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Posts posted by TheJoyInGaming

  1. I found myself with a moment before homework today, so here is an “update”!

    Mischief In The Confectionery  
    Size: 50 - Pool: 6
        Servant of Dark Powers
        Wanted Criminal
      Stolen 2
        Wanted Criminal
      Stolen 3
      Benny Wolcomb
      Rat King
      Rat King 2
      Winged Plague
      Winged Plague 2

    I dropped the Librarian and added Hans so I had to shuffle the WC upgrade to a second Stolen. I still like the Librarian with Hamelin, and will test it further, but I have been greatly desiring a model that can provide 6 damage on severe. Other considerations include The Nothing Beast (Swagger and Protection Money help with giving Fast much more reliably so he can teleport more often) and Arik (Kinetic Amplifier helps dissuade some common counters to this crew and can be used more often due to the increased card draw). I may need to switch a Rat King to a Rat Catcher if I use Arik though as 3 Stones only is a little scary.

    Hans I will be using for now as I like in theory how he can switch between damage and debuffing so easily. Warning Shot also provides one of the only, if not the only, enemy movement effects in Outcasts that is not dependent on your model’s positioning ie Lure is move towards your model.

    That is all for now. Hope your November is going well readers!


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  2. 56 minutes ago, Jesy Blue said:

    Yeah, Hamelin is its own weird beast.  He doesn't play like other Outcast, he doesn't play like other summoners, he doesn't play anything like other masters.

    I've always described him like Voldo in the game Soul Calibur:  completly unique and mildly disturbing, and once you learn him it's hard to play anyone else.

    Max :+flipfor agreement. I cannot not play Hamelin. 

    I have been testing Turn 1 of my Wanted Stolen list and it has been FUN. My favorite Hamelin list so far. It is a little different then before though.

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  3. So I checked other summoners in different factions to see if the term “anywhere” actually broke the LOS rules as said above. Of the three I checked, Sandeep, Kirai, and Asami each have a range to their summon action and include the phrase “Summon the named models within range...” Since Somer includes the phrase “anywhere within range”, I would have to change my stance and agree with the posters above that LOS is not required. 

  4. I would argue that it does need LOS as the Summoning Action must be read in the context of the broader rules. 

    Taking the argument that “it doesn’t need LOS because the Action doesn’t specify that it does when the rulebook does specify that” to its logical conclusion means that Wyrd would need to issue a near gamewide errata soon to add some additional text to every action specifying that the actions do in fact count against the model’s Action Limit. 

    Edit: I no longer agree with this reading of the rules, see other post below.

  5. Seems I cannot escape talking about Hamelin...


    Benny has two Bonus actions of use since Swarm Them only cares about the presence of Vermin, and not if they are friendly or enemy; and Woozy Rat can blow up Vermin whilst Droping a Scheme Marker of your choice.

    Rat Kings also have two in that they have Consume and can eat Scheme Markers.

    The Obedient Wretch and Stolen have Inevitable Fate so you can just make them explode.


    The more I think on it the more it seems Youko vs Hamelin would be an interesting match up...

  6. 1 minute ago, Jesy Blue said:

    Ahhhhhh, loophole!  This may have legs.  Tiny scurrying legs.

    I have done Wanted Criminal on Stolen before.  It was obnoxious but not game breaking.  I did hold up Howard Langston for 2 turns as he had to take 2 swings at the Stolen and then kill the 2 Rats blocking his path, but that is 1 good out of like 5 attempts.

    I love tiny scurrying legs! Weird...

    By Wanted Criminal do you mean Soldier for Hire since it gives Hard to Kill?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Jesy Blue said:

    :ToS-Aura:are not cumulative, page 30, so you'd only get 2 cards.

    Maybe combine it with a Prospector & get 2 cards and 2 Soul Stones a turn.

    They aren’t cumulative if they affect the same model. Protection Money reads that the model with the ability is the one that draws the card. Therefore, if an enemy marker is dropped between 2 models that each have Protection Money they would both draw a card since each of the two models are only affected once by the enemy scheme marker dropping. A good example of this is the callout box about Bushwhackers on pg. 30 pdf.

    Sample list:

    Mr. Slugworth Of Slugworth Chocolates Incorporated 
    Size: 50 - Pool: 6
        Servant of Dark Powers
        Wanted Criminal
      Stolen 2
      Stolen 3
      Benny Wolcomb
      Freikorps Librarian
        Wanted Criminal
      Rat King
      Rat King 2
      Winged Plague
      Winged Plague 2

    I have been liking some healing in my Hamelin lists so after much deliberation between the effigy, emissary, and the Librarian I chose the Librarian. She provides a decent damage track, more card draw, and also doesn’t mind the Wanted Criminal upgrade.

  8. So I thought of some jank I will be play testing when I get back. Feedback on how to optimize it will be appreciated. I was so excited that I bought Benny on a whim for this...

    I plan to use him in conjunction with 2x Wanted Criminal on my Stolen. No, that is not a typo. I find the idea of getting 3 cards off of Woozy Rat hilarious, and I think the Stolen will benefit from Swagger. The melee will be funny if it comes up.

    Benny seems best as a counter-schemer as his actual AP seems to be best spent removing enemy Markers with Loyal Rats and walking.

  9. 1 minute ago, theamazingmrg said:

    So it does.  For some reason my brain had it that a relenting model wouldn't be able to declare triggers.  In that case yeah, it should work!

    Only reason I know already is because I was corrected after doing it wrong for a bit... 😅

    • Haha 2
  10. 25 minutes ago, theamazingmrg said:

    If Elijah relents, he doesn't flip any cards, and so won't have any Tomes to use his Resistance trigger.

    Virtual rules pg 10 state that if a friendly model relents its final dual total is treated the exact same as the acting model’s final dual total. I believe this includes any suits from the acting model.

