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Posts posted by Munindk

  1. I think it sounds weird to leave her limbless, its too space marine dreadnough'ish.

    If the robots body is big enough, I think it would be better to use her shoulders and maybe the upper parts of her arms too, making it look like she was crouched inside the body of the robot, controlling the it manually. Sort of like Tau XV8 suits.

    I'm considering having Hannah standing in front of the suit, controlling it with a remote control rig of some sort or maybe just casually reading a book. I want to add a censer to the model too and make the other hand make a rude gesture.

  2. It doenst allow Horror Molly to summon spirits, but it will allow her to take Forgotten Life and give non-horror undead Black Blood. It makes running things like Izamu, The Hanged, Shikome or possibly Bete Noire with Horror Molly interesting. Its also a nice boost that Sybelle can have Black Blood.

    I cant remember if Toshiro has the undead og horror characteristics?

  3. I've been toying with @jonahmauls idea of an elite Nicodem crew for reckoning.

    Nicodem -- 3ss
     +Necrotic King - 2ss
    Graveyard Spirit - 3ss
    Izamu The Armor - 10ss
    Rogue Necromancy - 10ss
    The Valedictorian - 10ss

    This leaves 15ss for extra models and upgrades. Maniacal Laugh (+Undertaker) or Spare Parts on Nicodem would be good, the first for activation control and the second for summoning more beaters. Maybe some Unnerving or Decaying aura on the beaters, possibly Corpse Bloat on Izamu for a few corpse markers, although Mortimer could be added to the crew with either Corpse Bloat or My Favorite Shovel.

    Nurses, Belles and Doxies could be good for support/movement shenanigans. Or you could just add another beater to the crew like Killjoy, Ama No Zako or a second Rogue Necromancy.


  4. It might be worth mentioning the Carrion Emissary and his Conflux of Horror upgrade. It grants all friendly undead in a bubble the Horror characteristic, opening up Horror Mollys hiring pool and making Maniacal Laugh interesting.

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  5. First, Welcome to Malifaux :)

    Next, a bit of general advice. I'd start with reading the decriptions of the factions on the wiki, (scroll down a bit and there's a good description of each master too) I find that they're a bit more accurate than the descriptions on Wyrds own page. Then I'd recommend that you read up on the masters you find interesting, both on the wiki and on the faction forums, there are several stickyed threads with master specific tacticas.

    If there's a minion that you want for your crew and its included in a masters starter box, its almost always a better deal to pick up the masters starter box. You'll rarely need more than 3 of any given minion (which is the usual number of minions in a master starter box), totems and henchmen from the starter boxes arent sold seperately and, as many on these forums can attest, its very likely that you want to play lots of masters at some point.

    I'd also recommend that you stick to one faction and 1-2 masters to begin with. Sticking to one faction widens your hiring pool and makes it easier to get the most out of your chosen master(s). In my opinion sticking to 1-2 masters makes it easier to learn the game. There's lots of things to keep track of as Strategies and Schemes are generated for each individual game, so if you stick to a specific master and a good core crew, you'll soon learn the capabilities of your models and then you can focus on figuring out which models are best for the different Strats and Schemes.

    There's a great online crew builder, which I've found helpful for playing around with crew compositions and planning purchases.

    Finally a bit about the models and masters you've expressed interest in.

    Nicodem doesnt have to be played as a summoner (though it is his standard operating mode), he can work just as well as a support master who buffs an elite crew. The latter approach requires fewer, but generally more expensive (both in soul stones and cash), models. You can in fact switch between the summoner and support role during a game, buffing something you've summoned in or summoning in something to help your elite crew.

    I dont know much about Yan Lo but if you like asian and horror, he does (at least visually) sound just right for you. He likes models with the Ancestor and Retainer traits, like Toshiro, Yin, Izamu and the stuff that comes in his starter box. He can be used in both the Ressurectionist and the Ten Thunders faction, all the Ancesters and most of the Retainers are dual faction too, so you can use them in both factions.

    I mentioned buying master starter boxes to get minions, this is actually relevant when you're looking at Nicodem and Yan Lo. Nicodem can summon the Ashigaru that come in Yan Lo's box and Yan Lo can hire the Punk Zombies from Nicodems box (though its more likely that you'll give Toshio an upgrade, that lets him summon the Punk Zombies). Chiaki can be useful in many Ten Thunders (generally for condition removal) and Ressurectionist crews (any that worries about conditions and/or uses Nurses).

    As for other models, Nicodem likes just about everything in the Ressurectionist faction... but Izamu is a popular choice for both masters, as Yan Lo can teleport him around the table (and return him to play, if he's killed) and Nicodem can heal and buff him. Check out the wiki pages, the tacticas on the Ressurectionist and Ten Thunders forumsfor more info on which models are good with each master.

    Collodi is part of the Neverborn faction, which is the faction where most of the creepy dolls come from. Zorida (master) has a voodoo doll, The Dreamer (master) can summon Stitched Togethers and Teddys (a bit creepy teddy bear), and the Widow Weaver (henchman) can take an upgrade that lets her summon Wicked Dolls and Teddys.

