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Everything posted by DeRosa

  1. I was typing alot so my point might have been spread thin, the rat kings are the exception. I should have said the models that rely on bleeding disease have relatively low damage
  2. A rat king that can't activate this turn can easily be put below half. Also enemy condition removal is a thing. And that's also apart of my other point, a rat king beating on someone is probably going to die before blight cap becomes an issue (Edit) I agree that Hamelin's crew is a crew that hits hard, when you let them. They are a fast fragile hard hitting crew but yes, there are was to slow their damage down
  3. The OP is the one who said hamelins card draw is better then schtook, I didn't bring him into it
  4. Also you are misinformed on the rat king part It takes 4 rats for a king. Rats are also summoned already activated and if Hamelin uses his bonus to make a rat king and a single rat is already activated the King cannot activate that turn. If he uses Hamelins bonus aura to put 4 rats in range to tangle. Kill a single rat on your next activation, no rat king. Bring a single blast model and kill all 4 of the rats. If he makes the rat king, kill it before the next turn or just move away from it, both kings and rats are extremely fragile (edit) not to mention the card had max size. Yes card cycling is strong but if you're making him discard lows they are going back into the deck for this/next turn Also the blight part. His crew does minimal damage without Bleeding disease. gonna use sonnia as a comparison? Sure her burning damage is capped and it can be reduced. But her burning reduces your range AND does extra damage at end of turn. 2 burning makes your assist action 0" perfect for her blasts and her burning keeps working even if she isn't blasting you for burning damage, without Hamelins models his blight does literally nothing, without spending AP models can only gain 2 blight a turn IF they are in range of both Hamelin and one other model. Sure he can focus blight stacking but if he is doing that the model is mostly dead and a damage cap on blight is moot. Not to mention you yourself mentioned that Hamelin can lower your blight to deny triggers, use that. If he is lowering your blight by 3 times every activation you're not gonna have much blight, does it slow you down? It slows him down too, and chances are other crews are gonna have better damage then Hamelin Also card draw? Compared to schtook? Schtook can draw/cycle a card every single activation while doing damage/defending. Since you are only talking about everything working perfectly, both players having 8 models is 16 cards a turn SO STRONG!. Rats have a cap. Ap spend summoning rats is ap not spent scoring, denying, giving you blight and bleeding disease. He has key rat models that you have literally pointed out and they have little defence tech Not to mention we don't know what faction/master you are playing. If you're going to vs someone who plays loads of Hamelin and you don't know Hamelin at all of course you're going to have a bad time because the Hamelin player will get to do everything he wants to do
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