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Everything posted by Kraye

  1. For real though more thank I could have hoped for when I asked the question. Can we all internet first bump InvokeChaos?! I am trying some of this tonight! Go Shenlong!
  2. You have all brought so much to the conversation and I want to say thanks for that! I feel that have a good starting understanding of the stances but it is those extra tidbits that "turn it up to 11" that I need to work on. I have found that mid game I am just making the wrong stance changes and placing him in combats or areas he should not be. It is mostly up to you if you lose him or misplay him, which is the main draw I have to him, skill cap. I think I am going to do more playing around with this. Also I am finding my lists are not as solid as some that I have seen. I will usually take Shenlong plus wondering river and recalled, Yu with promising disciple, shadow emissary plus conflux of dawn, peasant, wondering river, low river, ten thunder bro. I have found that I just don't have the hitting power that most of my opponents do. I am thinking a samurai or lone swordsman or dawn serpent or Izamu might be a good addition.
  3. Hi everyone I am a newer player and my first box set with shenlong but I can't quite figure out what he should be doing. Unlick my first few games with him have been lackluster when I started playing with the Asami I quickly picked up her play style but I want to play more shenlong I can't figure out what I'm not doing right with him my feelings are that he does not quite have the hitting power of other Masters nor does he have the same late-game buffing as some of our other Masters do and I feel as the game goes on he loses his punch. I like to use the standard lists with shenlong such as snipers and a few Heavy Hitters I love the shadow emissary and of the whole idea of having a toolbox but can't quite seem to make it work I don't understand how to fit in his different styles or stances throughout the game. I have listed to the schemes and stones podcast and run some other threats but still can't connect the dots does anyone have good advice for me thanks.
  4. Thanks for all the replies about low rivers monks and Yan Lo, I feel that the ideas of how we should be playing Yan in the first few turns has been lacking and is something that I struggle with in my games right now.
  5. I missed that, am at work and just thinking about interactions. Thanks!
  6. As the low river monks can add conditions can they give Yan lo a Chi?
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