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Posts posted by TeddyBear

  1. Ahhhhh ok!!

    Is it only one possibility to reflip right?

    (then for example, if tara's controller want to stop the game and the opponent had already flip a 10; tara player can reflip..if he reflip a 10? game must continue..right?)

    Why this ability is written "once per turn" and no "at turn 5" or "at last turn"?

    thanks for all clarifications!

  2. Sorry for this very stupid question: but how Stutter Time works?

    ST: Once per turn, this model may choose to reflip the result of either player's flip made to end the encounter.

    I can't remeber where (in forum) i had read that is only for initiative flip.. but as it is written it could mean also for a duel or no?

    And what mean that Tara reflip result for either? (player that use Tara flip two times, one for him and one for his opponent? both?)


  3. Drowned are good for something schemes or stategies with models that creates hazardous aura/terrain like Jakuna Ubume, Ama no Zako or Crooked men;  

    because they increase damage from terrain by 1 (no cheatable damages)

    much better with creeping terror upgrade on a ht 3 model (that increase :aura range by 1")

  4. 10 minutes ago, ArD said:

    In our local community the often used decision is to use plastic boxes for storage of sewing accessories/medicine. Ferrite sheet magnetic material is glued to the bottom of each box section from inside. Each miniature base is equiped with neodymium magnet.880356.jpg

    Congr. very nice work!!

    for me it would be a dream.. i have no idea how do such a thing..

  5. Hi guys, please two simple clarification:

    - If a model consider itself "friendly" Malevolevolence ability works when an enemy hit Kirai? i think yes, is it right?

    -Can Kirai  with her "blood and Wind" action summon (for example) one Hanged in base contact to Seishin? Or target model must suffer exactly half Wd of summoned model?



  6. Interestig changes!!

    We will see what will change in game,  maybe i'm wrong but don't seem to me radical changes..

    1 hour ago, Dealer said:

    See. Here you and I disagree. That you feel ok paying over 20 bucks for a few cards isnt the rule of law for everyone.

    I know what you say.. i live in Italy, and i will have to change 30 cards, now i have to estimate total cost on Wargame Vault and shipping costs..

    if i can give some advice, you might consider to have them printed in a typing office (if you want to have them similar to the original)

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