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Posts posted by Plaag

  1. On 3/22/2022 at 10:09 PM, Regelridderen said:

    Colette plays fine without the duet. Indeed the thing quickly becomes a liability vs WP attacks, in particular vs Obey crews. Not to mention how Armor +2 is wasted vs Black Blood pings.

    And sure the Saboteur is “useless” - except he worked fine as a cheap magical training carrier and for removing scheme markers. 

    duet is the main model in Colette crew-just use him wisely

    and saboteur is useless-he dies too fast and do nothing

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Regelridderen said:

    Yea, I put the crews up in the guild thread - the arcanist forum seems completely dead.. and yea, the Pale Rider is completely off his rockers.


    Nellie & The Press



    Undercover Reporter

    False Witness

    Pale Rider

    Guild Steward

    and 4 Stones 




    Colette and her Doves



    Envy w. Diesel Engine

    Mech Rider

    Saboteur w. magical Training.

    and 7 stones.


    colette cannt play without duet, also saboteur is useless

  3. On 3/16/2022 at 12:52 AM, Regelridderen said:

    This was probably my hardest Colette match so far. Nellie is a nasty counter to many of her strengths.

    Still, Presto-chango is such a versatile action, both in moving your models into position and getting your opponent out of his. While I never stop being impressed with the two fire breathers.

    The saboteur was a little experiment. He didn’t do much, but he was still a decent carrier of magical training, and he blow up 4 or 5 scheme markers throughout the game, so there was plenty for him to do.

    Envy proved a great tool for Vendetta. Able to reliably deal 6 damage at a distance on a 7 stone model allows for plenty of targets. If only my opponent hadn’t has irreducible damage the armor and stones would have kept him safe. Also the ability to strip conditions for damage is great.

    u should add crews to description

    also nelly crew is not hard for colette at all-the same tricks, but colette makes all better

    the main problem is pale rider-he needs a nerf with his irr dmg

  4. On 2/20/2022 at 6:22 PM, Mycellanious said:

    Personally, I think the Neil Henry changes were a bit of a nerf. He had an in-Keyword niche as an independent model, since he was one of the few that could act independent of Scrap Markers if he needed to, and he was great at that niche

    Now, he has a different niche, but he's not nearly as good at that niche as he used to be, and he has become confused. He's a clunky, frontline, grind unit, but he still dies really easily so he still cant survive on the frontlines. Bulldoze is a great ability, no question, but this model is now *slow* so I don't know if he will ever be able to use it effectively. Meanwhile, a Walk-Bulldoze just ends your activation, it doesn't synergize with either Flurry or Nail Down. His new bonus action is swell, but I don't see it being particularly impactful. A 2" push is ok, but if the enemy has moved your model you are going to be more than 2" away from a scrap marker, and if you moved your model out of range, then you just mispositioned them and wouldn't need to rely on the bonus if you had positioned better. In addition to this, it is a TN SEVEN. This ability will hardly ever go off in Foundry, because they are already overloaded with Discards and Target Numbers while having literally 0 access to card draw. Am I going to save my 7 for Mei's Impromptu Invention, or a 2" Push? Am I going to spend a 10 on this 2" push? Hell naw. Plus, Bulldoze requires a 6, meaning this already card hungry model now wants *even more* cards. 

    This isn't a buff to Neil Henry, this is just a whole new model. If he had gotten a new sculpt and a name, this model could have happily coexisted in the same keyword as Neil Henry. 

    I can't figure out when you would want to hire this model? "When the enemy drops Markers" is the obvious answer, though I am not convinced he'd be useful even then. What I mean is in what crew would you consider hiring this model? I don't want to hire him in Mei 1 because he doesnt get support, doesn't provide support, and takes away precious cards from Mei. And if I am choosing to save an 8 for Neil or an 8 for Freight Train, it is no contest who gets the card. I don't want to hire him in Mei 2, because she can only give 1 thing Fast a turn. Neil doesn't get very much use out of Fast, since Bulldoze is Once per Turn. He'd be using Fast to Walk or Attack. Why would I ever give him Fast instead of the Golem (which is a Min 3 Beater) or Kang (which is a Min 4 beater)?

