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Posts posted by Passenty

  1. Date: 21-22 July 2018
    Venue: Hotel Sangate, ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 32, Warsaw
    Format: 50ss Fixed Fraction
    Preregistration: via email - please send us your name and surname at sklep@strefamtg.pl with an info that you wish to participate
    Entry Fee: preregistration is 50 PLN (13 EUR) payable by bank transfer until 17.07 or you can pay 75 PLN (20 EUR) with on-site registration
    Account for transfer in PLN: PL89 1750 0012 0000 0000 3349 9876
    Account for transfer in EUR: PL33 1750 0012 0000 0000 3349 9914 - if you pay in EUR please use this account
    Recipent: Strefa MTG
    Transfer title: Malifaux Tournament Your Name and Surname
    On-site registration will be open 30 minutes prior to start of the tournament
    Painting: Only Fully Painted Models are allowed
    Conversions allowed. Proxy models allowed if they clearly represent the model (if in doubt, contact us :pasekmaciej@strefamtg.pl)

    Missions: TBA

    Tournament Structure:
    Swiss - 5 rounds with 31 or lower number of participants, 6 rounds with 32 or more participants, 2h for game +15 min for preperations
    After 2h last round is called and at 5 mins till the end of the round last activation is called.

    Estimated Scheldue:
    Saturday 21.07
    9:00:-9:30 registration
    9:30- 11:45 - round 1
    11:45 - 14:00 - round 2
    14:00-14:45 - lunch break
    14:45 - 17:00 - round 3
    17:00 - 19:15 - round 4 (only with 6 rounds)

    Sunday 22.07
    10:00-12:15 round 5
    12:15-13:15 painting competition and lunch break
    13:15-15:30 round 6
    15:30-16:00 Clean up and awards

    Accomodation and Lunch:
    You can get a room in the hotel where the event is held and after giving password "Mistrzostwa Polski MTG 2018" you get the discount price for the hotel rooms:
    Economical Room for 1 or 2 people 150 PLN (~37 EUR) or 190 PLN (~47 EUR) with breakfast per night
    Standard Room for 1 or 2 people 170 PLN (~42 EUR) or 210 PLN (~52 EUR) with breakfast per night
    Business Room for 1 or 2 people 200 PLN (~50 EUR) or 240 PLN (~60 EUR) with breakfast per night
    For booking contact directly with the hotel: rezerwacje@sangate-hotel.pl

    During the event the hotel will prepare buffet and during lunch breaks dinners for 30zł (~7,5 Euro) will be available

    Addional regulations:
    No alcohol allowed in the gaming area (hotel bar will be opened and you can get drinks there)
    No smoking allowed (this includes e-cigaretes)
    No ordering food or drinks from outside the hotel
    No trading ( no buying or selling of products with cash in places other then the vendors)

    Link to facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/226322917948169/

  2. 2 hours ago, Rillan said:


    In terms of 2 hits there is pretty high chance u get one moderate on it. And if Nekima inflicts 9 damage then mage goes dead cause 5 + 2 (reduction from upgrade) + 2 (reduction from arcane shield) - 9 = 0 and even if u hit 2 weak u can Blood for Blood and still kill it and then move away. There is no need in 3 hits.

    Btw Nekima can fly and hide behind terrain so if mages wreck u i would say u did something wrong.


    So whatever mage player does u kill his model. And if he cheats/discards card for reduction its even bigger win. 

    If he didnt not activate, you need moderate on one of the 2 first hits and you cant BB him. Right? If he did activate you're slow and pushed away so you have maybe 1 one hit. So generally you need whole activation of nekima to kill a singel 5ss model and Sandeep still has plethora of other attack vectors - banasuva, cerber, 2 other mages.


    1 hour ago, Rillan said:

    It more looks he is complaining just to complain. It doesn't look he played Nekima even once.

    I play her quite a lot. I am not complaining, I'am suprised she is regarded so high against Sandeep and so far none one has showed why is she good in this match up. Dont know what your opponets do with Sandeep that they cant deal with her.


