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Posts posted by Rufess

  1. We all know that at some point in time there will be an event allowing players to bring "twins" (or quadruplets for Viks), i.e. both versions of the same master. So the question is, which pair of masters will benefit the most from the format?

    • Kirai: double summoning and Adversary shenanigans that don't end
    • McMourning: a crazy doctor attacking with 3/4/5 plus Flurry and Precise
    • Zoraida: double Obey on a super henchmen or two who have +1 on all stat from Zoraida2
    • Mah: choosing Mah1 as the leader so Sparks can target Mah2 with Command Construct and Pack with Explosive
    • Anya: Anya1 is the best target in the keyword for New Order of Anya2

    Who else stand out as well?

  2. Some random thought on Parker new Som'er.

    • 12 Cups of Coffee is now a must have for the marker removal. I like it on a Good Ol' Boy for the minion bonus.
    • Big Brain Brin can remove the Slow such that you can give Slow to the model again
    • Model with Apparel upgrade can be moved around by Smuggler with the Drag Behind

    Me neither don't see any reason to bring this version over original Som'er or other keyword. Maybe when I went to a single keyword event, or if there was a Strategy that require Scheme Markers in future GG.

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  3. 12 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    It seems like we still lean on Bokors for outside healing. In theory nuOphelia can heal 6 wounds a turn but it means giving up other utility. 

    I am sleeping on Bokor too. In one hand Ophelia now can draw and heal too, so hiring the Bokor could be the trap of including too many supporting models. Freeing up 7ss of the Bokor can hire one more Kin Enforcer, who can make the best use of supports from Ophelia. On the other hand, the synergy between Sammy and Bokor is too good to pass up.

    I think the ultimate answer here is: Depends. So I am forcing myself to play without Bokor to see where the limit is. Also I am looking forward for trying out Bo Peep as a healer, given that Kin has access to some decent AoE damage.

  4. I used to love the Head Hunter strategy. It was similar to the Recover Evidence: kill an enemy and drop a Head marker, then pick it up to score a VP. The biggest difference however was you can pick up Head marker dropped from your model to score as well (iirc). It discouraged range killy crews that typically being powerful in this kind of killy strategies.

    Another one is Mark for Death. It required to take an Interact action to "Mark" the enemy before killing it in order to score. The "Mark" was removing at the End phase so player needed to plan a head. It also brought a lot of mind game that a player could bluff the opponent into wasting resource to save an irrelevant model.

    These 2 strategies were killy strategies while requiring a crew more than a pure gunline, which I want to see a comeback in the future GG.

    Not exactly a strategy, but I love the Last Standing scheme a lot. It was something like "Score if you have fewer models than the opponent, which include 3 or more Henchman and Master, who are not within deployment zone" It was the scheme that teach me Malifaux is a objective-based game, sometime you would lose because you killed an enemy.

    Symbol is the most objective-based strategy, but it does not have the "don't fight a redundant combat or you lose" aspect.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, GrumpyGrandpa said:

    Am I reading Lasting Liquor wrong or does it actually have two effects:

    • The Poision Condition cannot be ended
    • The Poision Condition cannot be reduced on friendly models within 8 :auraby enemy effects.

    Essentially meaning that all friendly models will always have a minimum of 1 poison, if they stay within 8 :aura of the brewmaster?

    The ability reads to me that: "Enemy cannot end nor reduce Poison Condition on friendly models when they are within :aura8"

    Poison Condition still can be ended or reduced by friendly effect or by Poison Condition it self.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, muraki said:

    Kinda frustrating that they produced a new nightmare marker set... But haven't updated their markers to match m3e? 7 soulstones + paralyzed markers + no distracted?  Seems sloppy work as m3e has been out for a while now.

    I believe the seahorse tokens under the campus one are representing Distracted. What they have missed is Adversary.

  7. Activation order and position are critical to this Ophelia without a doubt. She always wants to maximize the value of Raiding Operation with 3 upgrades, but it is not necessary nor compulsory. If the healing or Scheme marker can earn you enough advantage, you should do it even with only one upgrade.

