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Posts posted by Assdex

  1. 6 hours ago, Da Git said:

    Not sure if it's come up, but a great little tech pick is the Shadow Effigy. For a 7, Remember the Mission gives:

    • potential 3" push (with a :mask)
    • an Interact (even if engaged) so generally a scheme marker
    • if targeting a Last Blossom, you get a shadow marker for generating an action out of activation

    Do this to an Archer, who drops the Shadow Marker in front of him for guaranteed concealment for Shadow Pin if he triggers it

    Combo that with a Wokou Raider who can then use that scheme marker to gain Fast.

    Why do people especially like Minako? Is it still for the summon or something else?

    What do people think of Jin? When would you run him?

    Minako summon its still nuts , katashiro great scheme runners. And very annoying midels for op.

    In new misaki u can obey enemy model to atack minako and garantee gain karmic upp.

    Minako deal irreducible dmg on model with up, so a lot of synergy. 

    About jin he is very powerful cuz 1st free pass.

    2 u can cycle him to unbury in minion and throw them into deployment.

    His melee also great to push armored model , and his shooting help misaki for bury ototo or help her obey/shoot

  2. 1 hour ago, Rakthen said:

    What would you all consider "core" with the new Misaki? I figure Ototo, either the sniper or archer, but thats about it. seems to leave a lot of room to build around the scheme pool.

    All about how u wanna play . 

    If play around obey u need good target like ototo or fufu mb archer.

    If u play around steal models u need ninja and some solid mêlée bitter.

    U can play trick around minako to garantee her app on enemy.

    If u afraid of hard minion play jin.

    Most of all i played around stealing model . Ototo + swordsman.

    U obey target , then place it and shoot . Target fly like move +8" and got 2/4/6 + stagger. Then u eat it 


  3. 2 hours ago, Eclipse said:

    So to summarize StaffLong, he is more of a control piece than a support piece now. The support is instead spread around via Style upgrades on friedly Monk models, giving them some flexibility in terms of what they can accomplish when they next activate. This also means that probably you should always keep a Style upgrade or two free at hand, to avoid being too predictable and to keep the opponent guessing.
    On first glance, Stafflong appears to be a short-range bubble support and tarpit model based on his ranges, but that is deceptive. He has a lot of board presence and reach through the combination of Shifting Form and Great Teacher; in fact, I would love to use the latter with a Samurai or two as it does -not- specify whether the Minions in that aura must be Monk or not. Years of Practice gives additional (fair!) board control and favors using it on Monks. Finally The River's Wrath adds more offensive control with potentially board-wide reach via it's novel Monk Pillars (TM) concept. The triggers on this action are both great and as a whole it really incentivizes the player to use some otherwise uninspiring Monk models.
    In terms of combat abilities, he is not that great unless you use an aggressive combat style with him. However, he is not meant to be a combat beast - his 2" range provides board control just like his other abilities and the Academic superiority aura can be a great counter to crews reliant on passing around upgrades (Jack Daw, McCabe, Von Schill, etc). I'm not sure yet how he would impact summoning upgrades, though, if at all.
    Overall, I like this new version. It allows him to capitalize on thematic models more while still keeping some level of independence from them, if necessary. Additionally, StaffLong is different in the sense that while he does not dial up key models to 11 or 12. He instead allows other models to shine more while avoiding the danger of putting all his eggs in one basket. He has power, but it is less domineering, more subtle. How much? I guess time will tell.

    As far as the Four Winds Golem is concerned, what are your thoughts? I can't really wrap my head around the model, but it definitely feels more like a model I would take in a Sandeep crew.

    Golem is great. Good bitter enough fast for scheme runner.

    New shen got a lot of problems ( my English not good so sorry for that).


    1st no more chi, monk can't concentrate more than once per activation , a lot of monk will be suffer from this. 

    So hard get more chi for healing, not enough chi for attack and def. 

    2 It go from 1st whole style ap need spent chi but u don't get enough of them.

    Like joke shen got builded time for inner peace , but can't call it more than once. 

    3 most of his models had good action already so they don't need need his style , mb some times but cost too much.

    4 u can't transfer upgrades like shen can with trigger. 

    And bonus 

    Peasant can got whole 4 ability from style but can use style from shen.

  4. 44 minutes ago, SEV said:

    I'm going to joint your sneaky manipulator lot for the time of a vassal league.

    I'm planning to play 3 masters : Shen Long, Youko and Lynch.  

    It's a casual league where stuff that died stay dead (can't be hire again).

    yes I will read the available tactical threads for the masters above, but any tips will be appreciated.

    Beside that I'm looking for general advice for the whole faction.

    Any neat tricks/ combo?

    Best scheme runners/beater/utility models (and do I need to hire them ook).

    What to do with your upgrade?


    Sensei + low river in any master good utility great heal . 

    Fufu for deal dmg almost in any crew and good with sensei.

