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Posts posted by Tors

  1. 8 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    I missed this bit before. If Wyrd realized they cannot offer it to NVB players, It would had been a legit solution; but in beta/alpha, now is late for that kind of changes.

    However there is always other ways. For example making a cool alt model and sell it in a small box. That would be a must buy for NVB players and I'm sure a good percentaje of Bayou and Outcast players will also get it because we all love those kind of stuff and the first mate is a very popular model.

    Nice, very supportive of you! Everyone has to be satisfied (and honestly 2 out of 3 isn't that big, that's a 33.3% of the players screwed).

    Also those solutions aren't reliable (second hand) or are hurting Wyrd and also the players if they are caught in an official event with a "hacked" model (buy it for someone else)

    You're math is off! Assuming the Factions are distributed evenly, thats 1/7 of the players for Nvb only (proably a little less, as we can exclude the NVB/Bayou Players). Assuming half of them don't care about swampfiend in general, the first mate or the money "wasted" on the Rest of the Zipp, and the other half do, for what ever reasons. Thats 1/14 or roughly 7%.

    7% that have at least 4 other options (split boxes/ buy with single part resellers or second hand [as they sold whole boxes from Wyrd in the first place there isn't even much of a draw back for wyrd]/ convert your own model). Not counting just borrowing one for am Event OR BEWARE! playing without first Mate. All of this solutions are perfectly fine, doable and even officially tournament legal.

    Thats better than "not bad" thats not even a Problem

  2. Following that logic, op didn't have to make the post in the first place.

    I "hate" on him, because this posting wasn't even near to properly "complaining an annoying decision", it was a 'f**k you' disguised as a 'thank you' to create a charged mood and fish for some followers on a subject thats rather trivial and won't be changed either.

    So what goes around comes around.

    • Respectfully Disagree 2
  3. Upon meeting Misaki during the requested tete a tete Mei Feng has to realize she has been fooled by Arcanists/Guild/NVB/??? and the women herself, including her entourage are merely magical enhanced doppelgangers; here to lure her into some kind of trap.


    Just as Misaki gets to feel Mei Fengs metal claws piercing her skin she awakes, bathed in sweat. This remarkly realistic dream has to have some hidden meaning. Maybe she should have a talk with rail Leader after all. In the distance nightmare giggles faintly...



    • Haha 2
  4. 15 minutes ago, santaclaws01 said:

    A dozen on who? Across the whole crew? That's not that much consdering a standard monk crew is going to have more than 6 models, but not all that chi is going to be useful. The models that Chi actually matters on outside of a LRM burst heal is pretty low.

    All of that besides, you're not saying Chi should only be used befored flipping, or only down to +1, or only reduced generation, you're saying it should get all of those nerfs. And I can 100% tell you that Chi will get neutered if that happens because you're literally saying it should be reverted to a beta state where is was proven weak, except weaker because I'm pretty sure it was never before flipping.

    I didn't said all nerfs should apply, read my initial posting again. I said it should be Down to +1 and Before flipping OR reduces generation.

    Regarding generation, its trivial to gain 3+ in relevant Models per turn.

    • Agree 1
  5. 2 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Except you want to reduce their ability to gain chi as well, so it would be no where near all duels just like it isn't a +2 to all duels right now, and forcing it to be used before you even flip along with those 2 changes would completely neuter the ability.

    A Dozen Chi a turn is no problem. More of you give those Monks time to set up.

  6. 2 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:


    So you want to completely neuter Chi to the point of uselessness.

    Yes, as useless as +1 to basically all duel totals is. I would be fine with +2 too, if the Crew would have most stats around 4. But as this isn't the case i think a majority of effective stat 7 Attacks/Resists is a little bit over the top.

    • Agree 2
  7. 5 hours ago, LeperColony said:

    It's arguably actually 4, because you need to know cover only impacts :ranged actions.  And in fact you have to know that while all LoS effects are impacted by the sightline rules, if there is at least one clear sightline, then only :ranged gain cover.

    Is it rocket science?  Okay, no.

    But as someone who runs a lot of demo events, I have noticed it's one of the more difficult concepts for new players.  Even having prior wargaming experience isn't all that helpful because Malifaux's LoS rules differ significantly from those used by other games, such as the commonly employed "true" LoS.  

    And it's a very detailed mechanic with ultimately a fairly reduced utility, which is the point of my post.  I feel the mechanical complexity outweighs the game play benefits.

    As someone who has organised and conveyed 3 malifaux game days, centered on players without experience in m3e and wargaming in general with around 16 persons each day (over 30 alltogether) in the last 8 weeks; and as someone who organises a tournament next saturday for those players (20 confirmed attendees at the moment)., not one of them has had any problems grasping the shadow concept.

    It's just a matter of how you explain it. Of course when you ad stuff like "arguably 4 inches" you tend to confuse people. Keep it simple, break it down to the basics and structure your explanation.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  8. I don't see shadow as very complicated either. Its 3 simple Bulletin points:

    Blocking Terrain with a height casts a shadow equal to it (max 3") in any direction .

    If you are completly within the Shadow and the Terrain is at least as high as you it blocks every Sightline (even if the Attacker is bigger)

    If you are at least partially within a Terrains Shadow and at least one Sightline is blocked you gain cover.

    • Agree 1
  9. @Ogid as my initial question has been sufficiently answered i see no point in further discussing this with you, as we don't seem to understand or agree with each others points. I have no interest to put effort in defending a line of reasoning i belive to be proven false, through i continue to disagree with your reasoning of said falsehood.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  10. And next, similiar hole:


    Sniper: When this model takes a  projectile Action it may lower  the  value  of its  Focused Condition by 1 to treat the Action as having +10" range.

    I couldn't find an exact when-taking-an action-happens-here moment. But as it has to be before targeting i can assume timing is different from focused and use both, extended range AND regular focus afterwards in the same action (given at least focused+2 beforehand)? (multiple uses of range extention don't work for the same reason as muliple uses of focused - of course^^) 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I don't think you can use it multiple times. It specifically says by one, not "by any number".

    Additionally, there are a number things in the rules that you if you applied the logic that you could apply something multiple times at a given step, it'd break the game (such as start of activation, a fire golem spamming +2 burning around itself to give everything a million burning).

    Any given effect is likely intended to only be applied once at a given time, barring something that says otherwise.

    Ahh, thank you! I was looking for such breaking interactions to prevent this line of though. For some reasons i havn't thought outside of conditions.


    @Ogid i was aware of the one-at-a-time limit of a single use of the focused condition. My line of thought was of repeated uses of the whole rule. "Could have been worded simpler" isn't a strong argument against a rule without prevalence.

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  12. Quote

    Focused +X:  Before performing an opposed duel, this model may lower the value of this Condition by one to receive a  +  to the duel (and any resulting damage flip this model makes).

    At first i thought you can only use focused once per opposed duel, as it's clearly "reduce by one, gain +" and maybe i am thinking/interpreting to much, but:

    During modify duel step (detailed timing chart C.2.d.i.) i can decide to use one instance of focused to gain one :+flip(as discribed)

    As the timing hasn't changed is there anything that prevents me from taking advantage of focused again? There isn't a rule prohibiting this as far as i can see; Focused is the only condition with a "may" clause involved, so no similiar conditions are effeced; And it's possible to use multiple instances of :+flip

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
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