    Also you can shift the order by re-attaching upgrades after turn 1 Raiding Order. Lots of models in the keyword do have an irrelevant bonus action that can throwaway in turn 1.

    Firecracker and Trash Cannon are the expendable upgrades that can freely discard for Plink and Raiding Operation. Igniter as well if you have Merris or Pere for the burning. Clean-Up Duty is the initiator and Tar Bomb is the finisher, you would like to save these 2 for attacking.

    7 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    But like Shin said, OG Ophelia has more concentrated firepower. Like instead of taking Three Tar Bomb attacks with three Raiders, you could potentially just have Ophelia take the three Tar Bomb, and some other, attacks herself.

    Ophelia can still makes 3 Tar Bomb attacks by herself. Plus she need not to rely on Merris nor Pere, but any model in the crew can light the enemies up with the Igniter upgrade.

    Ophelia has lost additional attacks and condition removal (still can remove condition with the Igniter). But what she gains in return are so valuable, especially the card draw, such that imo the Overloaded is in most cases the better choice than the classic. Even if playing in a Reckoning-type strategy, the Overloaded crew should have enough firepower to score.

  8. Surely Rami can. However the main value of Clean Up Duty imo is AoE Injured. So if you cannot follow attack with other friendly models later the turn, I don't think it does bring enough value to the game.

    Or if you have a high :crow and a severe card then you maybe able to cause some trouble to opponent when unpacking the crew. Though you need a Bokor to Obey Rami for Focus.

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  9. The summon upgrades from Dreamer and Tara suggest that the summon upgrade is attached to the model before it comes into play, since the upgrade does affect how the model doing so (comes to play in bury).

    The summon upgrade from new Perdita, however, does suggest the different way. It has an effect that happen when the upgrade is attached, and the effect is an :aura. Means that in intent the summon upgrade is attached after the model hit the table, otherwise the model would not be within range of any other models.

    This also matters if the summon upgrade does give out condition when playing against Pandora. Will a summoned model gaining Stunned from the summon upgrade be affected by Misery if it is placed within range?

  10. Love these 2 models a lot.

    Ophelia2 lost some damage, but brings back more utility. Auto Staggered and Stunned make her a decent range control master, and she can draw bunch of cards with Good for Laugh and Raiding Operation. Not to mention the utility that Raiding Operation brings to the keyword. With some setup (3 bonus action from any models), she can resolve the effects without flipping. I love this version more over the original one that she probably becomes my default Ophelia unless I need some extreme firepower.

    Raiders now are the core part of the crew. They get stat 7 attack that they lacked of from the upgrade, and they, if shooting with Clear Up Duty, always benefit from Easy Target.

    Sly is a schemer that more reliable than Merris. False Claim and Sneak Away is the reason bringing him. Kin can take Breakthrough or Detonate Charge now.

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  11. Dying in turn 3 is not as bad as it might sound. This means the opponent have spent resources and 3 turns on Sovereign and have a turn or two left to deal with Anya. Yes she is very killable with even a single turn, but it is always better than opponent spending 5 turns and all resources on Anya.

    Sovereign is a big piece of the crew but not the centerpiece. Losing Sovereign doesn't lose you the game, but Anya does. Using Sovereign as a bait to draw enemies away Anya sounds like a fair deal to me.

    And if you really want to keep it alive, then try the best defense tech in the game: distance. Run it on the flank and hit and run with the shockwave attack. It still worth its point even just running scheme alone at flank.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    I like the look of her! First of all, the concept is great and I'm really looking forward to the model! On the rules side she seems extremely versatile and has a ton of tricks in her toolbox. The only thing I'm a bit disappointed about is that she seems like a slight variation of Mah1 and doesn't offer a wholly new playstyle as such like so many of the other titles have done.

    Mah1 and the Tricksy keyword is highly all-rounded that it could be really difficult to design a new title for her that works well with the existing models in keyword and at the meanwhile brings a totally different direction and playstyle.

    I think the Mecha-Mah is, instead of bringing new option to the player, asking a tough question to opponent: what do you bring to play against Mah? Do you bring Wp attack for Mah1, or anti-armor for Mah2? And since both versions are variable enough to adapt to most pool and matchup, it is not easy to guess which Mah you are putting on the table, and hence harder to counter.

