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Posts posted by sillybrian

  1. 3 minutes ago, Adran said:

    I  believe the intent is for wyrd to continue to sell them individually for a year after the boxes are merged. But Wyrd sold every Archie they had (and many more from the sounds of it) at their gencon sale, and the production order placed in August for more has only just got them arriving at wyrd to meet those orders (from what I read). So I believe he was taken from the store for Black Friday, anmd once they have him in stock you will be able to order him separately.

    Gotcha.  Ok cool.   Thanks for the clarification!

  2. So sorry if this has been discussed in the past, but I literally just found a group that plays and put in my first 3e order on Black Friday!  I picked up Brine & Bones, and was hoping to get hold of Archie to go along with his hat.  I can't find him anywhere!  He seems to be out of stock and isn't even listed on the Wyrd webstore anymore.  Is this potentially just a 3e reboxing?

  3. So I recently discovered Breachside Broadcast, and have been enjoying the heck out of it.  The first bunch of episodes cover the period of the three books of Malifaux 1.5... I just finished the section for Rising Powers and now am on Twisting Fates.

    My question is this... are the stories in the books different than the ones read on the Broadcast?  Because I notice that the 3 old books are availavle on DriveThryRPG at a pretty low price, and if there are more stories I will pick them up, but Im worried about spending the money and finding out they are the same stories...

    Any insight?  Thanks

  4. Maybe jumping the gun, but I think Zipp's Up and Away attack (whatever its called) should be limited to once per turn.  His gun is good, but being able to move 2 or 3 models an activation while avoiding all Df triggers seems a bit much.

    I think the Mercenary list should be trimmed down and thinned out.  There are just too many merc options, and some make hardly any sense, like Burt or even Performer.  They just seem like faction advantages that should stay faction.

    Badge of Office should prevent damage, not reduce... too many things deal damage which cannot be reduced for this to be worth 2ss I think.

    These are just my newbie thoughts.  Loving the game overall!

  5. @Fetid Strumpettoo much text to quote, but that was very informative!  I had no idea about the control hand issues.  I can certainly see how that will be important.  Thank you for that!

    I'm not planning on playing competitively any time soon, I'm still just enjoying learning the game.

    Someday I will pick up the Nurses, probably with McMourning.  I hadn't really done the research when I bought stuff, or maybe I would have already grabbed that.

    I was surprised about the belles, and how you recommend two instead of 1 belle and 1 doxy.  I guess I always just heard that they synergize well, and took it for granted?  What you are saying makes sense.

    I love the Valedictorian model, so swapping that in is a no brainer.  I eyeball that sprue all the time anyway, so good to have reason to start it.  I haven't quite got my head wrapped around Anna Lovelace yet, so it is interesting to see her in the list... having not played much, she is a bit hard to visualize.  Honestly I had actually picked her up to go with Von Skill who is just about hot off my paint stand.  I will have to just try her out I guess.

    Thanks again for the feedback, I had no idea how much Seamus depended on the control hand or how that impacts choices.


  6. 8 minutes ago, godswearhats said:

    Malifaux isn't designed with fixed lists in mind. However, running a fixed list is arguably the best way to learn a subset of your faction's models. This list seems fine for doing just that. You may want to include another Belle or Doxy in your paint list in order to summon. If you are playing against players of similar experience levels, this will likely be a very strong list. 

    Yeah as I get models painted I can have flexibility, so the fixed list is really just a starting point.  Thanks for the feedback!  I forgot about the summon, so yeah I need another belle or doxy also, apparently.

  7. I picked up a Seamus crew box and some assorted additional models and I really would love to try him out.  I have to prioritize assembly and painting so I thought Id see what suggestions people have.

    My idea for a crew with models I own looks basically like this:



    Madame Sybelle

    Rotten Belle x1

    Dead Doxy x1

    The Hanged x1

    Crooligan x1

    Bete Noire

    The rest of the SS on upgrades.

    I also have in my collection the Valedictorian & Students, Anna Lovelace, Nico's crew box, and Necropunks, but I would assemble and paint these later on unless I need to change my list above. (I never play with unpainted models so a crew list for me is an investment in time and priority).

    What do you guys think?  Should I focus on my list or am I about to do it wrong?

  8. How many rats and rat kings do you guys typically use at one time in a game?  Right now I have 12 rats and 2 rat kings.  Is that enough?


    Also... wouldn't Hannah be a good option to add to the army?  Aside from the obvious thematic issues, she seems like a good option because she can copy Bleeding Disease from either Nix or the Obedient Wretch if Nix is out of range?

  9. So I have a Perdita team that I have played a couple games with, but thats it.  I took advantage the other day of a flu season special at one of my local LGS and picked up The Plague Cometh and Brotherhood of the Rat as a combo deal.  I also just added on Winged Plague because they look like they go together.

    As I'm building these up.... there are 12 rats total that I now have, but only 4 sculpts and 4 unique card images (3 of each).

    Has anyone figured out a good way to differentiate the rats and cards so that if you have multiples of one sculpt on the board, that you dont get confused between which rat goes to which card?

    Best I can think of now is do 4 rats in grey, 4 in dark brown, etc or sometjing like that, but I would still have to mark the cards.... not sure how much I like that yet.

    Any good ideas?

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  10. When I first did the gremlin models I used Biel-tan Green shade from GW, and the results are decent if you like that more aggressive GW style of shading/highlighting.  The biggest issue is that it will lack any warmth which usually really helps skin shadows (even green).

    I think Vallejo model washes are nice too but havent tried any of the greens.

    The Gremlins tend to be pretty tiny, so any wash should be targeted unless you dont mind tinting the bright skin.

    Honestly though nowadays I would really recommend checking out some basic videos on doing flesh with layering instead of using washes... It really does look a lot nicer in my opinion, and was fun to learn.

    Good luck!

  11. I have a basic No Shelter Here set.  All models built carefully, mold lines cleaned.  Poltergeist & Sorrows attached to bases, Pandora/Baby K/Candy not yet attached to bases.

    Nothing primed yet, so clean slate.

    **I also have an extra blister of Sorrows, NIB I will throw in because Im that kinda guy, and I believe nobody can ever have too many Sorrows.


    I want one of these listed box sets.  Any one will do.  I strongly prefer NIB because Im very particular in my modelling and I hate sloppy glue joints and uncleaned mold lines... but if you have assembled then let me know to what extent and we shall see.  Nothing undercoated please.

    - Torch & Blade

    - Claw & Fang

    - Body of Evidence

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