    Before I thought Neil was a solid take into both Titles. In Mei 1, he acted like a mini-Mei which provided a second threat and could go buddy cop with her (since they both could have Railwalked twice, then gotten 2 attacks). In Mei 2, the free Shielded meant he could use Reckless without burning himself down, which was huge. Now? I don't see a place for him with either Title, which makes me sad because he was one of my favorite models. I think Neil need to lose Get to Work, and gain Reckless back. I think just changing Whirling Hammer for Bulldoze would have been enough to make him a great model with a solid niche of Walk-Bulldoze-Attack-Attack. Right now, my first impression is that changing Reckless for Get to Work is a significant nerf to the model that I don't personally feel was warranted.


  5. On 2/19/2022 at 10:44 AM, Zebo said:

    Not sure if joking. 

    Moleman, Queller and Drachen needed buff, because they were really bad. Quite worse than Bishop or Yasunori indeed. 


    Maybe Barbaros didn't need the buff, and Desperate Mercenary or Outcast Upgrades (specially Soldier for Hire, although still think the only useful upgrade there is Servant of Dark Powers) were in deeper need of some love. I can only speak about Outcast because is the faction I know the most, but I'm tired of facing Marcus and, while I agree on his crew not needing any buff, Moleman were pretty bad. Also Cerberus should have been nerfed. 

    moleman is in keyword where almost all models are top, the same for trooper, also they were not bad-just average model in top keywords

    queller was good in sonnia-just high competition between models in/out keyword to hire him

    he was also good in title

  6. bad errarta mostly-they buffed many models that dont need it like moleman, queller and schill minion, while models that really need a buff, f.e. saboteur, bishop, yasunori etc., stayed the same

    and they didnt nerf tara2, kirai 2, lj2, yannik with schill and other op things

    poison/burn dmg is fine, it needed to be done, game have too many dmg with no resist

    main arc buff is cassandra now

    rasputina becomes little better, will see how many she will play

    nail was good model with no changes, dont know why they make it

    moleman is a buff, that marcus crew totally dont need


    • Haha 1
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  7. On 1/5/2022 at 6:34 PM, Jordon said:

    I'm looking through the various healers per keyword to try and understand why Silent One is so often taken over them. 

    Chimera: Myranda

    Her healing is restricted to beasts, otherwise I think you'd be seeing her way more often OOK. While I do think Myranda is a good healer, she also has many other roles so I could see why someone would look OOK for additional healing. There is also the very minor synergy with the hoarcats, who can make use of the ice pillars. 

    Performer: Mannequin

    A good cheap spammable model but the healing itself is quite limited. Requiring to be within 2" and living. So Colette has some non-living options like the Coryphee/Duet who is always taken but cannot benefit from the mannequins heal. Given how fast the crew is I could see why the Mannequins, even taken in multiples, might not be able to keep up. Personally I don't use the Mannequins as dedicated healers anyway but I could see how someone would look OOK for a dedicated healer. 

    Academic/Elemental: Ox Mage

    I do like their mantra and see it as their only redeemable ability. However it doesn't work on academics and the rest of their card is pretty bad. I've stopped hiring them all together and thus I'm without any sort of healing. If I did want dedicated healing I would definitely look OOK and the Silent One does look like the only viable option. 

    M&SU: Mouse

    Mouse can be a decently competent healer but he suffers many of the same problems as the Mannequin, but is even more fragile. The Steamfitters can also heal technically but constructs only. For me, M&SU is such a synergistic crew that hiring OOK is tough. I'd probably just rely on Mouse since most things are bunching up anyway. I also feel like the Medical Automoton might be a better fit than a Silent One here. 

    Foundry: Sparks? 

    Yeah not really many options here. There are lots of constructs so Sparks is an option but honestly it's probably not the reason you're taking him. Given the crews ability to spread out, I can totally see why a Silent One could be beneficial with her long range healing. 

    Augmented: Steamfitter/Medical Automoton 

    I don't have as much experience with this crew but I feel like the in keyword options are good enough. Steamfitters have the holy union of minion and living, which makes them magical training worthy. Also the crew bubbles up so I don't think range is as necessary here. Maybe competitive folks may differ but I don't really see myself needing to hire Silent Ones here. 

