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Posts posted by Boomstick

  1. Thanks for the input, guys! I totally forgot about Merris' anti-blast ability, and Sammy with Brewie I couldn't seem to look past that none of his upgrades really shine on her, but now that you remind me that Jynx hits Wp taking one of Brewie's upgrades seems secondary. And Wong with both limiteds on the table...yea, seems solid, I guess =P

    So both of the gals when I pick up Wong then, as well as Gracie. Got it.

    Any other thoughts in where to go from there?

  2. Hello all, as the title suggests, I'm looking to expand my Bayou presence here soon, and I'm looking for more experienced recommendations to aid me in my nefarious, green-skinned plans.

    Currently, I have the "Closing Time" Brewmaster box, Burt, Trixie, Nurses I'm turning into "bar serving girl" slop haulers, a whiskey golem, and a lot of Arcanists, which I mention for merc-Performer purposes.

    My next step is to get Wong's box and Gracie for sure. Also thinking about Sammy & Merris. I know I'll get them eventually, just not sure if they should be an immediate purchase or if I should wait.

    So what would you recommend beyond that to work well with one or both of those crew boxes, and why? Piglets? Stuffed Piglets? Bayou Gremlins? What crew boxes would you suggest after Wong? What are your thoughts concerning Sammy & Merris? Lay it on me!

  3. I've tried them out with Brewie once or twice and find them fun and fairly annoying for my opponent so long as their poison is managed pretty well. The "sweet spot" for them is poison +2, to max out their defense and damage boost. Luckily, it's quite possible to start at +2, charge in, spend it to boost the attack, then with triggers and (if I recall) their 0 action, get it back up to +2 by the end of their activation.

    if you're really focusing on them with Brewie, you can pretty much get them to reactivate whenever you want.

  4. Pullmyfinger is primarily a tactica wiki, it doesn't do much at all concerning fluff. Here is the best summary of Malifaux's history I've found: http://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux-history 

    Fantastic, exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for Rezer-ecting these stories for me.

    Must listen to the Breachside Broadcasts.  They give a tremendous flavor to the world and do cover some interesting fluff.



    I adore this podcast. The one thing I would change is the release schedule so we could all have more of it.

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  5. While playing games at my FLGS has done a great job of attracting new players' eyes, I've had a few questions about the fluff, specifically the very beginning/setup for the world itself.

    I know the origin fluff was in the 1st and 1.5 edition books, but where I can point these new potential players who want to immerse themselves into the world on the very beginning? Is there a reason (since the older edition books don't have the current rules) that the origin fluff isn't on PullMyFinger as, shall we say, an appetizer?

    Any light shed on this question or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  6. As to the Metal Gamin, I agree that self-POM needed to go, though I'm intrigued that the wording was changed to "non-Metal Gamin" instead of "other friendly models". The latter strikes me as a more Wyrd-standard wording so the former hit me as odd, is all

    Because if it said "other friendly models", you'd be able to stick 2 MG near each other, PoM each other and then continue playing as if the change never happened.

    I just noticed this is also a cuddle to their primary attack, since you need a model with PoM nearby to get the Burning, and that's difficult to do.

    Right, but even if you have to keep two of them near each other, they're still limited to the 3" bubble to keep it going, which is still much less ridiculous than self-POMing.
    Good catch on the cuddle to their attack, I hadn't thought about that. This hits just keep on coming, it would seem.

  7. The cuddle for Conflux of Conflict makes sense, though I can understand the subtle difference between "the Scheme Marker" and "a Scheme Marker" causing confusion as to if the +6 Ca continues for the trigger actions. It's a very close read.

    As to the Metal Gamin, I agree that self-POM needed to go, though I'm intrigued that the wording was changed to "non-Metal Gamin" instead of "other friendly models". The latter strikes me as a more Wyrd-standard wording so the former hit me as odd, is all.

    That said, changing that along with removing HtK seems maybe just a little too much. I know they're a 4ss minion, but they're supposed to be tough. Maybe replacing HtK with HtW would have been a nice compromise. Still, I see why it was done, and agree with other sentiments that this will lead to a wider variety in construct summoning.

  8. Does the original target teleport away, find his brother, get into a fight with each other and teleport back? When they do teleport back, are they all hot and covered in black stuff. Important questions

    When you get around to getting more Gremlins and running Summon So'mer, I'll be personally disappointed if you don't have half of them covered in black stuff.

    ...And leave the Mech Pony alone. She just wants to run and be free and grow up big and strong. Into a Gundam. On fire.

  9. I am a particular fan of the Moon Shinobi who is laying on his neck with one bottle balanced on his foot and another on the fingers of one of his hands. I'm sure he's comfortable, but for one who is untrained and un-inebriated, that might be a mite discomforting.

    Brewie did that as a young Gremlin, which explains why he's hunched over now. So clearly that (the best Shinobi) is just practicing for what he wants to be when he grows up.

  10. Thanks so much for the unboxing link, that helps tremendously.
    As to differentiating my Blues Coryphee from the mannequins, that should be pretty simple. Only the Coryphee will be the Blues Brothers. The other mannequins will be playing instruments or something. Though now that I think about it, scythe-handed Blues Brothers would be no problem either.

  11. So nothing against the Coryphee models, but I had a cool idea. Considering Colette's flavor for running crews as different shows, I thought I'd find/make some Blues Brothers-esque models and give them a smattering of spikes and blades. Conceptually, they'd be the start of a Rhythm & Blues show crew.

    Thus begins my quest. I know I've seen some Blues Brothers minis somewhere online, but I've had no luck in finding them again. I'm looking for suggestions.
    Really, all I need are two male models in suits. I'm fairly handing with greenstuff (enough to make ties, sunglasses, and fedoras if needed), so I figured this would be easy. The problem is I keep finding models with long coats. Who would have ever thought my long coat fetish as a good sci-fi/urban fantast fan would betray me!?

    So folks, any suggestions on a few suited male models, preferably in some interesting motion poses?
    Or, for some Wyrd specific possibilities, does anybody know if the TTB male box has a few options that might work? Or, even better, if there are pictures of the sprues anywhere?
    Any help or suggestions are very much appreciated. 

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