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Posts posted by Sagrit

  1. Hello all.

    Bete Noir Ability "Drawn to Death" allows her to unbury when a Living or Undead model is killed. Here is the wording:


    When a Living or Undead model is killed, this model may unbury in base contact with the killed model before removing it from play.

    Viktoria (no matter wich one of them) have a "Whirlwind" trigger on her MI:


    After damaging, take this Attack Action againsta every enemy model in range except the target

    The question is : 

    If Viktoria kills a Living or Undead model and Bete Noir's owner decides to unbury it, can Bete Noir become a target for Attack Action from Viktoria's trigger because shes unbury before the trigger resolves? Or Bete will unbury after the trigger resolved?

    Link on a secific page in rulebook or FAQ will be very helpfull :) 

  2. On 31.01.2018 at 1:41 AM, PirateCaptain said:

    Yup, I agree with the above, grab Rafkin, and take a loot at Shikome, and Little Gassers when they come out

    Why Shikome? Yes, she will charge poisoned targets for (1) and will hit pretty hard. But she's 7ss spirit with no other spirits in a crew (no synergy with Adversary). I mean McMourning and Co are already do lot of damage (especially with Rafkin). I don't see free SS space for Shikome...((

    Gasers looks cool, but more tests required. Passive Poison - nice, but McMourning and Co already produce so much poison. "Pull my finger" pulse - nice, but it needs 7 and Gaser will be dead after that. So they looks like one-off model for me, don't sure that it worth 4ss. But again, need more tests. Probably they will be great with Asura's Actions.

  3. On 22.01.2018 at 9:32 PM, bimpi said:

    Strategy is to push the own wagon with Archie, blocking the enemy wagon with Yin (because both have nice Mi range, big bases and terrifying)
    undercover entourage with Seamus and as a second scheme I'm thinking about recover evidence or guarded treasure...

    I don't like Archie in Seamus list, but with Supply Wagnon hes OK.
    Undercover with Seamus - hell yeah :)
    Recover Evidence or Guarded Treasures - don't think it's a good idea... Recover Evidence - who will interact? Guarded Treasures - if Yin and Archie are blocking enemy Wagons with engagement, who will place markers near them? AKA Sebastian Baker upgrade on Seamus may help with Guarded Treasures, you can take it instead of Red Chapell Killer.

    Or you can just grab a Vendetta :) Score 2 guaranteed VP with Belle, or score whole 3VP if you managed to finish chosen enemy (wich is possible since you will get LOT of lures with 3 Belles and chosen enemy will be right where you nedd him)

  4. 15 hours ago, Freman said:

    Also, if you want a really sad combination, try a Malifaux Raptor with the Forgotten Marshal.

    A Raptor can bury and unbury anywhere on the table. The Forgotten Marshal can unbury next to any friendly model.

    too expansive as for me...
    how would 7ss enforcer fits McMourning list? I just started McMourning, only played 6 games yet, but the problem i faced is the choise of models for 50ss format :) And it's just a Ress fraction models, without any beasts and academics....

  5. True, but still 4 dmg min on a target with Half (or less) HP is huge. I'm not saying Seamus will oneshot everyone with Hanged, but he may do so and he will put lot of pressure anyway. 

    But again - i'm agree that you have to be very careful with Hanged. And remember to avoid hiring them if you expect any kind of Obey in enemy crew :D

  6. As we are talking about Seamus crew i would disagree about Hanged. In my opinion they do worth hiring, you just have to use them carefuly. It's not hard to outactivate opponent with Seamus crew and Hanged debuff can just win you a game because of Seamus high mobility and high damage. Hanged, Decay Aura on Seamus, 2 good cards on hand = opponents Master is dead (depends on Master of course, but still happened many times). Hanged works very good with Yin who is also usual choice for Horror Seamus crew. Yin with MLH + Hanged can just leave your opponent without 2 key models. And im talking not about scheme runners but about models who arent easy to kill in other cercumstances.

    As for Asura - i will defenetely try her as soon as possible. But in my opinion if your have to MI with Belle (even because of Pounce) it means that something goes wrong.... As for extra corpse and Hands from Below - yes, this looks really interesting. As i said - will try as soon as i can and make a post after :)

  7. Why use Asura with Seamus?... Just for Belles? Or there's any other useful things she can add to Seamus crew?

    As for Hanged - he got huge buff and it's name is Kentauroi. Just don't throw it enemies face it would be a waste.

    As for Nurse - still a great model even for 6, my opinion. First turn +Wk to Yin or Hanged, so good conditions for enemies on future turns. You don't need to kill a model if it can't do any useful actions. Sometimes "-" to duels is much better than +2 Armor. Sometimes +2 MI dmg means that an enemy simply can't do nothing because of nobody in MI range. Engaging someone with Yin and Unnerving Aura, keep Nurse in 8" doing schemes. Yin significant hard to kill and if she's low HP just throw Crow pills on her and chain activate with Accomplish so Yin loose Paralyze and still engage an enemy. So many other ways to use Nurse and she almost always worth it's 6ss cost.