    Wildfire: Firebranded

    Personally I don't mind firebranded as healers. They can heal as a free action, which is good action economy. However it also means they can only do it once. It also requires additional resources which is an added complication. The range is pretty short, which also adds to the awkwardness. I do see their healing as a secondary role but when comparing it to the silent one, I can see how it has additional hoops to jump through. The Silent One is basically a safer more reliable version of the Firebranded who can apply her heal multiple times, whenever and wherever they need it. 


    So when looking it seems like every keyword has some kind of option available, but in nearly all cases, has some additional restrictions that leave them unfavourably comparable to the Silent One, or locked to their specific keyword. The Silent One is the only model who can heal whatever they want and at a superior range to any other healer.

    So in my opinion they seem like the odd woman out. Everything else has keyword/resource/range restrictions and as long as the Silent One doesn't, she's going to be just vastly better. However I do think think there are certain in-keyword healers that simply aren't doing enough. Firebranded and Ox Mages having similar battlefield roles, but being far less reliable as two of the standout examples.

    myranda-many times is taken ook-she is more useful as versatile schemerunner/dd

    manequen-too fragile, heals only living, cannt gain training

    ox mage-have 2/3 abilities from traininig, heals passive, while model takes concentrate, so u spend action of useful model, not special healer action

    mouse-too fragile, he is good healer, but can be killed with most models in game focused atack

    foundry have totem, sparcs, they are really good, and most of times u take healing in keyword here

    firebranded plays only with title kaeris while she has this unbalanced unresisted dmg with no cap, also firebranded are fragile and have some restrictions on healing

    augmented have totem, master, toolkit, u dont need steamfitter and automaton here, maybe like specific pick(automaton end condition)

    the problem is that u always want healing in keyword and 7 cards with mt and only one model for this role is silent one

    while mt was not only living only-i taked it with automaton some times

  8. On 1/4/2022 at 2:51 AM, Jordon said:

    For me, it's less about OOK hate. I will admit I'm big on theme so there are certain things I just won't bring regardless of viability. To me, the issue is more with OOK dominance. Silent One's are seen everywhere. As is Mad Dog in Outcasts, as are Archivist in Explorers. Seems like every faction has their own version and I don't believe it's the intention to have single models taken so universally. 

    I totally get why, but I feel like the game is much more interesting when there aren't as obvious of options. It's likely a subtle combination of toning down and buffing up as pointed to above. 

    compare to mad dog and archivist-silent one only heals, not kill half of enemy crew like those ones

  9. 11 hours ago, Jordon said:

    Many may disagree but I think these ladies might need some adjusting. I see them taken OOK all the time, usually in place of other in-keyword healing options. It hurts my brain to see them constantly taken with Kaeris over Firebranded. It used to be the soul stone miner that was the the "always" pick but now I feel Silent Ones are taking over. 

    So for me it comes down to whether they're too good all around or whether they are fine in keyword and maybe just need some restrictions to keep them a little more keyword focused. While I don't claim to be a competitive gamer, I can understand why they seem so attractive. 

    Unlike Raspy who relies on her triggers, the Silent Ones don't really see the same restrictive grip with Ice Mirror. They can sit back, plop down pillars and support the entire crew from relative safety. Healing is universally valuable and the pillars themselves can be handy in slowing down the opposing crew. 

    While I do think they are the MVP for Raspy, they don't seem over the top in December crew. That might be because the December keyword struggles so much, however. Raspy2 can summon them which is obviously great and doesn't help when trying to factor in balance. It's probably too early to really know their place in Raspy2 crews. 

    So until Raspy1 gets some kind of help I'd be hesitant to call for any kind of nerf to the Silent One. What might help, however, would be to tie their healing to December models. That way Raspy crews are more or less in tact, but maybe other crews might have to think harder about their inclusion OOK. 

