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Everything posted by Shazaa

  1. Ulix is definitely in my to buy list. I'll just wait until I buy more pig models and then I'll get him eventually,as i think that right now it would require too much of an investment for me to consider. Unleashing a horde of pigs and boars on my opponent seems too fun to skip though
  2. Thanks, if i can make a Som'er list work without the need for a load of other summons i think i'll take that. I prefer having a different playstyle which can be later on expanded in a summoner type of Leader, also i read around that Som'er is one of the best Gremlins leaders because of his adaptability to different schemes, when having available different models to build a list. Thanks I'm loving the Gremlins faction, even if when i initially approached Malifaux it was the one i discarded as "nah i won't like them". Then i saw some painted models in my FLGS, saw the boxes and fell in love ahahah
  3. Hi everyone First post for me, but i've been lurking since i started Malifaux. I own a Wong crew box, which i expanded with Burt Jebsen and the Slop Haulers. I've found it to work well, and i'll eventually get Gracie and Sammy Lacroix, but i wanted to get a second master now in order to have more variety and the possibility of chosing after seeing which strategy and schemes i'll have to play with. So, as i own this pieces, what would be a good Crew box to get that complements well with what i have? I'd like to avoid buying loads of stuff right now, so i'd prefer to limit to only a crew box. Was looking at Som'er, but if i read it correctly he needs many models to summon, right? Maybe Ophelia? My doubt about Ophelia is that her ranged playstyle might be too similar to Wong's, so i would get little benefit in owning just these two? Thanks in advance
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