    Can't say anything about Heyreddin yet , don't see any good options to use him yet, but will definitely try him with his new cost.

  8. Got the same scheme pool on today tournament Round 1. Played as Seamus, but with little bit different models.
    Undercover Entourage - easily done with Seamus as always.
    Surround them - easily done with "AKA Sebastian Baker" (take a look on (0) and choose deployment side wisely).
    Ply for Information - just don't forget about it :) 

    As for roster i would take this:
    Seamus (AKA Sebastian Baker, Sinister Reputation, and one more for your taste)
    Sybelle (Not Too Badged Up, or Decaying Aura, depends on what you want to do)
    1 Rotten Belle
    Carrion Emissary (i don't have one myself)
    Yin (Unnerving Aura, or My Little Helper)
    It will be around 38ss (depends on upgrades)
    Add Necropunk or a Belle or a Doxie and it will lead you to around 5ss cash. Spend cash to draw extra cards, you can do it any turn. Spend it to add Crows and summon more Doxies/Belles. Or just "tank" with Seamus and prevent some damage.

    I would also recommend to take a look on Hanged, Nurse and Kentauroi as future purchases ;)

  9. Hello everyone!
    I'm happy to announce an upcoming event in our club "Warmaster" - 50ss fixed faction tournament. 
    - 13.01.2018, Saturday
    - Moscow, Ostapovskiy proezd 3, 6/7 room 403
    - Players limit : 16
    - Gaining Grounds 2018 schemes & strategies (both will be flipped by Henchman before the round starts)
    Entry Fee: 600 rub.

    Registration starts at 11:00
    Tour 1 : 12:00 - 14:10
    Tour 2 : 14:25 - 16:35
    Tour 3 : 16:50 - 19:00

    Feel free to contact me any time if you need additional info : https://vk.com/id112886315


    Best regards, see you on the Event!


    p.s. Please don't send registration with Bag-o-Tools if you're not in Moscow, I will have to cancel such requests because you can't join event if you are not in our country :) I don't know why, but I always have some registration requests from USA and EU :) If you have any questions feel free to contact me any time here on forum or in VK social network (link above)

  10. Quote

    "X, then Y" that X has to succeed before Y happens, rather than that X just has to happen (whether X succeeds or fails) before Y happens (whether Y succeeds or fails).

    I got your idea. But i don't see any proof, or disproof in Rulebook or FAQ about how it should be played...
    "X, then Y" - Y happens only if X succeeds
    "X, then Y" - both X and Y happens if Action succeeds

    I think we have to look for specific models Actions and FAQ clarification about them, but still i don't found any yet :(

  11. 16 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Can't certain "then" effects happen? I think Mah has an faq to her push that says that.

    About Mah Tucket Action - there are 2 sentences in the action and FAQ sais:


    136) Can Mah Tucket target herself with the Let Mah Handle This Action? Yes. The first push into base to base has no effect, but the second push still functions.

    So now we know, that if the Action contains 2 sentences it would be 2 unrelated effects.

    But still not clear about "then" :( 

  12. 2 hours ago, solkan said:
    • The rules in Gaining Grounds require you to have all of your models.

    This is what i was lookig for, thank you! :)
    It is actualey a rules question because i can imagine a situation when a player declare a summon action just to discard a marker even if don't  have a proper model for summoning (check Toshiro's action above). Yes it is pretty dirty and sounds like rules abuse, but i would like to have a good answer on "show me in rulebook" question :)


    But what about second part of the question, about multiply consequences of an Action? If a player declares Toshiro's "Eternal Guardian" Action and he somehow can't place a summoning model (for example because of terrain or other models), is he allowed to discard a Scrap marker or not? The question is because of wording : 


    Summon a Komainu in base contact with target Scrap marker, then discard the marker

    Discarding a marker - is it a result of summoning, or is it a result of an action? In first case player can't discard, because summoning failed. In second case he can discard because Action is sucessfull even if one of consequences is failded (summon).

    My opinion - marker can't be discarder if summoning fails because it's a result of summoning, not a second consequence of an Action. Again, it's not a situation on  the table. But it's a situation that theretically could happen and i'm looking for a good argumentation :) 

  13. Hello all.
    Here is a first part of a question - if a player declare a summoning action and he has no legal model to place on the table, does it count as summon fails or not? Rulebook wording is :


    If it is not possible to place the model because of other models or terrain, the effect that caused the summon fails

    But it's not because of terrain and other models, it's because player have no model at all :)

    And here is a second part of a question: 
    Please take a look at Toshiro's "Eternal Guardian" action (on "Command the graves" upgrade". The wording is:


    Summon a Komainu in base contact with target Scrap marker, then discard the marker

    What if a player have no Komainu model at all, but he wants to use this ability to discard a Scrap marker? 