    I imagine others will have strong opinions on a change like this but I'm interested in hearing other peoples thoughts. Are Silent Ones too good? Are you seeing them taken OOK often? 

    they are just good healers in arcanists and not each keyword have this

    firebranded need some restrictions -low range and burn condition, they can die easy

    manequens are just not good for support, cannt heal any model, duet can heal very well, but nobody can heal him

    sandeep and tony have no so good healing in keyword

    also silent one is the safest minion in arcanists to give mt

    she is not op-just very good and safe model

  10. 1 hour ago, Yore Huckleberry said:

    Offhand, Master-gated tech includes:

    Colette 1/2: unlocks Dorian Crowe
    Hoffman 2: the mirror has bulldoze
    Kaeris 1: Burn it all trigger

    I'm not sure there's tech in Arcanists that isn't master-gated. I'll add it.

    no such tech

    also kaeris have great restriction

  11. 10 hours ago, Yore Huckleberry said:

    So, I played Hoffman: Inventor in 2 out of 3 rounds of a tournament yesterday (the Schemes and Stones/Steampowered Scoundrels meta). I spent some time trying to be objective about how powerful the Pylon markers are -- specifically, how much power comes from them being impassable and not destructible (which is a common suggestion for "nerfing" the new master).

    My first game was flank corrupted Ley Lines with a building in the center of the map. I won attacker, and the building was a rectangle with three doors, so I gave my opponent the blank-wall side (concealing windows to shoot in/out), and I used one of my pylon markers to block off his nearest door. As a result, he had limited access to that scoring point. My opponent was a Bayou player.

    So: how "broken" was this?

    My Tournament Rounds

    First: the blank wall and his deployment zone

    • This was determined by the randomized round one attacker/defender flip; 100% of masters in the game could have done that to him.
    • He knew his deployment at that point, so if he had a faction with flight, incorporeal, or terrain-ignoring movement (Emissary in Bayou), he could have had access to that center marker even if the Hoffman I declared turned out to be Inventor and I placed one or more Pylons in his way.

    Second: Scoring Impact.

    • Explicitly: he scored three of four corrupted ley lines markers. The fourth was as much prevented by Hoffman's damage output as it was by his inability to access the central building (which he DID enter with a lodestone model on turn 3 before I was able to kill it). So I made things challenging, but the building itself gave me as big a chance to set up for a controlled center encounter as any pylon shenaniganery.
    • Extrapolating: obviously, we don't know what he couldn't score because of the extra AP sunk into walking around, or the exposure he had to take on the opposite flank to prevent me from just setting up camp in the building. Again, I'd suggest that the terrain here was a bigger factor than the pylons.

    Third: access to marker movement/removal/bypassing. Moving to slightly more general observations.
    Factions are not equally balanced here, though Malifaux Burns introduced a TON of new marker removal options (many master-gated). A quick (non-exhaustive) analysis of marker removal tech-picking ease:

    • Explorer's Society: Treasure Map upgrade for 2 stones gives any model a bonus action to remove a target marker. Powerful and versatile tech, good for anti-scheming. In my round 3 game I faced 2 of these and ended the game with only 1 pylon marker standing.
    • Guild: Guild Mage is a 7-stone versatile with a bonus that requires a discard to remove a marker (triggering a 1/2/3 heal based on w/m/s). Good tech in a faction mirror against Inventor. Watchers for oblique play.
    • Ten Thunders: Lotus Eaters get a free 3" push towards a marker w/in 3 at the end of their activation, removing it to heal 2. I expect to see these taken ook vs Hoffman, though you lose some value if you get baited by it into Hoffman 1. Thunders also has flying models for oblique play.
    • Bayou: Gluttony, Wrastlers, Mancha Roja: the wrestlers need to be close, but get to swing the pylon at an enemy for fun and profit. Gluttony has a 10" willpower cast that could conceivably pop more than one marker at a time, reposition an enemy, and deal damage all at once.
    • Neverborn: the somewhat expensive (7+1) Dorian Crowe has a decent WP attack to move a target (including a friendly) and remove a marker it ends in contact with. Also incorporeal and Don't Mind Me, this probably ranks NB above Bayou for the value you'll get out of the model you're teching in. Neverborn oblique play might involve flight, depending on how things are getting blocked.
    • Ressers: tech is a bit harder here. Corpse Curator is your cheapest option with Drag Behind to move a marker. Molly 1 and McMourning 2 are master-gated options. (The best resser defense is obviously that they're just going to be playing against Lady J instead anyway, amirite?). Ressers oblique play probably involves incorporeal or flight.
    • Outcasts: Scavengers have a non-suited trigger, otherwise you have Mastergated Von Schill 2 (bulldoze), Zipp (can bring wrastlers/Mancha), or Parker (can bring Bayou Smuggler for Drag Behind to move, not remove). Outcasts oblique play probably involves bringing one or more incorporeal model, depending on what you're worried about pylons doing.

