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Posts posted by touchdown

  1. It just occurred to me that a Vik + a Rat is 13 stones and thus would be eligible for Hidden Martyrs. That could be fun to either take and get a point if they kill your non-leader Vik or to just hire the rat as a bluff so they don't kill your Vik while she does her thing

  2. I tried the amalgam crew to a reasonable success.

    My crew:

    Rusty Alyce
    Marlena Webster
    2x Necropunks

    Popcorn Turner
    Cooper Jones
    2x Whiskey Gamin

    I won 5-3. 3 points from plant explosives 2 from assassinate. He got 2 from plant explosives and 1 from assassinate.

    He was just doing some testing with some models he doesn't get to use very often (the whiskey gamin in particular are very cool looking but he doesn't have Brewmaster). I picked Vendetta really stupidly with a necropunk against Cooper. Just assumed I wanted to kill that model anyway so it would be a good target. Absolutely should have picked one of the gamin. He deployed mostly to one side, while I did a symmetrical deployment. I should have put the vendetta punk on it's own, drop the explosive marker and then go hunting for vendetta, but I did the opposite. I also didn't play Alyce well, he kept trying her up in melee with Cooper who kept having 2 shielded.

    Marlena is actually really good in this format. 8 wounds, armor 1, and a self heal that cycles a card is pretty tough for this format. Withering away came up twice, preventing him from healing. I got Teddy Help to trigger 4 times I think, one of the reasons I got assassinate. Steadfast protector didn't come up as much as I expected. He was able to work around it (we had a lot of scatter terrain so I couldn't push easily). Soul tether is also more handy than you might expect in this format for preventing assassinate. Although that would be better if there was an external source of healing. I could see an argument for replacing 1 necropunk with a scavenger. I also came within 1 point of hitting a whiskey gamin on a black joker flip for attack

    The necropunks worked exactly as expected. Got me my explosive markers and after that, ran around making things suffer from entropy and landing a few random attacks. Also since my opponent was doing a lot of burning, did 2 assists. One each on Alyce and Marlena (preventing the 2nd assassinate point, and making him spend more AP to put Marlena down on turn 5).

    Overall, armor was super nice against a tri-chi crew. Since he was trying to burn and poison me to death, on some models it was preventing 3 damage a turn (attack, poison. and burning all procing separately). I should just avoided Cooper, using Alyce to take his gamin out early and using pit traps to try to force Cooper to take long routes and thus not taking shielded.

  3. 4 hours ago, RisingPhoenix said:

    Yeah, but multiple of those (Bandidos, Dead Outlaws) are enemy only, VS is his upgrades only.  None of those would mean that all of a sudden Arik is making a bunch of out-of-activation attacks.  How does that answer even make sense in context?

    models and alternate abilities are going to be added, right? Wyrd still wants to sell stuff

  4. 10 hours ago, SHAKALL said:

    3) Faction: I always dreamt i would be a good tactician one day, but as years flow, i have to admit that I am nont :( So i have difficulties to see synergies between figurines or create/use an original gameplay. This is enhanced by the fact that i play many games withoit investing into a specific one. I like "what figurines look  like", original/rare factions (ok, I know ...), jack of all trade crews, inspiring figurines, ... I really have no interest in machines, abominations, ... So everything  with Frankensteins, mechanical allies, ... stays in the box :)

    I like the look of the Guild, mostly because of the Death Marchalls (1st edition seems to be the best in my memories). So will it be a "good" crew to start as it seems they can shoot or fight in hand to hand combat?

    I am also considering the Bayou  as Gremlins look really fun and dumb. However their chaotic behaviour might be difficult to handle for a newbie. I have been offered a Somer's Crew (- Crew somer v2 , 2Banjonistas, 3 Bayou criers, Old crancky. What do you think of this plz?

    So'mer is a little harder to learn than some crews because he's a summoner. So you need to build a crew and decide during battle which extra models you're bringing in. That said, if it appeals to you I'd say go for it. Malifaux is not a simple game so I wouldn't say there's any easy to learn crews.

    If you're having trouble figuring out what crew to put together, just ask in the faction forum, people are more than happy to help you.

  5. Do you feel like you got value out of Soldier for Hire on the Viks? I feel like it's kind of a trap take. Sure they're really fragile so it seems to make sense but I think I'd rather have the stones for damage reduction or hitting triggers (or even card draw). Even worse though is I think it gives a false sense of security, they're still pretty easy to kill but it makes me play like they're tougher.

  6. 9 hours ago, lillumultipass said:

    Thanks everyone for all the interesting advice ! It is indeed not easy to select a faction/master at first because there are so many possibilities. 

    But, I think I have settled for a combo Sandeep + Colette for now and will see how things go afterwards. Neverborn and Ten Thunders are also factions that I will probably delve into at some point.

    Ressers look good on paper but I am not really keen on the models, so I will see. 

    thanks again  ! I will probably be back with further questions 😉 (notably rules questions about LOS as I found the rules about shadow a bit...arcane). 

    In my experience if you think a crew is cool, you'll figure out how to play them more often than thinking a playstyle fits you and convincing yourself they're cool (of course if a crew is both that's easiest).

  7. I Taelor is worth 9 stones in a vacuum, but she's not worth 10 and she's rarely worth bringing in mercenary because there's zero synergy (I guess once every 5 matches you'll line it up so she can hit something after a Vik with That One Counts as Mine), and she doesn't bring much the Viks aren't already doing for you. I don't think they can fix the latter problem with errata but versatile could at least let other crews use her.