    There's a lot more to Neverborn that creepy dolls though, but I dont play that faction (yet) so I'll let others tell you more about it :)


  6. I'm willing to write off Willie as artistic license and it he doesnt break my suspension of disbelief, I think his wheelbarrow was intentionally designed for humorous effect rather than realism.

    To me the arachnid saw looks more like a combination of a rushed response to critique (thumbs up to Wyrd for listening though) and a bad technical compromise, then a conscious design choice.

  7. I'd consider swapping Trixiebelle for Lenny in your core crew.

    Alternatively, you could just keep your core to Somer with Family Tree, 1 Bayou Gremlin, 1 Slop Hauler and pick the rest according to strategy and schemes. That would put up to 7 more Bayous, Lenny, Trixiebelle, 2 Skeeters, Pigapult, Merris, Sammy and a big pig with Saddle on your "models that I'll want in my bag" list.

  8. 1 hour ago, RobertSirc said:

    I think we need to remember that Tannen brings out most of what dreamer can summon much easier than before. Sure getting the teddies out is awesome and I have done it before. But getting stitched out and IM's out with lower cards is nice. 

    And he can help the Widow Weaver too.

    • Like 1
  9. As stated you need Tannen.

    Another way to go about summoning Teddy is with the Widow Weaver and her Handbag upgrade. Its an expensive upgrade on a fairly fragile model but with 4 scrap/corpse markers and an 11:mask you can get a Teddy. Getting the markers isnt as hard as it sounds, as she can pick them up and carry them around.

    Its an expensive, but slightly more reliable way of summoning Teddy.

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    Just wanted to add, first and foremost Wyrd is a model production company, having models that aren't viable is a money losing endeavor for them. Using the Lucius crew box for example, if both he and his included models are considered sub par then sales will suffer in favor of the handful of models that are. It is in the company's best interest to insure that everything is viable.

    If the Lucius box is considered Sub-par then players wont purchase it outside of visual appeal. Additionally, if a player does purchase the box based solely on visual appeal, what happens when they actually play the game with it? If they consistently get trounced they are unlikely to want to continue playing (yes I have seen this happen). At best this means no additional sales of product for Wyrd, at worst it means the creation of a vocal critic of the game.

    Balance is important in a game, there are a lot of examples of n ow defunct games (and companies) that ignored this.

    I think its more complex than this. Wyrds income is not solely contingent on selling individual models or boxes, I think the overall balance/play experience will effect sales too, as few people will pay to play a poorly designed game.

    Maybe the extra income from selling Hoffman (Watcher) and Perdita (Francisco) boxes evens up the lost revenue from the Lucius boxes? Is the current balance, with a sub par Lucius, more likely to attract new or keep current players than the new balance that a Lucius buff will bring about? Did the Metal Gamin cuddle cause a decrease Mei Feng, Mechanical Rider and Metal Gamin box sales? Did it raise the sales of other boxes?

    I agree that money is something Wyrd have to consider, but I dont think it can be boiled down to something as simple "Wyrd is first and foremost a model production company" :)


  11. I realise that there are a lot of factors here, number of fated and so on, but how long is a session supposed to last? Are we talking 2-3 hours, 5-6 hours? more?

    I'm mainly asking as the Fated are supposed to advance after each session and in the published Penny Dreadfuls I think it will matter if my players advance 3 times during the first act, because I've run short sessions.


  12. 1. This is a known issue, a lot of Wyrd minatures (especially the older plastic kits, like the Bayou Gremlins) contain LOTS of TINY bits, but Wyrds Blueprints and GMorts unboxing articles can help a lot. Wyrd has gotten better at it although some recent releases have issues too (Insidious Madness and Large Steam Arachnid).

    2. Army Painter has cheap and decent paints, plus some starter sets. Citadel Hobby (Games Workshop) has slightly more expensive paints and starter sets. Formula P3 (Privateer Press) is in the same price range and quality as Citadel Hobby, but their sets are themed specifically for their own games, so they might not be that useful for Malifaux (although the Cryx, Mercenary and Circle sets combined could work for Gremlins). There are other paint companies, like Vallejo, but I've no experience with them.

    Alternatively asking people for recipies on their threads in the Miniature Showcase forums and picking up the paints they recommend is a good way to get started too. You'll probably see that a lot of the good painters pick and choose their paints from all the paint companies, picking whatever company makes the best version of a certain colour.


  13. 2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    The starter box is good since the models have simple cards and there is a narrative.

    I would either try that or try emulating that setup with small crews with a leader and 3-4 models so each side only has three statlines to keep track of.

    I've been considering making a starter set equivilant crew for each faction for demo purposes, but I dont have enough play experience to put balanced crews together. I've been toying with these 2 though:

    Outcasts: Maybe Taylor instead of Hannah?
    Hannah with Tally Sheet
    2 Freikorpsmann

    Gremlins: There's a extra model here, mainly because Gremlins are so cheap and 2 Slop Haulers or Lightning bugs seems too good.
    Francois with a 1SS upgrade
    3 Bayou Gremlins


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