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Posts posted by Maxooo

  1. 2 hours ago, LordZombie said:

    Any way we can get that model with the gremlin walking, too many contact points right now for a model that size. One foot on the ground should be right. 

    Ahhhahaha that's genius, only a Gremlin can get the joke :D

    2 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    Please Wyrd add another Gremlin underneath for support. That is a large model above a very small contact point that I am not looking forward to regluing every time it falls off.

    I understand you are worried, but to be fair from what i can see: i assume you can pin to the base through the knee and maybe even all the way into the empty belly. I might be wrong, its just what i guess from the render, at least that's what i already plan to do ;)

    It's my way of saying "we've seen way worse" ^^, it doesn't mean: let's make the same mistakes again, but I'm at a point ( kinda bulletproof fiddly feets wise now lol ) where I prefer they let their imagination and creativity go free and make nice artistic scuplts; if i wanted big chunky heroic scale and easy to build minis i would play only GW ^^ but that's my personal take i understand where you coming from for sure !!!


    ps: we haven't seen the 2nd Spit Hog scuplt yet, so maybe the other one is "safer" ;)

  2. ahahah yeah i'm fine with most of the stuff if they write a cool story about it, they all welcome on the ship :D

    I mean we already have a silurid as a First-mate that eats people in the crew when he feels like it, after that, well the door is open for everything :D 

    I usually love how the goofyness of Gremlins been handle so far, because it actually works, every crazy thing for human eyes is just a day to day thing in the bayou or on Zipp ship ;)

    • Agree 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Sol_Sorrowsong said:

    It doesn't make sense for him to join Bayou crews in my opinion

    I'm interested in that lore wise, i don't know anything story wise about the midnight stalker and Johan; if you have more input could you tell me a bit about both and why it would make more sense for Johan to join Zipp crew ?

    haven't read any Outcasts story so far

  4. 1 minute ago, Davie said:

    ultimately showboating might not be exclusive to infamous models

    Yeah that's the only real question there ^^ i just assumed it was because it is a really ZIpp thing to do, everyone can try to brag but only Zipp and his crew mastered it 😛


    • Haha 2
  5. Yeah i'm a bit sad too, for a more materialistic reason 😅 : i just bought the stalker and i'm a Bayou player, haven't tried Zipp in M3E yet but was exited to try it.

    I guess i can still play it by annoucing Outcast, i gotta check upgrades to see if it is worth it


    So that's alright at least i like the model so i will have fun painting it anyway, but i'm not sure how i feel about the showboating ability: i mean if the model is not part of zipp crew anymore it makes no sense to me that he keeps "showboating". Maybe a misprint.

    So either give him back Infamous keyword or take his showboating away if you want him to be a no keywords outcast versatile, and my argument is not about playability because i haven't tried the model yet but just consistency story and theme wise.

  6. 29 minutes ago, LordZombie said:

    Everyone else looks evil and edgy but chompy is all soft and goofy

    Yup ! exactly

    But I don't know if it's intentional, if it is  fair enough... lore might explain it or who knows once i see it painted by Angel Giraldez the scuplt might start to grow on me lol

    Having said that i think it is just a bad job on the render, because he doesn't look that goofy in the art. Always been amazed at how close Wyrd makes their actual minis look like their concept art. So i guess just one small mistake becomes so evident ^^

    No a big deal though, people can still use their old LCB if they already have one and the rest of the new scuplts seems really top notch! i like them

  7. I'm glad i'm not the only one thinking that : the Render of Chompy looks really really off ...

    In the art they all look cool and menacing and the minis are gonna be great,i really like the 3 alps and coppelius !! but that Chompy lost all his flavor during the 3D render, i couldn't explain why, maybe proportions, maybe his "cute" eyes that make him look like a sad puppy or maybe because the current scuplt was so amazing that it is too hard to top ^^

    So all in all, really great job but don't be mad at me neverborn players if i laugh at your new Chompy 🤣


    • Agree 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Davie said:

    to me, is supposed to be like... Snoop Dogg

    Ahhahah nice 😂🤣 , I agree :D  Brewmaster is never drunk, and for me is a mix of Snoop DOg and Santa ! ;) I love him in the Chugmugs story! if some of you haven't read it yet i really strongly encourage it ! it's in Wyrd Chronicles n°27 and it's free so gogogo !

