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Posts posted by Hawkoon

  1. 1 hour ago, Zebo said:

    In Fact, Guilty may be treated as enemy by friendly tormented models

    Got to love the synergy between dead outlaws and guilty

    That ekstra damage from "at gunpoint" trigger, also makes the guilty quite scary once the get into range of something.

  2. 13 hours ago, Ogid said:

    It can be kind of solved going versatile heavy or OOK but her crew is slow, so movement heavy strategy or schemes aren't her cup of tea. Any other than those, she is all set.

    I wouldn't exactly say Bultungin and Rougarou are slow, but for running schemes Rougarou are too expensive and Bultungin are squishy (though they are quite good at marker based scheme denial).

  3. Don't forget that changelings can use "just like you" to use Lucius' "Issue command". If you use a changeling to use issue command on lucius, they can have him issue a command to someone else with "following orders" to trigger card draw. And remember that it's still the changelings activation so, you can issue command again in Lucius' activation to trigger more card draw from the same model.

    You can of course have a lawyer obey the changeling to use just like you to issue command on Lucius to issue command to another model with following orders to get 2 card draws from the same action. This is quite card intensive and time consuming, but doable...

  4. The Fae crew ia a bit of a toolbox crew. You have a big variety of models doing different things. You got Rougarou and Killjoy for decent beaters, Knights and waldgeists are quite tanky, Bultungin are fast (but squishy) schemers. Aeslin is aeslin, and Titania herself is quite powerful. There aren't really any staples in this keyword as they have all such different roles, and I tend to hire the crew more or less based on strat/schemes/opponent every game.

    When it comes to non-keywords I often include the effigy w/upgrade or the emissary, and I have found The hooded rider to be quite useful as well when you need mobility.

  5. I'm concerned with dual-master synergies as well, but there is a positive side to it that hasn't been brought up yet. And that's the possibility of reducing the impact of bad matchups when masters are declared. Some masters have a rather hard counter in other masters, like Justice against pretty much any undead/summoner, or Tara vs Misaki. The possibility of including a second master adds an option to hiring to negate some of the disadvantage.

    Does it make up for the potential broken synergies of dual-master hiring? I don't really know, but I think it should be added to the consideration.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Ming said:

    Here's the text of Nekima's Enraged by Insolence action:

    Until the End Phase, after a friendly Nephilim is killed within range, another friendly Nephilim witihin range may Push up to their Mv and take a y Action.

    What does "another" mean here? I suppose it's "non-Nekima" as in "other model". Or does it mean "not the killed model", including Nekima?


    I've been reading it as "not-the-killed-model" but I can see it interpreted as "not-Nekima" as well. It's a bit unclear wording that I think needs to be adressed in the FAQ.

  7. 23 hours ago, Ogid said:

    I agree, and it's probably as discused before. But making the M2e rulling relevant for M3e is a dangerous path; it's better if it's confirmed for M3e.

    In lack of an official 3E ruling, the rulings from 2E are still good guidelines for similar issues in how to interpret rules i situations like this. As long as the similarities are sufficient and not in obvious conflict with other 3E rules of course.

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  8. 24 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    Lol, poor riders; they can't do anything versus that... if only they  had unimpeded 7 movement or a 7 Wp stat...

    Jokes aside, they are pretty good models and all the rider's 5 suits trigger are a bit above the curve, some counterplay isn't a bad thing.

    Against Zoraida that mv7 and unimpeded isn't a good thing... wp7 is atleast something, but still...

    I don't mind the rules, btw, just pointing out a potential "Gotcha" for unexperienced player

  9. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    Just to clarify, you can spend resources during an obey, but you as the controlling player has to spend them from your supply. (so you cheat with your own cards, spend your own soulstones/pass markers as required).

    Conditions such as focus are not crew resources. they are models resources, and the model chooses when to spend them (Which means the controller of the action makes the choice).

    So yes if you obey a model you can use its focus during that action. Regardless of if it is in your crew or not.



    The Collective Riders Assosiation are displeased by this ruling....

    (But it is quite clear as written)

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, english_boar said:

    That makes sense.

    I appreciate things will change, was just trying to get a good foundation together.


    Thank you for your help.

    A good way of getting practice is locking in schemes and strat for a few games. This makes it easier to figure out what each models do, and also makes it easier for the community to give more detalied feedback on what you should/shouldn't bring in a list and why.

    After a while you will probably notice that even with the same strats and schemes over and over, your opponents crew also has quite an impact on how you play and should also be taken into consideration when you build your crew. (A good example here is Misaki vs Tara, where Misaki's main strategy is burying and unburying to move about and stay safe, but Tara has a lot of models that can do nasty things to buried models. So unless the Misaki player wants to lose her turn 1, that player must play and build the crew very differently)

    Remember that you only declare your faction before you choose your master, so it's quite hard to counter build unless you're certain of your opponents choice of master.  Once masters are declared is when you start building your crew, and where you can start looking at synergies that fits with the opposing master, strategy and scheme pool, (Remember that you get to see your oppnents crew before you choose your 2 schemes, so try to build your crew in a way that can score on most of them)

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