    2 hours ago, Angelshard said:


    How is the mage unactivated if he's slowed nekima?

    Either you have three attacks or you have an activated mage. Both should very much result in one dead mage.

    But fair enough, if nekima doesn't work for you that is fine. 

    Have you tried a lure tactic where you hold back and lure his models into a death zone one by one?

    Have you considered Serena bowman in an ultra aggressive list?

    Titania should work quite well against sandeep too.

    Aeslin will prevent your models from being pushed by him and can make mages and sandeep cry if she activates her aura near them.

    If your enemy is static you could bring widow weaver to lower their wp.

    It seems like your biggest issue is the three mages using furious casting next to the boost Gamin. 

    There's been a lot of suggestions on how to break that up. Heck a single stitched could give you moving cover to negate their plus flip.

    What do you mean by static? Sandeep crew is one of the most mobile crews in the game - angelica/captain and places/pushes from sandeep, have you tried WW? Dont own Serena yet but Ill definatly give her a try. 

    If you use the lure tactic what do you try to lure? Its not like Sandeep dosent have means to surgical strike across the board where its needed so He can also apply pressure.

    Sue is much better then aeslin, and yes he is a good counterpick.

    I have never stated Sandeep is unbeatable (he is although you are always an underdog) but you cant convince me (so far) that just throwing Nekima into his face is a solid tactic

  3. 4 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    The two horror duels are on separate turns. Even if Nekima gets a negative on the damage flip there is someting close to a 45% chance of flipping better than weak and she might even get to a straight flip on the raw duel. The Sandeep player will have summoned stuff and messed around so expecting the arcanists to 13 everything isn't exactly fair, it's very likely that double rush of magics and wings of darkness has given the neverborn a hand advantage.

    So hitting moderates on minus is now somehow a viable tactic? You are risking 13-14ss model for that, I would call this quite a gamble.

    So my argumet here for the whole time is that your not getting 3 swings with nekima due to slow from mages, If you speak about 2 turns of attacks my argument is that nekima needs all 3 hits to kill unactivated mage (bb does nothing against the shield and unless you hit moderate but its still not the great trade), You have x2 rush and wings which is nice, the problem is he has just more cards between arcane res,  biting myranda with raptor, IE from myranda and + from gamin and cerber. IE is of course a one time boost but its often enough to assasinate either nekima or lilith, so its not like lilith player can be so bold with everything he does. I have played this match up fair amount against competent players and you may trust me that lilith rans out of cards quicker then sandeep. And for whole time Iam not speaking about any perfect storm of events just normal stuff like a guy with 11 cards is hitting def 5 model with ca6 with plus, knows how to use his triggers, is not walking his models into nekima bb+swing range, is not using his face cards to summon gamins, knows tangle shadows has 5ca and most of his models are wp6 so keeps a high card for that attack. Meanwhile everyone insists that nekima will drain a lot of resources from Sandeep and thats a good way to play the match up, which is in my opinion a bad way to play it out - Nekima will drain more of your own resources and she will maybe kill a model that costs less then her. 

  4. 12 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Not before Nekima can activate. And definitely not before she can kill some models and pulse out at least 2 tn 14 horror duels with a second activation, because between Iggy and Doppleganger in neverborn you should never have to worry about the first activation of a turn.

    I do understand you ever take one horror  duel? And what models is she killing? She needs all 3 swings to kill a singel mage

  5. 7 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    So you mean I get to trade a few stones for basically my opponents entire turn? Sounds good to me. I'll just be having the rest of my crew do stuff while the Sandeep player is using all of their AP on Nekima.

    Also, you said she gets swapped in and dies before her first activation on her first turn. Considering Lilith and Nekima are going to be the neverborn players last 2 activations, that means Nekima is somehow dying in 1 activation.

    I mean you trade a few stones for some of his ap, and its getting downhill pretty fast from there.

    Deep will surely outactivate Lilith+nekima crew so he will have more then one model to attack nekima with.

