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Posts posted by Davie

  1. 9 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

    Yeah, better let's get back on the topic...

    aw maaaaaan! I was about to mention that I had the sound of badly tuned Banjos and the buzzing of Skeeters in my mind while reading all that talk about our sweet sweet 'shine.


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  2. Thanks for the Report!

    I am wondering why you picked useless junk to start with? you can just attach it with "here you go" from your Young Lacroix and safe the SS.

    Personally I would add the choice of a Slop hauler to your banjonista/lightning bug Option. the attack is often overlooked and the healing potential explains itself.

    I agree that francois is easily killed but he offers a lot.

    I like that you picked mancha, although I kinda don't see him in that list.

  3. 3 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

    Not necessary a true. If you 'buff' models making them good option to so-called 'auto-picks' you are creating diversity which is good i guess.

    I'd love to have a situation (in every faction, not Gremlins only) that, say, when I want to choose a beater I have 3-4 equally good models to pick rather than 1 obvious choice, 1 maybe and 2 never happen ones (this is just loose example not referring to any particular situation any particular faction ;))

     I agree. I'd also love more diversity and I think you raise a good point.

    I just wonder if you can achieve this Kind of diversity. I think once you go down the path of optimizing a list you always end up with the same two or three models in your Crew.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    I would argue that Raphael and Burt are exceptional and their durability is part of their popularity.


    1 minute ago, daniello_s said:

    On Raph and Burt: you have to invest extra 1SS on each to keep them alive and allow them using their Reckless and Raphael's dumb luck (which really depends on flipping/cheating Ram and if you are not lucky enough might not happen that often). I agree that the are quite durable but i can't count how many times my clever opponents puts a lot of pressure of Burt with his Df5 and dropped him to last wound which disallowed me to use Reckless for that turn and limited Burt's damage output. Plus he ha 1'' range on his melee so engaging him with 2'' melee range model is pretty common too.

    Yeah I agree, I picked two very popular models. I somehow think though, that an Opponent investing ressources and putting pressure on those models makes them already pay for themselves.


    1 minute ago, daniello_s said:

    Again - not trying to complain but trying to say that every coin has a flip side.

    This is exactly what I meant to say. Every coin has a flip side and there always has to be a "worst model" I think. If you buff Lenny, Roosters, Emmissary and what not, other models will quickly drop down in ranking and people will complain why they are so bad.

  5. Actually... I've never considered Gremlins to be a "glass cannon"-Faction. Yes, Gremlins are kinda squishy and they hurt themselfs alot. But Burt and Raphael for example with Hard to Kill + Dirty Cheater are rather hard to take down. They Need to be alphastriked, afflicted with poison/burning and take lots of AP to get killed. Raphale is also impossible to pin down, since he can just push out of combat in most cases.

    Then we have some surprisingly resiliant models. DF6 Piglets for example or DF7 Sammy. Then there are several Kinds of the "Squeal"-Trigger which is usefull (to varying degrees)

    We have great healing with the Slop hauler, dirty cheater, useless junk, pigs healling-triggers, Ulix' Proper Care.

    Again: maybe my meta is not as toxic/strong/competitive (although I consider it fairly competetive) but usually enemies struggle against me. Yes they kill stuff. Sometimes a baldy placed Merris on turn 1 who explodes in the middle of my crew and burns 5 gremlins......... but I ususally recover from that and often they also struggle to kill stuff. Like Nekima who was not able to kill Sammy.


    And I can see your urge/Need to Play those beautiful models, who just don't seem to make the cut. But I think it's just... normal that some models have to suffer so others can shine. Maybe I'm just used to it? (played Warhammer Fantasy Orcs for like...15 years and went through highs and lows with them) I just don't see any Point in comparisons like "other factions got this, why did we got that instead?"

    And I don't think that Gremlins are in danger to recieve less/no love from Wyrd. They managed to become their own faction and are a big part of the Malifaux Franchise in General (into the bayou, bayou bash)

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  6. 7 hours ago, aquenaton said:

    I still need to paint the lovely assistant, but I agree I fail to find her some use while Old Cranky is around.

    I use her as a "Counts as"-Performer.

    In total... I don't really agree with the call for buffs. I feel like most nerfs were reasonable. I agree that Lenny is a bit too pricey. Maybe make his upgrade a 0? His nerf was well deserved though.

    Same goes for roosters. Reckless 1AP-Charge was just bonkers. And I don't think that they suffered too much from losing reckless, they are still very fast, very strong and very dangerous for all players invovled.

    McTavish is still worth his points. Same goes for Burt.

    I don't care for the pigapult. 

    bushwhackers are considered fairly strong as I have heard. They bring great stats for their cost and I feel like self hurting is a part of a gremlin Players life-/playstyle.

    as for brewmaster: we have to wait and playtest if Popcorn Turner, Cooper Jones and the Whiskeygamin will amp up his game. I see that People find him weak and I kinda agree that he is. But I still like playing him.