    Desper for great scheme runner.

    Wheel+ effigy for ludestone combo.

    Warder/hucster tech picks .

    Minako auto pick in misaki

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 hours ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

    Wouldn’t that require 2 AP (Concentrate & Healing Energy) to only give Fuhatsu Focus+1? Mei can give both Fast and Focus+1 for 1 AP while also being able to guarantee the suit if needed. So from an efficiency standpoint, Mei is quite ahead imo.

    Mb those tech nothing new same stuff , made model fast and focus .

    I don't say that bad tech , i just wanna some new combo 

  6. 1 hour ago, belorey said:

    I really love new Mei Feng, looks very interesting to play and diferent from the original.

    Fuhatsu is gonna become a must in most games because you can Fast+Focus and with a Rail Worker you also Place him 8" from his original position. So Fuhatsu can take 4 :ranged easy in T1.

    Sounds like vanila shen to me 

  7. 4 hours ago, Adran said:

    Then I have 2 suggestions. 

    Curse his deck to remove his luck. 

    I mean that's fairly ridiculous, getting the trigger and revealing 3:crowmost of the time on the first turn. Get cursing that deck! (if I tried that then I think I'd leave the judge on 1 wound more often than I was able to kill an aspiring student). 

    You can try hiding your students a bit more. There probably shouldn't be too many LOS that reach from 1 deployment to another, and whilst I know the judge can walk before they do that you can normally find something to hide behind. (Unless that's part of the problem, you are playing with very open boards. It will certainly power up The risk of reason, and the Lone marshal by having lots of open sight lines)


    Make a plan where you can still win whilst he kills your back line.

    Hire models that can survive a turn of Lady Justice. (less easy).  Focus your killing on the models he uses to score. 


    There may not be an easy way to answer this, but in general I don't think you are losing "because" Justice kills your back line. That may well by symptomatic of why you are losing, but its rarely the real reason. You need to look critically at the games and see where you made mistakes. Why aren't you scoring points? I can't tell from what you say why you are losing, and therefore what you need to change.  

    I used to win games last edition despite not having any models left because I put them in places they could die, but also places where killing them  meant my opponent was out of position. I had 1 game facing Sonnia where I lost everything, all I killed was Franciso, and Sonnia summoned 2 witchlings, so she still had 50ss worth of crew at the end of the game. But it wasn't until the last activation of turn 5 that she was able to reach the centre line with any of her models and flip any of the turf war markers that I flipped turns 1 and 2 as I rushed into him. Marcus charged his deployment zone 1 and was able to kill Fransico turn 2, but shortly dies himself. The Blessed and the Cerberus reached his deployment turn 2 and tied up his crew some more whilst my slower parts of the crew reached there turn 3. So I won because I caused the fight to be in the part of the board that he couldn't score in.  I could probably have won the fight if it happened in the middle of the board because I would have had more support for my crew, and not been hitting piecemeal, but then he would have been able to score victory points with spare actions and I may well have lost the game. 

    It could be that your opponent is using Justice in a similar manner, and you are trying to fight her in part of the board where you can't score. If that's the case you need to focus on scoring your points, and denying the opponents. Your crew is there to allow you to do that, and if they can do so by dying to lady justice to allow something else to score, then its fine to let them die. 


    Yea i analysis my games and most of time all about resources . I spend a lot fo nothing. And him just kill my models and score.

    Last game i hide both student , but he got 3 severe rams .

    We all call him lucky )))

    About serpent mb , gonna try something new , thanks, sry for bad English.

    I found effigy and wanyudo last tournament. Think will find something new

  8. 3 minutes ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

    I would say it’s a play-style issue then. I’d warrant that whatever strategies you favor are strong into the other masters and weak into LJ. LJ could also be your opponent’s “gloves off” master, so their skill level or play-style with her could be very different than with other masters. Like Adran said, focus on why he wins and try to incorporate models and strategies that will counteract it.

    On her he is extremely lucky 🤣🤣🤣

    But most of the time its all about I can't stop her to kill my backline , and don't know how push his backline.

  9. On 8/25/2021 at 2:32 PM, Adran said:

    The next set of questions are

    Is it always against the same player? If so, then it probably is a case that the other player is better than you. You need to work out what they do that wins them the game and work on stopping that. When I learnt, my opponent was a much better player than me, but I learnt their style over several years, and whilst they are a better player than me still, I now often come out on top against them because I have learnt how to stop them and their style.  If Its against a range of players then we go to the next question

    Why are you losing the games? Very few games are lost because you had a model killed in turn 2 or 3. They are more typically because you had a plan that you couldn't impliment, or you focused on killing the wrong things, or even you were unlucky on the vital flips, and couldn't recover from that. ( A Marshal player drawing 3 severe Rams from Risk of Reason isn't something that you can easily plan against and it will give them a big advantage that turn. If the advantage gained from that was the reason why you lost that game then you have 2 options, accept it was largely luck and try the same tactics next time, or try and learn to play in a away that you can minimise the damage that is done to you with a big swing like that.)