  11. On 9/23/2019 at 5:57 AM, Adran said:

    Any time a model’s base is overlapping terrain, it is said to be in that terrain. If a model’s base is touching terrain (either overlapping or directly next to the terrain), that model is within 0" of that terrain.

    Page 36

    So yes they are in the hazardous terrain in they are in base contact with the hazardous terrain.

    I don’t think this is true. If it was, models in base contact with each other would be inside each others’ base.

    Edit: Your reading would actually break the game. Both Turf War and Corrupted Idols have rules which stipulate their Terrain Markers are Impassable and can only be interacted with whilst in base contact. The Impassable Terrain trait stipulates that models may not move through terrain with this trait. If models within 0”, or in base contact, are considered to be within the terrain they are in base contact with then no model may ever end in base contact with a Turf War Marker, or an Idol Marker, and consequently no model may ever interact with them.

  12. 6 hours ago, psychogeek said:

    Well it’s more I don’t get much for his cost vs other things :p but that may just be me

    I plan on alternating between these two lists when I return:

    A Burro Of Vermin 
    Size: 50 - Pool: 5
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Stolen 2
      Stolen 3
      Hodgepodge Emissary
      Rat King
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Rat Catcher
        Soldier for Hire
      Winged Plague
      Winged Plague 2

    A Wretched Burro 
    Size: 50 - Pool: 5
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Stolen 2
      Stolen 3
      Hodgepodge Emissary
      Obedient Wretch
      Rat King
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Rat King 2
      Winged Plague


  13. Hi all. I am back with my report on how terribly my game went against my Wife!

    For those with terrible memories, or a disdain for looking at previous posts, the scenario is below:


    The Scenario

    Corrupted Idols- Standard Deployment

    Search the Ruins

    Harness the Leyline

    Deliver a Message

    Detonate Charges

    Power Ritual


    My Crew- Arik Vontresor 
    Size: 50 - Pool: 6
      Von Schill
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Steam Trunk
      Arik Schöttemer
      The Hanging Tree
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Freikorps Engineer


    My Wife’s Crew- Djinn 
    Size: 50 - Pool: 8
      Sandeep Desai
      Steam Arachnid Swarm
        Diesel Engine
      Silent One
        Magical Training
      Oxfordian Mage
      Ice Gamin
      Ice Gamin 2


    To begin the summary with a bunch of excuses, my children decided to get sick before our game. This meant that we were juggling caring for them when we were deploying our models and that led to perhaps my worst performance of Malifaux ever. I was the Attacker, so I decided to give my Wife the Deployment Zone that had the abundance of Severe Terrain, whereas my Deployment was obstructed by a rather large Impassable, Blocking Boulder. I very unwisely decided to deploy Montresor and Arik together on the left side of the boulder and Von Schill and Hans on the other. Due to this, Montresor and Hans contributed very little to the actual game so that was 20 Stones down the drain already.

    Game Summary

    With Montresor and Hans neutered due to my stupidity, the game basically came down to Scheme-Runner-Schill v. Wind Gamin. I was quite surprised by the effectiveness of S.R. Schill as his combination of Diving Charge, Mv 6, and the Pull Trigger enabled him to Scheme with abandon. I really enjoyed having SoDP on him as this allowed me the freedom to give out more Equipment without wasting a Turn catching up, and a chance to Heal 3(!) on a kill. The Wind Gamin were unstoppable and did what they wanted for the most part due to a combination of a timely Black Joker for damage on Schill's rifle and an Ice Golem in my Deployment. 

    Nothing much of consequence happened during the game. Arik killed a slightly wounded Swarm with a Red Joker for damage and the Engineer killed the Ice Golem due to consecutive Activations with the Armor Ignoring Trigger. Hans missed all of his shots and all of Montresor's plink damage was either ignored by Shielding, healed up by Concentrating around the Mage, or was not impactful because Staggered does not stop the model affected from Leaping away if it is a stupid Wind Gamin. I'm not salty about that though...

    We called it in the middle of Turn 3 due to exhaustion (see caring for sick kids above). Despite the poor performances it was a hilarious game to play. My Wife gets weird when she gets really tired and was trying to be mystical whenever it was Sandeep's Activation. Think scrunchy face and arm wavings around like she is concentrating whilst summoning something.


    I do not know if Montresor has a place in the Freikorps this edition as the odds were kind of stacked against him this game due to my poor Deployment and Sandeep's crew not caring. I do want to try it again in the future though. I know I will probably be using S.R. Schill again in the future though he will likely take some Freikorpsmann with him as well in case he needs to back up the main brawl that will inevitably happen.

    So what does the future hold now? I have finals, the holidays, a plethora of birthdays, and hopefully some time for rest coming up so I likely will not be able to play Malifaux again until January. When I do I will post the results here though. I do have some ideas brewing though like a Hannah Burning list I want to tinker with. I also want to explore whether a Librarian or the Emissary is best with Hamelin (I think they serve different healing roles so it probably depends). This is largely due to me having bought a second Emissary to convert it to carrying bags of confections instead of weapons to go in line with my soon to be Hamelin and the Chocolate Factory crew. @psychogeek also said that he doesn't bring much to them so I kinda want him to be wrong (nothing personal lol). I am thinking maybe he can charge Nix Turn 1 to be up about 8" and start throwing junk around.

    Anyways, have fun Malifauxing!


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  14. It seems like most points have been made in regards to what value, if any, Desperate Mercs add to the Mercenaries.

    I will just add one last one I don't believe I have seen yet, and that is the fact that each Model hired in this Edition must take into account the possibility that you may be giving your opponent a Pass Token. Taking multiple DM's can end of giving your Opponent Initiative on a crucial Turn, which is especially bad in Idols.

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