    But in general I feel very comfy with gremlins right now. I don't want anything to change to be honest. I also have fun playing weak models and trying to make them work.

    Maybe my meta-game is not as toxic as other peoples, I don't know.


    • Agree 2
  7. as I mentioned before: I love this thread.

    There is one Model I'd like to add: Merris LaCroix.

    While Merris does not Play into the Killy-Theme of most of the other Kin, I really like her a lot. She is rather fast with her reckless flying and really good at dropping scheme-markers.

    Yes, you could say that dropping scheme markers is not as important since you drop them with "something to remember her by" but sometimes you want to place a marker or two in hard to reach spots and not in the middle of where sh*t is going down.


  8. 4 hours ago, -Loki- said:

    Yeah we’ve known it’s been associated with Bayou Bash for a while. But when someone from Wyrd says it’s not in Bayou Bash... I think they’d know?

    Oh! I must have missed that.

    hmmmm thats...wyrd... design-wise I don't really see him in Malifaux. He Looks a bit to "arcady" to me. Although I do like the chubby gator. could be a Counts-as-Gracie with all that Junk attached to it. Don't like the Rider though. At least not for Malifaux

  9. I agree with what green-n-dumb says.

    While I love playing Brewmaster I don't think that he is strong enough to start playing with.

    Key to Ophelia in my Opinion are the Wave 5 Upgrades. Being able to use two (0)-Actions and to place those Junk Markers erverywhere is soooooo good. I found that "Ooo a Girl!"-ing and then "Your Turn!"-ing Pere can be devastating to the enemy.

    Also Raphael with Dirty Cheater is a Monster.

    I'd throw in a Merris Lacroix into your Mix. she works well with everything Schememarker-related and protects your guys from Blasts.


    Personally... I'd skip the second Box of Bayous and use the "Young Lacroix" and the "Bayou Bushwhakers" as "Counts as"-Proxies.

    But  I'd definetly go for a box of Slop Haulers. They bring nice healing and decent fighting-/firepower to the board.

  10. 1 hour ago, Ikiwith said:

    Ulix is a pretty good master and it's great play with him, it's more about have different options than he is not ok.

    Ulix haven't has any new theme models since wave 2. In wave 3 was the porkchop that it's not relate with him, but ok you can use yo summon with It. Wave 4 swine-cursed that they are Wong theme and Wave 5, flying piglets... Those were the pigs of other waves but no one focus on Ulix theme.

    Yeah I think you raise a good point... there have been no real additions to Ulix except for the Broken Promises Upgrades....

    What I'd like to see: Some sort of Bayou-Witch who can turn Models into Pigs (give them the pig-trait) so Ulix can interact with them. Shot in the Rear on Francois, hitch a ride on some triple-walked reckless Model. Cornhusks, Sooey, propper care... think of all the possibilities....


    whoops... usually I'm not to fond of wishlisting....I got carried awway. sorry. :D this was wildly off-Topic...


    on Wild Boars: I think if you add pigcharge, you have to decrease their HP. I think 8 Hp for 5SS is Close to crazy to begin with...

    • Like 1
  11. I guess it depends on the meta... but I have great results with Ulix as he is right now.


    and more on Topic: I have great results with Wild Boars as they are now.

    I use them as early-aggression Distraction-Desasterpieces  who can contest a flank or even snipe out important enemy models early in the game. Like pesky snipers or that one time where I killed Hannah on turn one.

    • Agree 1
  12. Well I mean... there is no better control than killing. (maybe with the exception of obeying certain models)

    Dead models usually score no points.  

    But maybe I was a bit too dismissive and I hope I didn't come across as rude. I just cannot get behind that kind of comparisons between factions and masters and playstyles, because to me they are and should be highly individual.

    That being said: maybe Pocorn Turner and Cooper Jones will help you/us to cope with Brewmasters weaknesses.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Nukemouse said:

     If we get into the masters that can kill 2+ models a turn we quickly see why "swilling" 2+ models a turn isn't really very impressive, especially when you have to activate first to get these benefits.

    I don't really get your point. So, he is not killy. And yes, other masters do this and that. But I like Brewmaster for what he is and for what he brings to the table. I mean... if I  want to play a killy master I don't go for Brewy.

    I don't see much use in comparisons between different masters. There will never be an Equilibrium when it comes to what is balanced and what is not. Imbalance is inherently part of a game with different factions, especially with so many different factions. And I like that. It brings flavor and fluff. Don't get my wrong, in my group I play fairly competetive and I am not too fond of losing games.

    But in the end it comes down to whether I have fun with the way a Faction/Master/Model plays or not.


