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Everything posted by SilentSeeker

  1. And the (almost) finishing steps: The front. ___________ The back. ___________ Ground floor. ___________ Upper floor. ___________ I used only drybrush techniques to paint the walls. For the roof I used a red, than a pink and finally a beige. For the walls i applied a darker green, a bright green, than darkened again with black and added some diversity with a brown. I painted the windows with a dark brown and drybrushed with a lighter brown (only from the outside). The parquet: First I pained it with a strongly water thinned dark brown. Then I painted stripes on it with thinned washed (light brown wash, dark brown wash and black wash). Some minor details are still missing and I hope I will get them done in the next few days
  2. Thank You Time-consuming? Yeah, that's true..... ;-P Thank You, too, Burnin' Coal. Happy You like it I will :). And thanks. Foam windows seemed to be a fast way. But it appeared that wooden ones wouldn't take much more time :-P (but they would have been more stable). Thank You Thanks __________ So lets see what happened in the last two weeks: Roof tiles made out of balsa wood and glued with white glue. I cut the overlapping tiles with a knife. ___________ I made the floors out of balsa wood, too. To prevent curving while gluing i moistened the wood with water on the face up surface too. It appears, that balsa wood spreads into the width when strongly moistened, so i had to cut it a bit more. ___________ The roof again. ___________ The finished roof and some decorative stripes. ___________ The inside of the ground floor. ___________ The inside of the upper floor (roof floor is not playable). ___________ Everything primed.
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