring weaknesses that made him unpickable against entire factions, and now I could with good conscience recommend the crew to a player knowing they can have a real game against most factions using this. 

    I think you can pick him into arcanists way better the the old Jack. And Arcanists struggle with some of the tormented models like Hanged and Monty in my opinion

    My expression from first play was that having the new daw on the table is making your opponent move his Models in an awkward way because he has to consider the upgrade and the draw them in ability. which gives you free roam on lure/pull&drag etc. I played vs armor 2 spam so no obviously not much to be done dmg wise, but you can screw heavily  with their positioning.

    And I must confess: August Hart is just way better than i gave him credit for. Sure he gets torn apart turn 1 but: if your opponent has no other problems to attack him then you are playing the rest of the crew wrong i guess. And his kit is suited to inconvenience you opponont further. I say it's a winner, but have to get more games in to confirm.


  2. I think it has gotten better this GG2 because the major motivation to only take 5 models + insignificant totem is gone due to the strategies changing.

    I think the mercenary in particular is outdated, some models would need some minor love. Like compare mercenary to hopeful prospect (because the gun is the same apart from the stat.)

    It does not figure.

    I personally think the merc just needs a bonus action (like e.g. chain gang maybe) in exchange for rapid fire, which reads to me as ditch one card to maybe do 1 dmg. On the other hand i guess nobody really has played them much because i would be interested how often moderate damage would come up if you just position two mercs and keep shooting. Anybody ever done that before complaining? i didn't :(

    Best play my desperate mercenary had was when vanessa went next to the leyline marker and shot him in the face so he died and passed the marker 11,8 inches over to her winning me the game

  3. On 10/1/2021 at 3:18 PM, admiralvorkraft said:

    The rule of thumb in 2e was that damage was nice but movement won games. I think that's less true in 3e but being able to pick your battles is still super helpful.

    I hate the all-in approach Daw1 favors and 2 plays the skirmishing/isolation game better so I'll probably always run him. Good to have different styles I guess.

    I think it's still true in M3E.

    but it think the threat of dmg is a big factor in where pieces move. I struggle with the new upgrade because alot of the newer models plain ignore hazardous.

    oherwise it' great.

    Gonna play him on record saturday, so i guess i'll hold my judgement till then :)

  4. On 9/6/2021 at 8:42 AM, Erik1978 said:

    I speak somewhat German. It's a nice table! Too many tables have an open killing ground in the middle, flanked by some symmetrical terrain hugging the sides of the table. :D

    Could do with some of the concealing terrain being areas where you can walk in but apart from that very nice.

    I also like the stats and the way you film. Your strat markers seem incomplete? I printed the same ones for idols. :)

    Hi There :D Whats Incomplete about those markers? i did not Print them, but i can have a word with a guy who did, letting me down that way :D

    by the way: moved the Thread here:

    also: there is an ENGLISH VERSION of every Battle Report we have done available, you can find the Playlist on the Youtube Channel, watch it, it's such a lot of work ;)



  5. The Dredge is in the no attack zone though :D. So if anybody disengages from him/her, they just push off because he/she can't attack

    so unless you get more Models around the roughly 3" Circle, only Corvis/Winston/anyone outside the box can hinder them. 

    So if you push more enemy models in you need to have more models around the marker yourself.

    I think it's more for shoving a scheme marker on to two enemy model with expert control and then summoning a drudge and lock the marker, that way they have to waste ap repositioning. But maybe someone has better ideas still.

    So you wanna go with the Goon squad trigger from the drudge, which is when your opponent shoots the drudge off the marker, and i don't know if i think it's worth all the trouble.

    I'm still too hyped on standard Anya, i love the mobility and scheming capability of the crew, you can brawl and then quickly disperse and scheme if it looks like a losing battle. I think Winston Finnigan is one of the best models i currently own painted, it's so annoying and soo much fun...

  6. 4 hours ago, solkan said:

    It doesn't matter whether the damage kills the curator.

    If McMourning performs the Twisted Genius actions and you select a physical corpse marker, a mindless zombie and a curator to fulfill the requirements, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle goes off twice--once for the "real" corpse marker, and once for the mindless zombie (you counted it as a corpse marker, you probably end up dropping a corpse marker because mindless zombie was killed, if you go with option two of McMourning's ability.  Although I wouldn't be surprised if there's a marker recycling FAQ to unify this effect and the Wandering River Style effect, allowing the zombie to survive the ordeal...).  

    Whether the two damage kills the curator or not, that two damage satisfies McMourning's requirement and doesn't set off Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  That's what "If you would do X, do Y instead" causes--You do Y instead of doing X.  That satisfies the rule that told you to do X, even though you actually did Y.

    Yeah i was with you so far :D Sounds super daft but well the complaints are mounting up quickly wherever one looks

    4 hours ago, solkan said:

    (The Corpse Curator's just "Construct" so you'd end up with a scrap marker if the damage killed it, anyway...)

    My question was in general: If he is killed (by any damage) he gets removed, so would trigger Reduce reuse recycle.

    Because Construct or not he is still treated as a corspse marker

  7. 11 hours ago, solkan said:

    Using that ability, you take an action that requires you to remove a marker, and when you do so instead of removing the marker you inflict 2 irreducible damage.  As a result, no effect that responds to a corpse marker (or any other marker, for that matter) being removed is triggered. 

    Allright, if everybody else agrees on this.

    Compare to the Walking Dead ability on Mindless Zombies for an ability where you do remove the corpse marker (and in response the model's ability kills the model to tie up administrative ends).  As a result, effects that respond to the removal of a corpse marker (or any other marker) are triggered.

    So if the curator dies in any way, that's a legit Corpse removal?

  8. 1 hour ago, belorey said:

    Yeah i tought the same, with a 3:tome you can give Focus +1 to everybody, even McCabe, and then concentrate with him.

    Yeah but i misread

    1 hour ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Splain please?

    The bonus has to be one listed on an Upgrade? Not Treasure Trove?

    Am I missing something? I can be quite dumb.

    you can only give focus to the model that gained the upgrade that way. I misread the trigger *shame*

    Well there goes another wet dream...


    But you can stack it like you can have 2 models that gained an upgade that way in round 2 and so forth... but i don't know if it's worth the effort

  9. 4 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    Thought of one combo. 

    Nurses have Tools for the Job. If you've got a mask to throw away, she can have Rouge Necromancy's attack with a guaranteed mask for Pouncing Strike. If you got her the flurry upgrade she's potentially making 6 savage bites a turn. Lol

    How long did you think about that one?


    3 hours ago, Mello_77 said:

    I'm not sure if this works, but I think canine remains has an interesting interaction with the Curator.

    Carrion Away removes a corpse marker and then drops one at end of activation.  Corpse Curator counts as a marker but is not removed.  Re-use on McMourning would drop the "removed" corpse marker within 2".

    So 1 from Carrion Away, 1 from Re-use, and 1 being the Curator means you can sommon a Construct turn 1 for a bonus action?

    I am not sure about the wording, it's "if it would be removed this way, it instead suffers 2 irreducible damage" So it is not really removed? But this bites it's tail with "can treat this model as a scrap or corpse marker"   ...  guess i would allow it unless someone could point out why this wouldn't or shouldn't work


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