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Everything posted by Beeray

  1. It actually better than that lol it cant be targeted by enemy models But sweet! Tap Out is awesome!
  2. Hello my fellow Slobbers! I had an interaction i wasn't 100% on over the weekend with my Wrastler. My Wrastler took 3 damage from the first of 3 Furious Casting attacks, and triggered Tap Out, Ending the Oxfordian Mages other attacks. Later in the turn I was given a hole to run through with the Wrastler to engage Essence of Power and Ramos but only if Tapped Out made the Wrastler immune to Disengaging Strikes. [Needed them sweet sweet points for Hold Up Their Forces] My Question is, did we play the Furious Casting Correctly by making the other 2 attacks fail to target? And does Disengaging Strikes target? Effectively making Wrastlers that Tap Out immune for the rest of the turn?
  3. My only issue with taking Brewie is McMourning. Im worried that Ill just feed him the poison he needs
  4. Wong has been ordered. And should be here before the end of the week. XD Ok, so im on the right path, Just have been trying to use them for more than just Schemes. And im still considering the Survivors I plan on getting more practice with the crews before the end of the week. I know ill be facing some 10Ts Thursday. Thank you everyone for your advise! And I will report back with my successes soon!
  5. Hello all, I'm the terrified green one that is having the issue above. To expand on some of the issues I have when playing against Rezzors If a model has Terrifying I tend to always lose those flips and then don't get to do anything. <A game where this happened was with Ophelia and I was attempting to rid the board of a Student of Viscera> The Hanged is something I can't seem to get rid of ever... And getting out activated is rough when I have to take 4 BGs just to compete with activation control < I might be Playing BGs wrong but I really dislike them, the only value I see with them is 3SS for 1 activation, Where Nico or Kirai is matching my activations with better summoned models>
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