    There isn't a magic button that if you do X or Hire Y you will win. 


    Most of the time turn 1 judge kill student from risk of reason. 

    Turn 2 lj kill fuhatsu. 

    He is good player, best guild in Russia now , but we play against each other a lot and only his lj i can't beat.

  10. On 8/25/2021 at 5:30 PM, belorey said:

    100% agree 

    Player skill > Masters/Keyword power > be lucky

    Good player will win most games agains a worst player, even if he plays with a theorically worst keyword. And usually a good player can avoid much of the bad luck. Even if sometimes some flips can be very important, but they only will be relevant in a close game. 

    I won him all his master except lj

  11. 1 hour ago, Morgan Vening said:


    Unless your opponent has multiple severes in hand, and/or is willing to spend a lot of Soulstones on Rams, it's going to take at least three hits to get him down to H2K. With Sammie's Armor, she's down to a 1/2/3 damage profile with Crit Strike, and needs 7 damage to hit H2K. And that's assuming she doesn't miss at all. Granted, she shouldn't miss more than 1/3 the time on initial flip, but that's still one third of AP where she'll need to use one of those severes to connect.

    I understand that sometimes your opponent can get lucky and you get worst case situation, but if a Samurai isn't standing up to Lady J for at least the majority of two of her activations in most games, that's well outside the boundaries of normal expectation.

    EDIT - Dang it, @Adran, I was doing math and you ninja'd me! :)

    lone marshal 1 shot with focus all the time. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    Can I ask how she is easily killing Samurai? they are 8 wounds so she is effectively a 1/2/3 attack against them, even with the positive damage from not charging she is slightly lucky to kill them in 1 activation  (I'd expect it 60-75% of the time thanks to probably getting a Critical strike, but generally using most of your hand for the turn). Yes, she can get 4 attacks using a stone and is at a +2 on the stat. 

    If your opponent is easily killing an 8 wound Armour +2 model in 3 hits even when they have hard to kill, then I have no answer. She would be killing basically anything in that sort of attack, and likewise if they are consistently killing a 5 wound model in 1 random attack, then they have much better luck that I have, so I don't know how to help, other than say, focus on scoring points. Build a plan with redundancy so you can survive the death of your models. 



    Last game he got 3 severe with ram risk of reason. and yea 1/2/3 , but 2/3/4 with 1 crit and 3/4/5 with double crit. 6 vs 4 and pos on dmg . 

  13. 54 minutes ago, Gheist said:

    Okay several things,

    I wouldn't do Silent Protector on Charm Warder only for the hard to kill, he isn't tanky enough ---> put on Samurai, LJ can't put a samurai down if he has hard to kill and you heal him up proper. Put the Low River Monk next to him

    I would not take 2 Low River Monks, because they are 1 hit and you do not need 2 of them, they don't get you points (TBH i often play without them)

    I am not sure why you would take Desper laRaux in this keyword, you get two wandering river monks instead. Wandering river monks are underpriced in my opinion.

    and you don't use trained Ninja, it really helps with protecting scheme relevant minions

    Like this:

    New Shenlong Crew (Ten Thunders)
    Size: 50 - Pool: 10
      Aspiring Student
      Aspiring Student 2
      Sensei Yu
        Silent Protector
      Wandering River Monk
        Trained Ninja
      Wandering River Monk 2
        Trained Ninja
      Low River Monk

    I know it's debatable but i am not sold on fuhatsu against Lj because he really suffers against Hard to wound targets.

    i am also not sure if the harm warder is worth it vs LJ because they have such high willpower values.

    You could actually take a third wandering river monk, he then can't really stop you from scoring with that mobility.

    anyway, if you lose again, LJ is stupid, take the moral victory

    Lj easy kill samurai. Even with htk 3 hits and he ded.

    About wander tried them , all the time 1 random atack and he ded

  14. 6 hours ago, Gheist said:

    I still feel like you should not lose every game, like any symbols of authority should be yours by right.

    what lineup do you usually bring?

    as far as my experience goes, as thunders player i would take Yan Lo for the fight intensive Missions and ShenLong or McCabe for more Scheme Marker Heavy pools and just don't really engage her

    Jacob Lynch is depended on how smart your opponent is, you can take a samurai with silent protector and if lady justice gets into your bubble she dies pretty much everytime. Sadly since the nerf of trained ninja you are pretty prone to getting shot in the face with lynch, and her wp 7 can deny you some dmg.

    Misaki is extremely horrible against LJ because Jury and Death Marshal recruiter will destroy you. And Misaki staying on the table the whole time is no fun at all.

    i have no idea how Youko or Asami will work, guess asami might do well in ley lines, but i don't play those, as well as mei feng, not sure if she's a match for justice ( i guess not)



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