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Everything posted by Moinetbeard

  1. And finally versatiles and random outcasts models that I'll potentially need for UK Nationals next month! A total 178 SS painted this month!
  2. Your painting is amazing dude. I follow you on Instagram and very much look up to you! These are average at best but the important thing is they are done 🤣
  3. So October has been a frantic month for me: crazy at work, trying to move house as well as realising I've bitten off way more than I can chew in order to get ready for UK Nationals in November. But I'm giving it a go. Here's a chunk of the amalgam keyword, enough for me to run a Leve 1 crew if I choose to do so. These were painted over the span of two evenings at the start of the month. I've also finished a slew of outcasts versatile and useful OOK models which I'll take some photos of in the next couple of days. I should have finished a chunk of the Obliteration keyword by the end of the month too.
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