    I see 3 argumentation here:
    1) Player can't summon because he has no model, so the summoning fails and no scrap marker discarded.
    2) Player can't summon because he has no model, so the summoning fails but he can discard Scrap marker, because it's a part of an Action and action doesn't failed.
    3) Player can't summon because he has no model, but summoning is not failed according to Rulebook and he can discard Scrap marker.

    Rulebook, FAQ or any Wyrd Staff clarification post would be great. Thank you :)

  14. Well both are very competitive Masters but with very different play style. Hard to compare them.
    Viktorias are glass cannons, so you will want to alpha strike early on and do as much damage as possible, taking off one or two key models, maybe even Master. And you probably will loose Viktoria after that, but your opponent will most likely miss half of the crew :) Beware of opponents who are familiar with alpha striking, because if you fail it - you will die and loose a Master for nothing.
    Kiari on other hand is a .. well .. a summoner. So you will ... summon. A lot. And if opponent will try to hit your Spirits, he will get Ikiryo in base to base contact. Kirai easily can summon such beast like Hanged, you actually need just 11 Crows for that which is more than OK for that Minion. Hanged + Ikiryo's Adversary condition is the terrifying combination for the opponent so he will think twice before hitting your Spirits. And if he don't Attack you - you are free to do whatever you need for scoring VP.

    Both masters are very strong. Speaking of Tara - i must say that i don't think that Tara is competitive Master at all, especially comparing to Kirai and Victorias. I'm not saying that she's so bad, but that's how i see it... Never saw Tara on top places of local tournaments, but seeing Viktorias and Kirai pretty often. 

  15. Hello everyone!
    I'm happy to announce an upcoming event in our club "Warmaster" - 50ss fixed faction tournament. 
    - 26.11.2017, Sunday
    - Moscow, Ostapovskiy proezd 3, 6/7 room 403
    - Players limit : 16
    - Gaining Grounds 2017 rotation
    Entry Fee: 500 rub.

    Registration starts at 11:00
    Tour 1 : 12:00 - 14:10
    Tour 2 : 14:25 - 16:35
    Tour 3 : 16:50 - 19:00

    Feel free to contact me any time if you need additional info : https://vk.com/id112886315


    Best regards, see you on the Event!


    p.s. Please don't send registration with Bag-o-tools if you're not in Moscow, I will have to cancel such requests because you can't join event if you are not in our country :) I don't know why, but I always have some registration requests from USA and EU :) If you have any questions feel free to contact me any time here on forum or in VK social network (link above)

  16. The Tools looks very interesting, but it almost ruined my event today :(  I added players and type their names on Cyrillic (since we are running an Event in Russia). Player list looks good before the event, but in the moment i made fixtures for Round 1 it becomes like this (attached screenshots). Trust me, it's not the thing you want to see when the first round of tournament starts and 16 players are ready to play :) 

    I do understand that Cyrillic is not the main language, but it's really weird that names was displayed as it should be before first fixtures.



  17. Hello everyone!
    I'm happy to announce an upcoming event in our club "Warmaster" - 50ss fixed faction tournament. 
    - 22.10.2017, Sunday
    - Moscow, Ostapovskiy proezd 3, 6/7 room 403
    - Players limit : 16
    - Gaining Grounds 2017
    Entry Fee: 500 rub.

    Registration starts at 11:00
    Tour 1 : 12:00 - 14:10
    Tour 2 : 14:25 - 16:35
    Tour 3 : 16:50 - 19:00

    Registration here : https://vk.com/wrmstr?w=wall-143492676_341

    Feel free to contact me any time if you need additional info : https://vk.com/id112886315


    Best regards, see you on the Event!


  18. Hello everyone!
    Glad to announce November Demo Days events at our club "Warmaster", Moscow, Ostapovskiy proezd 3, 6/7 room 403 

    November Demo Days starts at 18:00 and continues till 22:00 every Thursday
    We will provide crews for the Demo, so no need to worry if you don't have your own Malifaux miniatures yet. However, if you would like to practice with you own crew you are welcome as well!
    Feel free to contact us any time : https://vk.com/wrmstr

    Everyone are welcome, Malifaux needs fresh meat :)

  19. Hello everyone!
    I'm happy to announce an upcoming event in our club "Warmaster" - 35ss fixed faction tournament. It's a good time to start testing new Master's Upgrades in practice :)
    - 09.09.2017, Saturday
    - Moscow, Ostapovskiy proezd 3, 6/7 room 403
    - Players limit : 16
    - Gaining Grounds 2017
    - New upgrades from "Broken Promises" are welcome
    Entry Fee: 500 rub.

    Registration starts at 11:00
    Tour 1 : 12:00 - 14:00
    Tour 2 : 14:15 - 16:15
    Tour 3 : 16:30 - 18:30

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