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Impact UK

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Posts posted by Impact UK

  1. 11 hours ago, Clockwork_Fish said:

    Suddenly the recent Monday previews make more sense.  Maybe the False Witnesses will be Lucius’ default minion?

    Sounds very Lucius.

    17 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    You don't know which models they will want after the switch, Dashel should be getting a totem of his own which will not be available as a single purchase so you are setting yourself up for duplicates and potentially wanting to rebuy because the new sculpt looks amazing. Guild guard might be like they were early m2e and Dashel might get mounted guardsmen in his box etc.

    Given the speed that Wyrd release models it maybe a good idea to get them now so you only have the totem to proxy.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, thewrathchilde said:

    what I hate about a preview like M3E is it seems to take the wind right out of the sails of people playing the current edition.....

    I don't like change (must be read in an elderly man’s voice), Given that all Wyrds competitors have been stepping up their game and if Malifaux is going to stand a chance of surviving then M3e needs to land in the near future.

    But I already know of a couple of former players that have dug out there Malifaux with renewed interest.

    • Like 2
  3. 14 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    Dashel is the most boring possible option for a new master.  There I've said it. 

    Completely the opposite for me, I always thought he would be better off leading a crew than playing second fiddle to the other masters.

    But not to worry I bet we have plenty of other Guild stuff you will like.

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  4. 21 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    It's interesting, because from what I can tell often times people can either get consistent tournament attendance, or consistent casual play.  I think life often makes it hard to do both (though I would love to, I'd really be neglecting my home life if I did).

    For me it is about the only other thing I do other than go to work, my wife is happy that I am gone for the day (unless she decides to enter also).  My son is not old enough for tournaments yet and we have yet to advance past Henchman Hardcore.

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    One thing I would note is that this was not your average tournament.  I think Owen is the only person of the people I talked to that is a tournament regular.  I know there were at least two people for whom this was their first tournament, John and I hadn't played in a solo tournament since Burst of the Worst (at the beginning of wave 5), and the three fellas from Richmond did not sound like they play in tournaments very often.  Casper didn't mention tournament play in Poland, but he only recently arrived here in the US for graduate studies, so I think this was his first game in the states.  I wouldn't look at what we faced or what happened in our games to get an idea of the tournament scene.

    I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the tournament organizer did a great job keeping things moving too.

    Sounds like a fun mix of people and ability.  I try to get to one tournament a month, nothing to do with being a hardcore player though, it is sometimes the only chance I get to have a game and more importantly I get to have 3 games without constant interruptions.

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  6. 27 minutes ago, 4thstringer said:

    I don't know many last names, but I can give factions-

    Casper playing neverborn-(lynch, Pandora, Lilith)(2-0-1)

    Me in second (sonnia x2, Nellie) (2-1)

    Owen in third with Parker.(2-1)

    After that it's mostly guesswork

    4th I think was Justin with Lilith (and maybe other stuff, didn't see his round 2)(2-1)

    5th Eric (my brother)(zipp, ulix, Wong)(1-1-1)

    6th  a guy from Richmond that I didn't play and am blanking on his name playing Lilith went 1-1-1

    7th-John from my meta went 1-2 and ran asami then misaki x2

    8th Matt went 0-3 and took the spoon I saw him run mei one round, don't know otherwise.

    9th was Ally who dropped after the first loss due to illness.



    Just interested in what other crews you had in the pool to come up against, cool to see Parker roll in at 3rd.

    • Like 3
  7. I have to admit that I love Papa Loco, but he never makes it into my lists 😭 .  As for Santiago, well he sort of has lots of competition for his slot but you do need a plan of action for him.  Abuela works well and can be handy for making that key non family model family and the listen up action is rather handy.


    • Like 2
  8. 19 hours ago, admiralvorkraft said:

    Yeah, Jury wouldn't be my first choice. Especially in Guild, half the faction has a 12" pistol to just get that first point on the board.

    Good job all around though!


    19 hours ago, admiralvorkraft said:

    Yeah, Jury wouldn't be my first choice. Especially in Guild, half the faction has a 12" pistol to just get that first point on the board.

    Good job all around though!

    Fully agree and normally I would not have chosen her for the job but I expected to face Nellie so my game plan was thrown off a little at the beginning.  I do have that rematch today and I am expecting him to throw Nellie at me this time.

    • Like 1
  9. I do not get to play as much as I would like, my last game this week was a Guild VS Guild with me  running Lucius against Lady Justice.

    Strategy: Ours, Flank Deployment. Scheme: Guard Treasure, Dig their Graves, Set Up, Vendetta, Public Demonstration.

    My 50ss list:

    Master: Lucius + Deep Pockets & Surprisingly Loyal

    Totem: The Scribe - Henchmen: The Jury + Numb to the World

    Minions: 2 x Witchling Thrall - 2 x Guild Guard - Thalarian Queller - Witchling Stalker

    I cannot remember my opponents list exactly but it had was Lady J, Pheona, The Jury, Deathmarshal Recruter, Big Jake and a couple of reporters.

    The final score was Lucius 10, Lady J 3.  I got full for  Public Demo on turn 2 thanks to some well placed Suppression Markers and a Black Joker from Lady J's damage flip.  Turn 3 Pheona scored 1 for Dig allowing me to get 3 for Vendetta upon killing her with the Jury. 

