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Everything posted by Warharan

  1. How many lucid dreamers do you 'field' initially? Chompy, 2 daydreams and 2 stitched at a guess? (perhaps 1 stitched and a madness?) All this before summoning of course.
  2. Unfortunately there is no Widow Weaver anywhere for sale. Not where I am looking anyway. 😕 But it certainly is on my wishlist. (if only for the actual models!)
  3. Another question; is there a rule of thumb (of sorts) for the number of 'lucid dreamers' in your crew? (and once again; thanks for all the very helpful insights and comments!)
  4. Thanks for all the input thus far. What are your thoughts on Coppelius? I hear Serena is all the rage but no one mentioned him despite his cute little tentacle face. Is he good/bad/situational? He seems decent in my experienced eyes. But I wonder if he is worth the 9 stones... Thoughts?
  5. These two are kept in the back in a cautious/safe manner presumably?
  6. Some related questions: With the Starter, Insomnia and Deep Sleep in hand and nothing else to pick from: Dreamer (ancient pact; cuz no black joker vulnerability seems good) +Chompy Serena Coppelius How to fill out the rest? How many models is preferred (needed) with 'lucid dreams' initially at setup? Are daydreams any good to begin with? (or would you rather summon these?) Any other tips/help/guide much appreciated. I am still trying to warp my mind to the (for me) new rule-set which is Malifaux and not much is obvious to me atm. (but hope to get there. eventually)
  7. So your recommended order is: 1- Daydreams and stitched 2- Serena + madness (play some games) 3-Widow Weaver 4-Teddy (play more games) 5- Carver Something like this?
  8. Hi everyone, Got me a dreamer starter set as a present. This needs painting and a few extra's to get to 50 ss. What would you recommend for a rather inexperienced Malifaux player who dives for his very first time into Neverborn with a dreamer crew? Which crew picks and why? Thanks a bunch in advance.
  9. Thus far in our (very small) local meta none of us take OOK models. Things might change once we get a good grasp of the rules. (and we are well on our way, playing every friday for just over a month now) And more importantly we get a good grasp of our crews/models. Note that we do use versatiles though.
  10. Thanks. I'll give that one a try and test it. This means no other upgrade is worth it? (generally speaking/ situational?) (loving the feedback btw. Makes the steep learning curve for a newb a bit more manageable )
  11. Given the models I own I think I'll use the following for a first game: 1st Reva Cortinas Crew (Resurrectionist) Size: 50 - Pool: 10 Reva Cortinas Corpse Candle Corpse Candle 2 Vincent St. Clair Wanyudo Restless Spirit Lampad Shieldbearer Shieldbearer 2 Any upgrades I should consider (or keep the full 10 stones?)
  12. I really, really think you should not bring this nonsense into a game. [edit; clarification; I respectfully disagree with you. There is nothing wrong with sexy females. And nothing with ripped shirtless male sculpts either.]
  13. Thus far I have a humble three (3!) games under my belt. Started out with Freikorps (waiting for Hannah and prospectors but the rest I got. Painted) but recently I could buy a painted Reva crew for a pretty good price. The following is on it's way to me: Reva+2 candles, Vincent, Wanyudo 3 shieldbearers Restless spirit 3 Lampads On top of the listed I went and bought the Dead Rider plus the Desiccated boxes. (also on it's way as I type) With these models in mind and the fact that I am still very, very much a beginner; What would you recommend me trying out as a first list with Reva? Any tips/guidelines/help for playing and/or crew building? Thanks a bunch in advance.
  14. Ideally somewhat of a "parry-strike" playstyle. In general terms; your opponent attacks, you evade (or parry, or soak) then counterstrike in the gap he (she) inevitably left in order to attack. I do like strong control elements too.
  15. Is there a place where a newb like me can have a look and find out what the playstyles of the different factions are? (and do not tell me to choose the models I like. I cannot afford all of them in one go) And yes; total newb. I never played Malifaux and am drawn in by the gorgeous models and setting. I do however have a lot of experience in wargaming. (currently I mostly play X-wing and ASOIAF but I played a *lot* more over the years) I am trying to narrow down which suits my playstyle best. Any/all help is much appreciated. thanks a bunch in advance.
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