    And since both Mah can preform similarly in the same pool, the choice between them is imo based on the matchup more than the S&S. Like if the opponent's crew has no enough movement trick, then Mecha-Mah can make them struggle.

    1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    What does "ignores vertical distance" mean exactly? Can she move on top of stuff that isn't Climbable? If there's a Ht 4 house with a roof that can be traversed, does she really use no movement getting on top just moving like she would on open ground?

    According to the latest FAQ, ignoring vertical distance does mean that 1) ignores falling damage, and 2) moves vertically in Climbable terrain without spending any movement in a Walk. It however does not help the model to push through Climbable terrain.

    1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Then, on the back of the card, both have good melee attacks. Dropped Down a Hole is a monstrous Trigger but Mah1 has a pretty great assortment as well and has higher damage. Still, denying Defense Triggers and going through Armor is good stuff so it all depends on the target.

    The Drill does have larger range than the Spoon too. But I would not argue that Mecha-Mah has lost a lot of melee capability comparing to vanilla version.

    1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Handful of Snakes turns into a Harpoon Gun which has a longer range and a better stat but doesn't do blasts. Still, I think that Harpoon Gun looks better since those Triggers do crazy things. I mean, Mah1 also had very good Triggers but Wave Emitter can be game-deciding against some crews.

    Harpoon Gun is more valuable on single beater model imo. Pulling in can help engaging the enemy , and staggered can keep it in place. And yes the Wave Emitter is situational excellent.

    1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Focus Pulse moves from the Push effect into a TN13 Def Pulse with a choice of good, nasty Conditions. Creative Cussing is way easier to set up properly but Another Gremlin's Trash is far from bad.

    Mecha-Mah can, as mentioned above, give out Focus from Pit Trap marker. It has a smaller area, but instead she can now benefit from the Focus.

    1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Finally, both have Create Trap.

    Exchanging the drawing trigger for a mid-range transport.

    1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    So the thing Mah2 needs is Scrap and unfortunately, getting that in Bayou isn't quite trivial. There's Akaname if you're truly desperate for a Focus Pulse but Mech Pork is likely the best candidate. Survivors can get Scrap up the board with a Trigger which seems very nice with Mah2. Survivors also have Magnetism which works really nicely with Mah2 being a Construct. Being a Construct means that Sparks can also heal Mah2 though naturally having two models with Scrapyard Mines isn't the best.

    Mech Porkchop is almost an auto-include imo, because of the Scrap marker generation from Walk Forge and another hazard terrain from Vent Steam. Sparks or Bokor as a healer is also high on the list. After then she can work very well with any models.

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  13. 17 hours ago, Scoffer said:

    But I don't see much synergy with keyword. Sparks will be a good addition to her (armour 2 with shielded 4 on a stone user makes Mah almost immortal). The rest of the crew can be all-stars.

    Tricksy is not known for their synergy anyway. Mah1 can support her crew with Careful Planning and giving out Focus in Pulse, neither is restricted in keyword.

    Mecha-Mah is less supporting (can still hand out Focus in Pulse though) but more lean toward controlling. Sparks will be a staple and Mech Porkchop is high on the list for the Walking Forge and Vent Steam. Survivor is also a solid choice because of Scrap marker dropping in range. Other than that she is basically free, just like the origin Mah, to hiring whatever model she needs.

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  14. 46 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    EDIT2: It appears that Mah also has a little bit of redundancy in her abilities as well, since scrapyard mines confers immunity to (all?) pit trap markers within 6, and then Heaps of Trash allows them to again ignore hazardous terrain (presumably there to ignore pit trap markers, which they already do within 6, now increased to 12?). Unless the point is to have a 12" aura for Tricksy, and a 6" for non-keyword friendlies?

    Because Scrapyard Mines only let friendly models ignore hazard effect from scrap marker but not original pit trap marker? I mean Test Subject is designed around the pit trap, and it is strange that their master is denying those abilities. It just like McMourning2 having an ability to prevent friendly model gaining poison.

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