    I have to say I had some great hands all game and lucky that my opponent could not score Vendetta, no matter what direction his Jury went my Thrall ended up going the other way (I cannot claim skill on that, it was just fate being on my side) and Lady J just could not land enough hits on him in turn 5.

    I smell a rematch in the making.

    • Like 3
  10. On 7/17/2018 at 4:47 PM, im_open_to_suggestions said:

    McCabe is still hugely competitive but I think too many people cant see pass nellie

    I stopped playing Nellie some months back due to her being so popular.

    • Like 3
  11. 30 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    If he had by your side on his base card and/or a ram on his melee or the tactical was a 0 action or anything little to push him up he might be more popular.

    Agreed, something like this would improve his chances of seeing the table top.

    • Like 3
  12. 38 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

    I always loved Nightmare McCabe's box and once i was planning to get this box and based crew on it but i failed to see how Sidir would fit there as all would be so mobile he would lag behind... And with 'discount' Pale Rider this crew would look so awesome... :)

    Those outriders need a little bit of ranged support I guess but it would be nice if McCabe could taxi him around a little.

    32 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Sidir was very unpopular back when most henchmen were 9ss. Not sure why he was one of the few niners left untouched in the winter errata. I realise it would be greedy to have him dropped as well but right now he looks like one of the absolute worst picks in a guild list.

    Sidir should be a solid Henchmen but for me he always seemed to let me down, maybe it is that 40mm base holding him back LoL.

    • Like 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    @Impact UK

    Just out of curiosity, why six cards? Is that your record in a single hit with the effigy buff or do you mean using two ap? 

    I'm contemplating some weirdo Sonnia build where you smack stuff to put out burning and get cards and then companion into Sam and summon stalkers from kills. I would love to figure out how to spam summons with guild. :)

    Runed Blade has a built in :ramso with 3 AP and assuming you get all 3 hits in you get one card for each Ram from Absorb Magic, if you are lucky or stone you can sneak in some extra Ram's to the total.  It is possible to get 3 cards from 1AP but that is rather resource intensive, never considered adding the effigy to the mix (good idea I may need to steal that).

    Summoning Sonnia is never a guaranteed thing but I do find paring a Witchling Handler with a Guild Austringer or 2 a good way of spreading the flames.

    As for Spam Summoning, some games I am lucky to get 1 Stalker on the board but other times I have finished the game with 4 or 5 Stalkers in play.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  14. 18 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    This thread is making me want to play McCabe.

    Well it is helping me with that push to start building the crew.

    12 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Wastrels get better cards back when they drop cards for rams and have a charge value. They do have some pretty glaring weaknesses but I love the models so usually bring one with McCabe since I think he's the master who makes the best use of them. They're probably not a competitive choice but oh well.

    Wastrels may not be the best but I did like to take a couple and could probably make room for at least one in a list.

    • Like 4
  15. 53 minutes ago, Fazza92 said:

    There are too much match when a Melee Sonnia die very quick,especially without Francisco...Her damage output is very low...Without Francisco you have 3 Ap With Mi7 and Df4 or 3 with Mi5 and Df4...with 2/3/5 damage(and burning ok,But is a condition and can be removed)...

    I think you are envisioning Sonnia charging into the middle of the opposing crew to dish out punishment with that big sword, this is generally not the case (unless Papa Loco is joining her).  The thing you are missing is the card draw of a possible 6 cards and healing up to 6 wounds with a push to get back out of range.

    Now as for good old Francisco, well to make him a good investment he needs to be in the action and Sonnia's range 14 cast that can hit models about 8 inch away from the original target has him sat back not doing much with his AP at times, I feel that those Soulstones can be put to much better use in other models that support Sonnia.

    Double teaming the Jury with a Queller is rather a nasty combination for example, The Jury's Fee's and Courtroom Scrutiny backed up with a Suppression Marker and a well placed Subdued from the Queller makes most beaters struggling to land a hit (and if the Purifying Flame is in the same post code you get a very upset opponent).

    It is also worth keeping in mind that Killing your opponents models is fairly pointless unless they are helping you score VP, I have won a couple of games without killing any of my opponents crew (obviously with Nellie) and have won with only 1 models standing, yea I have not joined the club of winning a game that I was tabled in.


    • Like 6
  16. 7 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Back when I ran him I sometimes used Francisco to make him super defensive for a turn and ran him straight into a concentration of enemy models where he caused trouble until the rest of the crew caught up. With clever soulstone use he can last pretty well even against dedicated beaters. You need to conaider where you want his dismounted model to pop out as well so it can keep several models engaged when they take out the horse.

    Me and my clubmates haven't caught up with all the wave 5 releases but facing him lately I always run into to a reactivating thrall. A monster hunter is probably also very nice for reactivating.

    The new disguised + don't mind me cloak makes his crew very flexible and can slow down many melee beaters.

    I have acquired the Nightmare addition so I guess I will be wanting to run some Mounted Guild Guard in the list if possable (rule of cool and all that LoL).

    • Like 4
  17. So over 2 years ago I had a good handle on how to play our horseback scoundrel but have to admit I do not have a clue on how to go about it now.

    So how are you guys running him?

    Just looking for a flood of ideas and interesting options.

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