    So, there are niche cases (Outcasts into Guild for Symbols of Authority with a lot of terrain that can block access may feel a need to declare Von Schill, who is generally good into that strat and can all-comers the current scheme set) where a combination of strat/board/faction might force a narrow choice, but there is no faction that is fully shut-out of dealing even with the hardest set of conditions of Hoffman pylon positioning and strat setup.

    Fourth: my round three game

    • In round 3, my opponent was Explorers, the board was cluttered, and research mission (and death beds) was in the pool. Honestly, I should probably have just audible'd into Hoffman 1, but I wanted to try the new title. Suffice to say, with reference to the above, my pylons were more hindrance than help this game (Eva even lock-down'd one to stop Hoffman from taking actions until I moved very precisely away), and I ended the game with only one on the board.
    • In the game I did with Brien on Schemes and Stones, Inventor vs Ironheart, a pylon in my own way stopped me from scoring research mission with a model. I had "cleverly" placed it to block Arik coming to punch me, and then the next round I realized I couldn't get out. So again, help turned to hindrance, and the placement of these things (pre-game and during) adds decision points where the Hoffman player can make a mistake, especially since they start on his own side.

    The Master's Workshop?

    One thing to consider is that the non-destructible-traited markers give Hoffman: Inventor a really unique mechanic. It helps define how he affects the board, and starts on his half, taking some work to get to the other half. Balancing that unique play strength against the capacity for counterplay from the opponent is a legitimate critical question, but it doesn't automatically swing to a nerf just because his strength makes it hard to play against him.

    Similarly, there's a question around how the crew design works and the need for access to power tokens. If the four pylons were destructible, rendering them vulnerable to any general AP, or a broadened variety of tech from different factions, the crew's ability to play in Hoffman 2 is weakened, and the push towards versatiles and away from keyword models is strengthened. One potential balance could be to add to the number of starting markers (e.g., 6 instead of 4) -- but then removing them all would tax the opposing AP more significantly.

    The Competitive vs Casual Question

    One complaint I've heard is that an experienced player could really stomp a noob with Hoffman 2, since newer players don't have the full factions to tech, or might not know to tech in the matchup. I don't take this super seriously, though, because 1) an experienced 'Faux player can always stomp a noob and 2) if experienced players aren't already following Wheaton's Law when introducing people to the game, we've got a prior problem in the chain of events.

    On the other end: I think each faction should have one or more masters that really require thoughtful counterpicking. Part of the joy of this game for many of us is getting a really elegant balance in the core-crew/scoring/counterteching builds we apply on the fly at a given tournament when we sit down and look at terrain, faction, and opponent, and some of those questions should be harder than others to keep a productive tension with netdecking and steady-crew'ing.




    Hoffman's pylon positioning is strong. It's a real threat and needs to be respected. In high end play, it will create problems that are really difficult for some factions to solve, especially if terrain lines up properly. I'm not sure I spent longer brain-breaking on this than I did on, say, handling Nekima 1 after Andre's LVO win last year, but it's a real puzzle for players to solve for their own playstyle and faction.

    Should it be immediately nerfed? I don't think so. The above can be a starting guide to managing Hoffman: Inventor for anyone who hasn't started brainstorming about it yet for their own matchups. But let's give this some time and see what comes out of our, shall we say, workshop.

    outcasts have many techs to ignore pilons(tara with incorp+places, shill with leap and diving charge, zipp with flight, jack with incorp, aid with leveticus), also scavangers have built in marker removal

    and goblins could take pigapult to place where they needed+flight zipp+diving charge mah and some other techs+emissary

    but if we are talking abt symbol blocking-yes, pilons are npe, maybe wyrd will solve this problem in errata

    i would rate goblins, outcasts, es as best to remove non-destractible markers; guild,tt, ressers, arc, nevers make it too much harder

  12. 9 hours ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    Ah.  Well until this great era of nerfing begins where we nerf all of Malifaux to make Taelor good, I think I'm going to keep running into opponents playing good models for 9 stones, and keep not wanting to play Taelor.  