  14. While I do think that Old Cranky is a great addition to your Gremlins I would no recommend him for Ophelia-Lists.

    I think the Young Lacroix fit perfectly with her, especially since the new upgrades made it really valuable to cycle though the upgrades.


    • Agree 1
  15. It's funny how Ophelia attracts so many People into Gremlins... it happened to me as well. I got "ooh, a Girl!"ed :D

    On Topic: Ophelia Comes with 3 really nice models - Francois, Raphael and Pere. In my opinion, to make Ophelia shine you need the new Wave-5 Upgrades that came with the "Broken Promises"-Book. 

    I am no expert on the pigapult, so I cannot gice you any tips in that matter. But as Finalscene already mentioned you Need the "Bayou Boss" and "The Bushwhackers" if you really want to get Lenny and Trixiebelle. Personally: I don't tihnk they do tooooo much for Ophelias Crew but they are by no means bad and buying the Bayou  Boss is a good idea in itself.

    Slop Haulers and Merris are also great pieces for any list.

    I think with thease you have a pretty decent base for the future.

  16. I like them.

    Not as a staple for every list but more like a tech-choice for certain opponents. You can use them to counter your opponents "from the shadows"-deployment, if they deploy first.

    Or you can use them to distract your opponent with early agressivness. I don't find them that squishy. I mean 8 wounds for 5ss is a bargain (+ they can heal and eat enemy scheme markers). they have a really good charge and a decent dmg-spread.

    They are by no means one of our strongest units but they can catch your opponent off guard and I had decent results with them.

    • Like 3
  17. So yesterday I had my first game with Brewmaster

    35 SS

    Brewie + Binge




    Raphael + Dirty Cheater




    Von Schill + Shirt Comes off

    Von Schill Totem





    The flying 4soulstone thingy


    Strategy: Symbols of Authority

    Schemes I played: covert Breakthrough + hold up their forces

    Schemes Opponent played: Punish the weak + covert breakthrough


    Round 1 was pretty uneventful. everyone got into more or less good positions. I had to funnel through a pretty narrow Bridge across a river but with Lure and gremlin Lure and reckless I crossed the Bridge pretty quickly. Hans tried to plink away Raphaels Dirty Cheater but failed. Wesley barely survived round 1 and hat to drink one of Brewies strongest Brews that healed him back to his full 4wd.

    Round 2  I got lucky with 2 defensive triggers on fingers, which let me push him fairly Close to a Symbol, which he snagged away and ran back to guard my own Symbols. I pushed his freikorpsmann and von Schill away, put out some swills and not much happened. Raphael almost took out the Ronin but I failed to get rid of the last wound.

    Round 3 I pushed Taelor into the river, which bought me lots of time. Brewmaster binged a bit here and used hangover there. I slowly creeped up the board with most of my models and Raphael took the second Symbol of authority. Although he did not survive round 3, he did a great Job of soaking up lots of shots with his hard to kill, dirty cheater and Brewmasters potent moonshine. Meanwhile my Opponent dropped some unreachable Scheme-markers with his Flyer so I decided to just give him the scheme. Fingers still denied him any VP for my Symbols. Brewie got into fisticuffs with freikorpsmann, ronin and von schill, who had already activated and I scored 1vp off hold up their forces

    Round 4 I managed to get Brewmaster into Position and activated the drinking contest. Von Schill, Freikorpsmann and the Ronin got stuck for the rest of the game and weren't able to get rid of the posion, not even with the help of the steam-trunk.

    From that Point on I dropped Markes for covert breakthrough and scored 1vp each round for my other scheme.


    In the end I won 9:4 without killing any of my opponents models. Since it was my first time playing Brewie it was also the first time for my Opponent playing against Brewie, I suppose that he won't get outplayed like that a second time.

  18. On ‎04‎.‎02‎.‎2018 at 10:42 AM, iamthefly said:

    Brewie can resummon Wesley, who can resummon Brewie.

    Just as a quick confrimation for myself: If you resummon Brewie, he loses his upgrades, right? So there is no eternal cycle of Wesley resummoning Brewie, who will resummon Wesley, who will resummon Brewie, who will resummon wesley etc. etc. not that it would be that likely anyway... but I'd like to make sure

  19. Well yes, Ophelia might not be as versatile as Somer, but Ophelia adds so much Utility to your other models with all her movement tricks. "Useless Junk" makes it so easy to almost casually drop scheme markers with your other models.

    Also I don't think that Rami is thaaaat bad. I use him for trading with other models or sniping low-health models. He will not win you the game, but he will annoy your opponent. Yes: he is no Burt Jebsen but Mikuchcks question was not "how to get the best Gremlin-List" but how to play better with what he has got and what to buy next. I like to play non-optimized lists because it makes you think outside of the box. (That being said... I also play a lot optimized lists)

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