  6. 2 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Why are you not just swapping out the gamin that would be giving a :+flip? It's already in a central spot for where you want Nekima to be. And since it's a 3" aura on the model, Nekima being twice its size as well as having a 3" engagement range is going to be engaging everyone it would be buffing+some. How is Nekima dying before she even gets to activate? What is happening in 1 activation that kills her? If you take Nekima you should already be prepared to throw a some extra stones her way regardless, so I'm not sure how this is supposedly a new thing to have to worry about when running her against Sandeep.

    She is not dying in one activation - just getting slowed and then pushed away so she does nothing, she dies later after eating all your stones

  7. 20 hours ago, TeddyBear said:

    Stop please with these unecessary complaints! There are 7 topics on "How is strong Sandeep, nerfing sandeep .."..people try to give you some advices! Tangle shadow is the best attack of Lilith, like "lightning dance" of Yan lo..probably you and the others that complain about sandeep, don't know how to use their neverborns well. (tangle shadow on pigapult?? if anything, on one cheaper piece that can engage pigapult..)

    What happen on nekima after one furious casting? What did you want? An immortal nekima? i like this game because there are pros and cons, for every factions!

    Apart that if nekima charges Sandeep, after oxfordian mages can't casting well on her because they are engaged.. (unless sandeep have unaligned sage and also use the sight beyond...) 

    Ok, probably you don't kill sandeep with nekima..but at least you start to to eat his resources! Also i want remember on every Lilith players that tey have (1) Wicked Vines, a very strong and undervauled attack action.. i'm just saying that there are 4 dmgs on a pushed model...and leave it at that.

    and then, i've already written in the other 15 threads on sandeep..sandeep is a master that needs a lot of cards, (to discard for oxfordans's furious casting, suit for Tn, for extra action and other)

    Never thought about a nb list with some pieces that consumes opponent resources?

    Already know how this ends.. like previous (leveticus double focus, papa loco, francisco, wind gamin, gremlins..) someone complains and then they will be nerfed..

    But after sandeep, who is next? Nellie? Nicodem? Hamelin? Who? It makes me smile..😭



    I need to learn to play with neverborn better, surely reading this forum will help with this.

    Iam actually complaing about quality of advice in this thread not sandeep. Because whenever there are problematic matchups everyone is suggesting lilith which is very misleading as i doubt they ever saw the problem on the tabletop. I think collodi and pandora are better options against arc.

    If your opponents has 3 models which cost 15ss total and each of them can neutralize your 13-15ss nekima in singel activation it means nekima is not too good against sandeep, is she? As for eating resources Iam sure you know that tangleshadow+trying to keep nekima alive eats your resources as well- not sure why everyone forgets that  she burns through your cash real fast as everything hits her. For me playing lilith+nekima into deep is very risky but iam open for discussion if someone has valid tactic  (not something like we have so far: swap in nekima and let her die before her activation on first turn).

    Iam suprised about the engagement argument which a lot of people seem to bring up. Engagement dosent do anything for furious casting mage. He target you, then he randomize, If he hits his model he pushes it away with his trigger and second and third attack hits you normally (so slow and push away), if he randomize into you he pushes you out of engagement with the first hit and then shoots you twice. Cover is usually not an issue because of the + gamin.

    I'll try again to spam vicked wines against deep. When I tried it first time the problem was Sandeep crew has a lot of pushes and arcane shield (so vines were more 2-3 damage). What do you try to root against deep?

  8. 23 hours ago, daniello_s said:

    How about sling-shooting Nekima into Sandeeps face? Bring Lilith, run some cheap, fast model (Cherub?) somewhere close to Sandeep, swap Cherub with Nekima, Nekima charges Sandeep. Next turn if you have Doppelganger cheat initiative flip if needed and put more pressure on Sandeep.


    If Sandeep is not too available to be snatched this way, try to kill his pesky Mage this way. If Nekima is in danger of counter-strike pull her back using Tangle Shadows again sending some cheap model to certain death instead.

