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Mr. December

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Everything posted by Mr. December

  1. Just got the Children of December box for Christmas. I've never played, but I have wanted to for a long time. Raspy is my fave. Just love the idea of frozen heart. I also have some Acolytes of December and I'm looking to get an Essence of Power. I'll be getting Snowstorm, Blessed of December, and Silent Ones when they release here soon. But since there isn't much of a player base in my area I'll essentially be trying to build one up on my own. I'll need to get a second box to allow others to play against me. What is an easy to play box that is balanced to the Raspy box? I should also mention, since I'm the one buying it I'd prefer it was a faction I was already interested in. I'm leaning toward Lilith because I've seen videos of that box playing well with Raspy's box. I also like the terrain manipulation and the terror tot growth, though from what I understand the latter isn't usually significant. I really like the Herald of Obliteration box, but it seems difficult for new players to be competitive with. I'm also considering Lady Justice's box since it would give me the death marshals I'll want to put with Tara eventually anyway. I'm also considering Sonnia Crid, McMourning, Mei Fang, and Misaki's starter boxes just because I like the flavor and the models. I may also be interested in Kaeris as I've heard she can be good with Raspy. Eventually I'll probably acquire all of these, but I was wondering which I should start with to help build a player base. If there is another set not listed that is a particularly good match, I'd also consider it.
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