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Critical Twits

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Posts posted by Critical Twits

  1. Hi all! The Critical Twits podcast needs your help - we need to know who the best dog in Malifaux is. We've included all of the Canidae family (and were/hybrid/undead iterations thereof) and no Bultungin, because they're werehyenas and therefore their own separate thing and I totally didn't have to look that up on Wikipedia earlier today. We'd also love to know your reasons below!
    (You may see the same poll on A Wyrd Place too, feel free to vote here too and consider the reward you deserve for being so dedicated to our beloved game)
    Cheers everyone!

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  2. The Red Jokers: A Faux Show were kind enough to host myself and a fellow Critical Twit for a mega-episode of Malifaux discussion, including highlighting some of our favourite models, our differing approaches to tournament gaming, what would happen if we went Through The Breach, and more, including some awesome Malifaux-based challenges for each 'cast and which board games Malifaux fans should be playing.


  3. Hello! I know there's a separate podcast thread but I'm not sure how often people will be checking there, or if we're going to get lost in the inevitable deluge, so thought I'd add this here - if it's unwanted, please feel free to hold this post's head under water until it stops kicking, and post its corpse back to me with a strongly-worded letter of admonishment.

    Now that's out the way, I just wanted to share our latest podcast with you - we're big fans of Malifaux (and talk about it every month) so we just had to check out The Other Side, and go through the Kickstarter campaign so far with a fine-tooth comb. You can watch the video below, or click here for a Soundcloud version (with download option). Let us know what you think!


  4. Hello! Brian from the Critical Twits here. We dedicated our monthly Malifaux episode to The Other Side this month. Joe and I go through the setting, the models, and the system in turn, and decide if we're going to back or not. You can listen here:


    Or you can click here to head to Soundcloud for audio-only and downloadable versions. We hope you enjoy and we'd love to hear what you think.


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  5. Hi all, Brian from the Twits here. Our latest episode focusses on the importance of terrain to a good game of Malifaux, from building your collection to creating a narrative while playing. As ever, all feedback is welcome, and I'm especially interested in seeing any awesome scenery you guys and girls have built/bought/summoned through diabolical means. Cheers!


  6. Hello all! Brian from the Critical Twits here. One thing I keep seeing come up time and time again in the Malifaux community is the question "How do I get started?" It's usually followed by "Which crew boxes should I get?" and "Should I get the starter box?" They're questions we've been battling with recently as we try to expand our local Malifaux scene and introduce new players to this wonderful game. So we decided to take the liberty of creating an audio beginner's guide on the podcast, with some bonus tips for those (like us) who are teaching the game to others. We'd love to know what you think, if there's anything you think we've missed, and to hear your stories of how you got into Malifaux. Thanks everyone!


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