    If nekima is to charge sandeep it means she is 9" away, have you ever seen what happens to nekima after one furious casting from mage? Iam really tired of reading posts about tangle shadow. Pigapult? Tangle shadow! Perdita with el mayor? Tangle shadow! Sandeep? Tangle Shadow! Because when you have x2 rush you always have rj and they cant draw a 10+! Its really difficult to use tangle shadow efficently against deep (high wp often with +) and when you do suceed what are you actually doing? That wonders me the most. If you swap in deep with shield you wont kill him with nekima except with rj(and still with 3hits and rj you may fail if he prevents good) and then he escapes. If you swap out nekima she isnt doing anything after two hits from mage (slow and push away, you have forest they have place from deep). If you swap in deep without shield he is till has at least one activation to place out and you are always outactivated with lilith. 

    I played against sandeep a lot, I play against him at least 2 each tounament (various players) and for me Lilith just dosent have enough punch to beat him (you can always play better i know but then talking about the match up is pointless), not sure what the best solution against deep is but that diffinetly is not lilith. I usually play collodi (i know about magnetism, but this master has so much raw power that he is never a bad pick) or pandora into arcanist(sandeep). 

    • Respectfully Disagree 2

    4 hours ago, chryspainthemum said:

    If you deployed 18" away from your opponent, your first goal should have been Lilitu walks up and lures Dora up, then Dora Incites to swing 8" up the board on a 0 before using maybe 1 ap to walk and engage the enemy crew. Then inflict like mad. Turn 2 your opponent is forced to activate the Skeeter first (because of your Mood Swing), letting you inflict 3 more times. With that many models, your opponent is bound to have a few cluster hotspots. Dora needs to engage them and go 'Hey, pass this 14 WP duel. Now do it twice more. Now pass this 14 DF duel. Now pass this Terrifying 13 duel to hit me.' This is going to throw your opponent on the defensive right from the start as you pull all their high cards out of the deck.

    In the traditional box opens list, I'd also chuck the Barbaros and Mysterious Emissary for good ol' Nekima and Doppelganger. If you have the model, then Lust also does wonders for the playstyle.

    My 2 cents: Barbaros is fine in melee Dora, gives her yet another layer of defense. Emissary is ok but you need a sorrow (you moodswing turn one from emissary, dora and iggy) and second turn you copy misery walk up with the tree and then sorrow (optional), so every inflict really hurts ( you do it x3 and you kill a bayou on any failed duel). You probably will need to stone a lot for prevention to make her survive sommer blasts. I don't like Nekima in melee dora as she is very easy to target and eats all the stones and then Pandora can die easily (and you lose value from aether c). Also I dont take doppel unless I need "dont mind me".

  10. On 16.02.2018 at 10:23 PM, PolishSausage said:

    Exactly, he does not have damage mitigating abilities (other than taking stilts). This means you have to focus shoot/cast, as your typical "charge" will at best net only 1 attack.

    Zipp players are more than likely to cheat the highest card they have on the 1st attack to blast off using mask trigger. The problem comes if Zipp takes Stilts + Dirty Cheater, this way he can take 1 hit, blast off, followed by activating and healing through DC. This way he nullified one of your hits and re-positioned himself. Stilts give him the flexibility of taking a ML hit that "if" RJ he can dump stilts on.

    In all honesty I recommend anna lovelace and doppelganger as a zipp hunting squad. 

    Why doppel and anna? They dont seem to do much against Zipp, could you elaborate on this?

  11. I have tried diffrent gunline lists with mix of trappers, changelings, doppel, austringers. They dont work and even when they do Collodi does it better. 

    I had fair amount of success with fea and i think thats the way to play him in nb as If you dont use the ml aura Lucius aint doing enough. My basic list for this is: Lucius, puke, Thorn, Tooth, x2 Rougarou, Emissary with basic conflux, terracota warrior. The list has some nice synergies and decent amount card manipulation with deep pockets+puke and +flips from lucius and emissary, knights with werewolves are cool particulary with +flips(emissary gives +to both lures and attacks but if you lose him + from lucius are decent). If you manage to summon changelings(quite good chance with all the card draw) they can either scheme or help with pounce death-bubble. Everything except emissary is minion so you can protect it with red tape, and emissary can get protection from terracota warrior.

