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Posts posted by TeddyBear

  1. i'd rather that characters cards remain the same size of current cards, for the reasons that also others people before me, mentioned. but i really like new graphics of cards; also for designers, in the time they will need to add some info on new cards, will be enough reduce the image of character, unworkable thing with m2e cards..

  2. 8 hours ago, Bazlord_Prime said:

    I'm guessing it'll still be a year or so before M3e lands

    Bazlord, my feeling is that it's a lot less time, after all, they will start with demo of m3e in few days.. i suppose end of this year, or Jan.19...

  3. 3 minutes ago, MetaphoricDragn said:

    Additional thoughts:

    I'll take a wait and see approach on the card size, but I agree with the other misgiving of people in this threat.   I do not remember the 1.5e card sizes fondly.  Right now sleeves and card storage is plentiful  I worry about what hoops will need to be jumped through to store the cards.


    I'm also worried about the use of tokens over various conditions.  It may be annoying to remember what all the conditions do, but they were easy to track by writing on the card.  Tokens imply another physical presence cluttering the board which i worry about.  Those have been turn offs for me in Warmahordes and Guild Ball.  Also where are these tokens going to come from?  Is Wyrd including them with the models?  Will they be sold extra at additional cost?  Will we need to make our own or find 3rd party?

    Completely agree with this point

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  4. I don't know if Wyrd still has planning to print errata's cards via Wargame Vault.

    While i'm, i would like to make a summary of missing or wronged cards:


    - Last 2018 Errata Cards for Nico/Sandeep/Lynch

    - Gremlins Survivors cards of models B and C

    - Neverborn Bunraku cards of models B and C

    - Guild Cyborg Upgrade (in box of new upgrade there was only one)

    - Arcanist Wind Gamin cards of models B and C

    - Pandora's Card (on Wgv, but i think every Pandora cards in Eu) have an error on "Mass Hystheria" trigger: :mask:mask instead of :mask:tome


    I know that it is easier print them, but i'd rather having them all the same.
    Please let us know if the project is still ongoing..



  5. 56 minutes ago, bedjy said:

    Hi guys,
    With that nice Alt-Sculpt showing off, I come to you with that question :

    Who actualy plays Ototo, now that his cost was reduced to 9 ?
    Personnaly, I still find it has pretty poor stats and I'll prefer taking almost anybody else.

    Proove my I'm wrong !

    Other point : Tannen & Graves
    What do you think of those alt sculpt ? I personnaly find they do not really match Ten Thunder spirit so I don't think I'll buy them.

    I believe that this time they doing a great work with new Alt-sculpt..

    The idea "behind" Tannen and Graves, which they reveal their real nature is simple, but very effective!

    Ototo, isn't a bad piece, but like many other pieces in game, has a problem: there are better pieces for the same ss cost.

    Anyway Malifaux, it's not a game only for players: but also for collectors or painters.. that alt of Ototo, in hand of a good painter can become a masterwork!

  6. It's great play with their masters for years, and after see them nerfed.
    Who doesn't like this??
    Who does't like a new comic styles for models?? 
    Too boring this game as it was before...
    Can we remove maybe cards? And starting play with dices?

    Forgive me for this sad joke.. :(

    A worried player

    • Respectfully Disagree 4
  7. 35 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    He’s still upper tier in my estimation. But you can’t play him the same, and for those in love with his drown them in summons mechanic this is going to be a wrench, no question.

    But he can still give out fast. He still has buffing abilities on par with Nellie. He still can take an upgrade that gives him an equivalent to accomplice. He’s still good, but it is a massive scale back and anyone in love with what he did by breaking the system is absolutely going to be crushed by the fact it doesn’t work anymore. 

    Maybe soon, with new ressers release, he can summon a kenaturoi without healing it back, give it fast then walk and charge with kentauroi...kentauroi dies and drop a corpse near enemies.

    Then with Grave Golem reach the enemies lines, and attack them or do schemes (always with g.g.)

    This would little bit encouraging, but probably make monotonous playingstyle of some ress. masters.

    but mine are all suppositions..


  8. 40 minutes ago, emiba said:

    Remind me again; how many games have you played with the changes? (Not aimed at anyone in particular. I just see a lot of "Nicodem is useless" without anyone actually putting him on the table to find out.)

    I speak for myself, i play with gremlins but i have some friends that they played only Nicodem. Certainly you can play him again with changes, but imho when it comes a tournament players now will choose Reva or Kirai. There are some things that i don't like anymore, but if we speaking about Nico nerfs, i don't accept 1 wd evocations! even i'm not Nico player.

    So, now  Nico players, have to think. 1. Summoning 2. How can i healing my models? But Nico, evokes and supports pieces. The dreamer (other master with 1 wd evocations have a passive healing ability) But he can transform itself into chompy, have a tons of mobility, can support his pieces and go to make schemes. this just to make a comparison. (better if i don't do comparison, otherwise they will think to nerf also dreamer again)


  9. I was against errata. i expressed my impression about Nico and Sandeep nerfs, and my post was closed. After some time i had the opportunity to play against a competitive Nicodem player, and i had a second thoughts about Nico, enough to think that errata was really necessary. 

    But rising at 1wd evocations it was really excessive! I also heard that in test-phases they would have wanted also give him -1ca!!! (hahahah haha ha 😭) this shows (in my opinion) that Wyrd don't do correct playtest, and sure enough as usual they give more important to complaints than results.

    For my part, i 'll give a clear break to my purchases. 

  10. On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 8:34 AM, f1amius said:

    Collodi+Vasillisa can hit reva from  22”, and also be safe from her attacks on turn 1, cuz u will have about 10 activations.  U will make 4 attacks 7ca vs 7wp but u will get focus from ur puppets, or even 3 attacks and “my will” for runnig back. Also u can kill one other enemy key model and try to give slow to Reva.

    Also u can take stitched together and vasillisa and make 4+ attacks against reva (this combination also good vs niko with his 4 df)

    u can combines this.

    list is like:

    collod+3ss upgrades

    vasilisa+3ss upgrades


    4 marionets 

    2 effigy 

    already 9 models and 10ss left for whatever u want. Take Aeslin for lure protection or widow for more wp threat or even our emmysary for more df damage and summon or barbaros for high survival. 

    I like much your suggestion,  i just never thought about Collodi used in this way..probably could be work; even if Reva now can easily have 10 activations.

    I don't know very well uses and tricks of Collodi, i used him a long time ago :P and in my meta just a player use him, but occasionally.

    How can you do 4 or plus with stitched and vasilisa? 

    When you say "3 Attacks" with Collodi and one "my will" for running back.. you mean one use of my will for walk again Vasilisa back?

    Thank you! 

  11. 30 minutes ago, Angelshard said:

    as you can't rely on your df trigger to save you and you can't reduce through personal puppet. 

    in fact that's the problem with her!! you can't reduce dmg via armor, you can't stone, within 4" from her you can't be healed!!

    Usually players who use reva in my meta, tend to run foward 2 mindless zombie and positioning well the crew in first turn, hardly used her for Alpha.

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