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Everything posted by Raisin

  1. Sooooo the other day I was working on a tower made from Hirst blocks I've been casting, and I really thought it needed something extra to spruce it up. And what could be better in castle ruins than stained glass windows? After a little bit of trial, error, and creativity, I came up with a method that works pretty darn well and is very much like frosted glass. Both sides are reflective like glass and let plenty of light shine through. However, the base is not completely transparent, in fact I could only use this method for stained glass with a frosted appearance (in my opinion) or with a lot of light colored space. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a method that would yield a more transparent result?
  2. I'm looking for Amelia Bathory, I don't have much in the way of trades but I do have LE Rowan Nilsson (alt Rafkin) and cash Let me know if anyone has an Amelia available!
  3. Hey all! I'm a new player and was wondering if anyone had a limited edition Titania they might want to trade or sell. Since I'm so new, I don't have much in the way of trades to offer, but I do have 2 of the Rowan Nilsson alt Rafkin models (new on sprue) that I'd be willing to add to the deal if those interest you. Titania is my favorite master and I just love the limited edition sculpt of her. Thanks for any help you can provide!
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