    Or change bloody fate to good for a laugh so there's real card draw.

  8. I guess the idea is that Taelor has 4" of extra move per turn, but I don't like her either. She doesn't bring anything to the Viks they don't have. I wouldn't be opposed to making her Versatile. I do hope mercenary gets a henchman who actually interacts with the mercenary keyword at some point though.

  9. Played a game with:

    Mad Dog Bracket




    I got a little lucky with both my opponent's list and my flips but I just shot him off the table. Bandido dropped a marker for Bracket and using fast he killed his Whiskey Golem in 1 activation. In Wedge Deployment, Johan's slowness isn't a big deal. Sue and Johan locked down the middle while the Bandido and Bracket took one side. He had models on the other side but once he dropped a couple strategy markers he couldn't do anything else. I shot a little too well not getting the 1st point for Vendetta or Assassinate but ended 6-2 so I can't complain.

    1 SS seems fine for this crew. Bracket has the trigger he needs built in. So you're probably just doing a damage reduction once.

    Generally, Life of Crime seems even more useful in HH. With both crews having essentially the same and equal number of AP moving one from a 5 stone model to a 9 stone model is huge.


    Two other lists I want to try:

    Rusty Alyce

    Marlena Webster

    2x Necropunk

    Great scheming, great at anti-assassination. Marlena's self heal is good so should be able to limit vendetta to 1 point, and excellent anti-scheming. Spend those stones on Execute and really stretch your opponent's 4 card hand




    2x Dead Outlaw

    A really tough crew with solid synergy. Won't be able to outrun the other crew but I don't think they'll want to fight you.


    Also Pride seems really good in this format as anti opponent having cards.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/3/2020 at 6:36 PM, RisingPhoenix said:

    Student of Conflict: Is beyond awful.  Thank you for listening to my TED talk.  She could use like 4 separate upgrades to be worth taking.  I could take a Dead Outlaw for 2 more stones to get Covetous Cravings, 3 out of keyword.  I'd probably pay 3 more for one in a Viks crew anyway, at least the dead outlaw is guaranteed not to die immediately.  Def 4/4 wounds is not much.

    She's a fast machine for Hans. In keyword efficient at that. One problem is mercenary doesn't need many more ap. Only remotely worth it for Vanessa or Taelor. Either needs a movement trick to keep up so you can spend 2 ap to give another model 1, defense like butterfly jump or quick getaway, or something like gains cover if a friendly model with greater sz is within 2"

  11. Played my first 50 ss m3E

    Size: 50 - Pool: 6
      Viktoria Chambers 6
      Viktoria Chambers 4
      Vanessa Chambers
      Hodgepodge Emissary
      Ronin 2
      Big Jake

    Opponent had:
    2x Skeeters
    Stuffed piglit

    Match was:

    Flank deployment

    I took outflank and dig their graves as my schemes.

    I made some play errors. Didn't notice Skeeters were insignificant so I couldn't get dig their graves off of them, and I sent Bishop in way too early after using his bonus action to pull Vanessa closer to the center line. I should have used his challenge on the Sow and played keep away.

    We had to stop at the end of turn 3 due to time (both of us are having to still unlearn m2e so we're slow). At that time I had 2 points from reckoning, and 1 from Outflank. I was virtually guaranteed the end of game point for dig their graves but the first was going to be hard. 2nd outflank was 50/50 and 3rd reckoning was unlikely. He had 1 reckoning point. Probably wasn't going to get a 2nd and was likely to get 1 point from each scheme.

    Overall thoughts:

    • Ronin are amazing. Got outflank on turn 2 even after he tried to disrupt one corner with Zipp. Ronin got out of his engagement with the activate move and double walked into the corner (minor misplay on his part, he used Boring Conversation but I didn't need to drop a marker). Made him spend like 5 master AP to get to and eventually kill the Ronin and I still got a point.
    • There's a lot of complaining about how the Viks aren't good enough killers anymore and it's true they can't dice up masters and models with a lot of defensive tech, but they are absolute bullies now. Just use your speed to hunt down weaker models or wait for mistake by your opponent and get them both in against a tough model.
    • I'm not sure how to use Big Jake. In a crew of fast vulnerable models, he's even more vulnerable. I had a play to use unexpected return to score the final outflank point but I'm not sure it was going to work
    • Used Bishop over Taelor because I wanted 1 more ap and no competition for stones with the Viks, and I used him really poorly but I'm not sure I like either option. I feel like getting Hans and trying to get pass tokens so you can safely send in the Viks would be much more useful. Also any activation where you can stay away from you opponent and make them come to you benefits the Viks
    • The Emissary is great, he's just a subtle small improvement to the rest of your crew happening all the time. +1 mv on Viks and Bishop is almost silly
    • Like 2
  12. On 11/9/2019 at 10:23 AM, OneLittleThunder said:

    No, I wasn't.

    Interestingly, if I make changes to a crew in the new PC/browser version, it creates a new copy of the crew with the same name...and THAT copy propagates to other devices. But deletes don't. It's generally very odd.

    I'm having this problem too. I have like 4-5 copies of some crews and they just re-appear if I delete them

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 7/11/2019 at 1:18 PM, SerZaka said:

    But the Faction Boxes exist. The site is only for printing on demand single cards (for example for out of Faction keyword models) .

    In my defense they're hard to find. Nothing in the official store or wargame vault. No links from the m3e page.

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