    But one problem - if Taelor is going to be spending soulstones to become so great, what's wrong with comparing her to 10 and 11 stone hires?  You can't say it's unfair to compare her to Hooded Rider or Izamu on the one hand, and on the other say that you're going to be replacing her missing durability with 3+ stones.  If you're doing that she's costing the same as Hooded/Dead Rider and oh boy she's definitely not those models.  

    Effectively we're saying Taelor is a 12 stone hire, and wow she does not feel like a 12 stone hire, not even with an extra 6 wounds.  Or a flurry.  At that point we're getting into second master range of prices, and she just doesn't compare.  

    Overall, I'd rather have a model that could keep up with good models because it's a good model.  I certainly don't think she's an auto take for the Viks (frankly I'd rather spend 2 more stones to get Mad Dog or Arik or spend the same and get Talos or Sue).  I think she's about what she looks like - a 9 stone model that demands stones to live, and "isn't broken like the good 9 stone models" (as well as being effectively the same cost as a Hooded Rider - which I suppose is also broken). 

    Is Taelor is more expensive than the Valedictorian (also broken)?  To be as durable, she pretty much has to be.

    im just telling u abt taelor in competitive game-she is a good, balanced model

    u can say what u think, but it will not change that correct use of taelor in vics crew gives many opportunities and dmg


    • Agree 1
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  13. 1 hour ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    You know, you really seem incapable of responding without throwing shade.  Feels insecure.  

    One of the big problems with Taelor is that there isn't a lot of ways to 'use her wisely' because she's not a model with a lot of utility or where you make a lot of choices.  Her big choices are basically whether to use Bring It to pull something in towards you and then hit them, or use her 7" charge to run into them and hit them where they are.  It's usually pretty straightforward as to which you want.  

    Other than that, your choices are to stone for Relic Hammer triggers (none of which are amazing) and... oh no wait, that's it, everything else is automatic or a choice your opponent makes.  Usually when a beater is this straightforward and limited it's gonna get Flurry/Fast or some beneficial Aura, something.   I suppose we could say that all of those models are "broken", but I think when we are saying that the majority of nine stone beaters in the game are "broken" maybe we should just admit Taelor is kinda bad.  She's not even that durable (again compared to other 9 stone beaters).  

    I mean Francois LaCroix (flurry, stat 7 3/5/6, can hand out Adversary), Fuhatsu (it's Fuhatsu), Harata Ngaatoro (gives everyone in range strong abilities), Kudra (2/3/4 with built in Onslaught, poison), if you think Hinematsu, Archie, and War Pigs are all "broken".  

    Maybe, just maybe, maybe all those models aren't problems but the problem lies elsewhere.  In some other 9 stone model that just doesn't compare.  

    francois, hinamatsu, fuhatsu are all broken and need to be nerfed

    its not good to compare 9ss hanch with enforsers like harata/archie, because 1vs1 taelor just kill them easily or defend object she need

    i will repeat-for 9ss hanch taelor have very good combination of abilities/actions, im not saying u will hire her ook, but this is good for keyword-she is auto pick in victorias crew

    best model in vics crew-is 10ss in your pool to save your masters/hanchmens; most common i take 6ss in pool in vics crew, but many upgrades

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  14. 1 hour ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    Well I'm glad you hire him every game.  I'm not sure that a requirement to be a "good" outcast player is to hire Mad Dog every game, nor is he out of line with what other 10 stone beaters bring to the table.   Certainly most of them get 3 actions in one way or another.  He is better than Taelor though, but that's a long subset of "pretty much everything."  

    But the Fast is hardly free - unless you want him to play very close to your own models you're basically required to take the Hodgepodge Emissary, and that's 21 stones worth of hire.  That's... a lot.  More than hiring Parker as a second master, certainly.  

    ofcourse u would not hire emissary in outcasts-such a rare model in crew

    and ofcourse u would not hire 1-2 scavengers, because they are too expansive....

  15. 1 hour ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    We have very different definitions of "great".