    You get a clear feel of how Brewmaster feels about Gremlins and about booze in general ! 😁


    cannot be a Gremlin and not love the living legend that he is !

  9. 17 minutes ago, BornOnTheBayou said:

    You should probably consider the backdraft box



    welll he already bought it... it's one of the first thing he  said in his first message and been mentioned in others following, plus i'm not totaly aware of rules here about posting a shopping link .. well  ...



  10. Welcome to the Bayou :) you went straight away for the most respected Gremlin of all ;) ! : No need for a big Hat when you make the best booze of all Malifaux :)

    So yeah you pretty much set Brewmaster wise, whiskey golem and Backdraft box was a safe bet. You can also go Tanukis, akaname, and fermented river monks like they told you, don't know how good they will be in M3E but at least they "tri-chi"s .

    Then i was about to say : "nooooooooooooo don't buy Trixibelle !!" because she's a must have right now in pretty much all gremlins crew but there is no reason to be sure she will in M3E, but now that i think of it Jesy makes sense : I mean if you already love the bayou buying Trixibelle makes you buy the Mah master box and if you also buy Sparks he happens to be in Mah crew in M3E and the mecha porkchop is versatile.

    So... at this point you already have a second crew ready^^, you can add some survivors maybe to fit the theme and i think a Burt jebsen as versatile seems like a safe bet for M3E ( not sure but i assume ). 

    So yeah if you wanna try a Mah crew in M2E and have her ready for M3E go for trixie :D . if you only interested in Brewmaster so far or have eyes on another bayou master than Mah, don't go for it, go for what you like most ;)    it's up to you

    • Agree 1
  11. Hey, i get why you are not sure and hesitating on what master or faction to go for. This ain't easy, especially in the current state with M3E on its way.

    So first i agree with Gnomezilla: i guess  the best way so far to have an idea of the future playstyle of a master in M3E is on the website, not much is written and this can change but its better than nothing :)

    And like Adran said you should also give a look to https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2018/12/12/waldos-weekly-i-am-the-keyword-master

    It's important to see what other minis goes with the Master you like because M3E is gonna be way more thematic: so Keywords matter! Have also a look at the Versatile models of the faction they have an " * " next to their names.


    To be fair i personnaly chooses my masters and faction almost purely on looks and lore :) So if i like a scuplt and the story of the character i go for it mostly. Because i don't play often and have much fun with the hobby side of things . But it seems like you are planning to play quite of lot so i understand the struggle playstyle and rules wise ;)

    So considering it's hard to choose right now based on rules you can either wait for M3E to release or: go for the one Master with the best scuplts to your eyes, and when i say Master i aslo mean other minis with his keyword that aren't in his starting box and also checking versatile models of his faction.

    Then when M3E rules arrive, cross your finger that you like the playstyle, and if not : at least you didnt go too crazy with your wallet : just one master box and a couple models to go with and you had fun painting minis you like the best and are still free to go all in on another master or faction in M3E ;)

    So, my advice : go with you heart 😛 pick the one box that makes you feel the more exited about the game, enjoy painting your favorite scuplt and start playing some M2E with your friends. ( but keep some money for M3E 😛 )





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  12. yes, same here : i would love to have some news about it :)

    can we expect it to launch before M3E ?

    ps: the minis looks awesome! as a Gremlin/Bayou player i would love for some of them to be official alternates  ( example : rooster rider, war pig , and mc tavish for the fat grem riding the Gator :D ...)





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