    • Like 1
  12. Date: 05.11.2017

    Venue: Strefa Mtg, al Armii Ludowej 15, Warsaw

    Start :10.00

    Sign up from 9.40

    Entry Fee: 20zł

    Entries Limit: 20

    Rounds: 120min+10min for preperations

    Length: 3-4 rounds of Swiss estimated ending with 4 rounds ~1930


    Strategy: Head Hunter
    Deployment: Corner
    Claim Jump
    Dig their Graves
    Leave your Mark
    Show of Force
    Recover Evidence

    Round 2
    Strategy: Interference
    Deployment: Close
    Claim Jump
    Frame for Murder
    Leave your Mark

    Round 3
    Strategy: Extraction
    Deployment: Flank
    Claim Jump
    Eliminate the Leadership
    Quick Murder
    Mark for Death

    Round 4
    Strategy: Squatters's Right
    Deployment: Standard
    Claim Jump
    Dig their Graves
    Frame for Murder
    Hunting Party
    Undercover Entourage


    Link to facebook event:https://tinyurl.com/y85sglu3


  13. Third league at Strefa MTG - al. Armii Ludowej 15 Warszawa

    Entry fee: 15zł

    Sign up till 01.11

    Round one- 02.11-09.11
    Round two 09.11-16.11
    Round three 16.11-23.11
    Round four 23.11-30.11


    Round 1
    Strategy: Guard the Stash
    Deployment: Standard
    Claim Jump
    Frame for Murder
    Dig their Graves
    Covert Breakthrough
    Recover Evidence

    Round 2
    Strategy: Squatter's Rights
    Deployment: Corner
    Claim Jump
    Leave your Mark
    Eliminate the Leadership
    Show of Force
    Set Up

    Round 3
    Strategy: Extraction
    Deployment: Flank
    Claim Jump
    Make them Suffer
    Take Prisoner
    Undercover Entourage

    Round 4
    Strategy: Headhunter
    Deployment: Close
    Claim Jump
    Hunting Party
    Exhaust their Forces
    Detonate the Charges
    Mark for Death


    Link to facebook event:


  14. 3 hours ago, EnternalVoid said:

    Not sure why Pandora would have problems with Bishop as her ability trumps Bishop's.  At which point the only thing she has to be careful of his his Haymaker.  so either be prepared for it or have at least a single piece of condition removal in case he gets it.

    I imagine Pandora has the advantage if you can deal with Hamelin's heavy hitters as he is not exactly a killing machine himself and does not like people that mess with his order of activations *due to Incite*.  What you would have to likely do though is not run a "Box" Pandora crew.  Relying only on Wp duels and having low wound count low Df models is not going to help, but if you give Pandora a decent selection of tougher models that don't need her she does better in my opinion.  I like including at least one Illuminated and Beckoner combo with her.  The Lure is useful first turn moving your own guys forward a little, the Beckoner has a 2/4/5 damage if she targets anything near Pandora with Promises, and if the Beckoner and Illuminated team up they can offer a high damage output *the threat means they will often cheat in fear of taking those hits*.  Add in stuff like Waldgiest, Iggy, Johan, or Mr. Graves and you can have a pretty durable/flexible set of options.

    Yes I mean haymaker which is 7 vs 7 and can easily paralyze Dora even turn one after he outactivate you and obeys bishop.

    Times of Hamelin not doing much himself are long gone with the Plague Pit upgrade.

    Personally I dont like illuminated against Hamelin as you cant put Brilliance on AnD and it easily kills them in one activation.



    With those restrictions Pandora seems ok as hamelin cant bring the pits so plan with killing the beaters nay work, but I still would consider Collodi


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