    At best she rises to the level of "passable."  Hannah, Arik, Mad Dog, Alyce, Montressor, that's her direct compares and oh boy she's easily the worst of them.  

    hannah/arik/mad dog cost 10

    while rusty is not very good model-lack of mobility/ignoring cover, ff, concealment

    and monty is super good at jack only

    comparing to alice-taelor is very mobile, have 2"melee, great stat/triggers

    try to use her wisely

    • Agree 1
  16. 1 hour ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    The mysterious answer you're all running around is "something".  Taelor is missing something.  It's a thing other 9 and 10 stone models get.  She's a 3/4/6 beater, but other 9 and 10 soulstone models get:

    Archie: Flurry, for 3 attacks.  

    Hayridden: Min 5 when you absolutely need to kill something, friendly healing, summoning.

    War Pig: Fast, 4 fanastic triggers (one of each suit).  

    Hinamatsu: Onslaught, on a henchman (so can stone for it), flurry, potentially all the attacks.

    Manos: Lantern of Souls, Reliquary for Lantern

    Frankly she just needs the something in there.  No not more random text that might do something, something solid.  Like Flurry, or giving models adversary, or Reckless.  


    taelor is great model for 9ss, while hinamatsu is just broken, haeredin is solid for what he is doing, war pig is a minion, carl! and cost 10, manos is normal model like taelor

    one thing i dont like on her card-ability to place and make atack to summoned model

    it must be reworked somehow, because models could be summoned outside of aura/discard a card and than try to atack is resourse spending/u dont want always place where model was summoned

    i would say-maybe they make it "when model is summoned in 6", this model can make atack ignoring range, summoned model is treated as relenting this atack"

    • Agree 1
  17. 1 hour ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    Take Mad Dog OOK if you want to kill 1-2 armor pieces.  He's not OP, but Outcasts don't have too many answers to armor and he's one of the only ones.  Arik and Ronin are others, but I wouldn't declare Viks into Hoffman just for Ronin.  Arik+Mad Dog can be good dive buddies for killing armor.   

    For Hoffman in particular, if you know it's Hoffman, then Leveticus or Hamlin can be a great declare.  Leveticus brings irreducible damage, can take Mad Dog easily, and also brings ping damage (Entropy).  Even if they try to throw a 'can't ignore my armor' beater at you, Leveticus can reliably land 4/5/6 damage melee attacks, which will kill even Armor 2 models very quickly (especially since many of them don't have high wounds).  

    Hamlin is different, but basically you can roll your bubble into his bubble.  His models get bogged down by rats, he doesn't have tons of AOE damage, you can lure specific models out of his bubble, and once blight stacks high enough you can just evaporate models, armor or no armor.  It's not that analyze weakness is particularly good counter to Hoffman especially since it doesn't work on things he's buffed, it's that once you stack Blight 5-7 on a model it's taking half its health from Bleeding Disease whether you knock 2 off that or not, it's dead.  

    Friekorps into Hoffman is trying to basically out-Hoffman Hoffman, but it can work. It's a safe declare, especially against Guild.  

    P.S.  Mad Dog versatile is basically good for Friekorps (because he's a 3/4/5 stat 6 gun for Pull!) and to deal with armor.  You'd never take him in vs. Ressers, it's just that throwing armor models at us is very popular and people like declaring Hoffman.  

    what are u talking abt-mad dog is op model that comes in each crew-u can take him against any opponent master

    i and other good outcasts just hire each game and he make work like a master-removes schemes, kill most enemy crew, removes terrain also ignore cover on it, just insane

    wyrd must remove his ability to take fast or built in trigger to ignore armor

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  18. On 11/15/2021 at 11:38 PM, Thunderkat said:

    Just starting up and leaning heavy into outcasts .

    What's I'd a good crew vs armor ? Say hoffman

    any crew just hire mad dog ook

    he is just so overpowered and goes in each crew

    and it is a big problem-hope wyrd will solve it in future erratas

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  19. 2 hours ago, AllistorPreist said:

    Keep in mind, I have only had a few games in the 3.0 world. No matter how hard I try and include them they are always just not quite what I need for the cost. Like if lure had a built in book or seduction was stat 6. I need to try them out more, but they feel just a little short of my other choices. 

    they are just useless

    look at rotten belle and u will see what dancer colette need))

    also resers can give gst with great bonus action, but in arcanists we have no bonuses on upgrades

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