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Posts posted by touchdown

  1. the shown art is wrong for Freikorps Engineers, it's showing Librarians. Also, I wish there were faction boxes I could buy. Clicking on each card is annoying.


    Screenshot_2019-07-11 Wargame Vault - Wyrd Miniatures - M3E Outcasts Singles - The largest wargame download store.png


    Update: Freikorps is all messed up. Librarian and Engineers and switched as are Korpsmenn and Scouts

  2. 1 hour ago, Jordon said:

    I sort of wish Tara had pieces from a bunch of other models. The heal from Karina, accelerate time from the NB, Eventuality/Shattertime from Aionus. She just seems to be lacking some of the more interesting ways of of interacting with Fast/Buried models that the rest of the crew has. 

    What if Tara had a tactical action that let her end fast on a friendly model to take an action printed on it's card?

  3. On 3/9/2019 at 2:05 AM, Gesuma said:

    Do tell which models you would bring instead of Mercs with Viks as leaders? The team works very well together. They are heavy on the SS requirement and now with the change to coordinated attack trigger their ranged model even work well in the team as well. Taelor is the best extra Melee model to add for the "coordinated attack trigger" (one Vik should die at some point that or Taelor) - Taelor needs help to survive which is where extra SS and Vanessa becomes very important. SS is also needed for all the "coordinated" triggers. Ronins add more SS when close to dead which is needed.
    I have looked but cannot find anything in Outcast that works better for the Viks than their crew and they are a strong crew. So what models have you found with better synergy?
    It can seem odd but 10ss Cache is part of their synergy...

    I haven't tried with the updated trigger, but prior to this I found the Emissary, Hans, and Barbaros all worked better than many actual Mercenary models. Some models I didn't try but suspect would have worked better: Pride, Sue, Rusty Alyce.

    • Agree 1
  4. 1 hour ago, CrimsonWraith said:

    And another question:

    A Glimpse buried model with Fast. Can they be unburied, then use Aionus to force them to pass?

    An option that I think would really be awesome is for Buffering to be usable on buried models as well. Then we could finally keep models buried long enough to do things.

    It's enemy models only. I'm not sure about a mirror match though. I would lean towards no as they activate while buried.

    43 minutes ago, retnab said:

    The resource cost is a good point, especially since I don't know if that means the model's still activated or if they can then activate it next?  If it's the former, that's super good, if not it's a bit awkward.  If the latter is the intent, what if Buffering was instead something like "enemy models with Fast who activate within :ToS-Aura:2 of this model gain Slow (and if we want to get bananas, then gain Slow again)"?

    Seems like the point is you can fast an enemy and make sure it can't activate so you can unbury. So this change wouldn't help the crew afaict

  5. 4 hours ago, Radek said:

    Also sometimes you have 8 - 9 to summon a throwaway model and want keep severe for killing opponent stuff

    The ability to summon 2 wretches with a 12 would probably not change this calculus. Just because you can summon 2 doesn't mean you'll want to.

    • Agree 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Cuilion said:

    Not bad but I don't see that her as an auto take. Unless she is on the center line and/or you can benefit from the blast, it is not so much better than letting a Ronin or a Desperate Merc shoot. 

    Also if you have another Vik, Taelor or Bishop in the same fight you always wanna let them strike. 

    +1 stat for That One Counts as Mine, and she was already a better model. Also yeah obviously you want the strong melee attacks if you can get them but "be within 12"" is way easier to set up.

  7. I'll have to try it, but this change seems almost too good. Vanessa was already an autotake for me, but now she's a super autotake.

    An interesting combo with Bishop and Challenge. You can charge in and if you can't kill the model on the last attack spend a stone to make sure it can't attack back without spending a lot of resources.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, Sebi said:

    Just a quick question:
    I just built the 2nd and 3rd Ronin - how do you rate them and how many would you - in average - bring to a game.

    Do you need all three ever so often or do you cope with just one.

    Just out of interest.

    They're a good value for the cost model. Depending on strat and schemes and factors like "what will the rest of my list look like" I can see taking anywhere from 0-2 Ronin. I'd have a hard time ever wanting all 3 I think.

    • Thanks 1
    • Agree 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bakuriel said:

    There any reason we can't bring back :rangedx or :meleey for range? Seems shorter and clearer than having an entire ability dedicated to the concept. And it's not totally out of the design space, we're still using Def or Wp resist for certain actions after all. 


    Edit: at least I think we are

    it would make the units slightly worse as right now they can apply it to any upgrades they might get. I think we all want to watch a Bandito use a grenade as a melee weapon.

    • Haha 2
  10. I disagree the Viks are boring. I like them in this edition quite a lot. However, I do think their crew is boring because most of the models fit the same role, they're fast and they hit hard for their price (Vanessa, Student, and Big Jake being the only exceptions and then only somewhat). As a crew they could use a cost effective tar pit and maybe another support model.

    • Like 1
  11. I'd bring back Cursed Collier. Lower it's range to 8. Then give him a :ToS-Fast: called Greed Begets Greed that lets him pick up a scheme market to add a suit to duels for the activation. Now he has a defined role as the model that gets scheme markers down. The reduced range should keep that from being too powerful and works with being the toughest bandit model. Now he wants to get close and can take the punishment that comes from it.

  12. He is super good, but he's also pretty fragile. If you're not using soul stones to keep him alive, he's going down fast. That said if he was 8ss I still wouldn't hesitate taking him.

  13. I didn't get a chance to try it, was Viks + VS actually broken? It seemed like a fun but not insane combo. I didn't read anything about people using him to buff other henchmen or enforcers on the regular so was this change motivated by toning him down or just forcing thematic consistency? It doesn't seem need if the former and seems simply anti-fun if the latter.

  14. 13 hours ago, Zebo said:

    I think he should/could gain Adaptive, and change "Reference the Field Guide" for some kind of :ToS-Fast:focus. 

    Probably, something that allows him to "focus" twice and delivers a single shot with +10" for sniper and :+flipfor focus each turn. 

    :ToS-Fast:Trance: Until the end Phase, if this model has the Focused Condition, it is considered to be +1.

    This way Hans couldn't stack Focus faster than other models, but he can make one "special shot" each turn. 

    This would probably have too broad of application, being able to use it defensively or for a double focused shot within <14". Maybe just write so it's like the old sniper? Until the end phase if this model would decrease focus to use the sniper ability the attack gains :+flipand :+flipto any damage flips.


    To the op: He has shoot 6 and ignores everything that makes shooting bad with a bunch of useful triggers. I only used him once and didn't use reference the field guide all game and he performed fine. He's also an excellent activate early model since his range and abilities let him care less about positioning than almost any model and he has the ability to just take out un-activated models, stealing activations. He's not spectacular but he's a very solid model who I think is worth his cost.

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