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Posts posted by edopersichetti


    All great advice so far, thanks fellows!

    I need to abuse High River Style more often. I forget that I can use it on any duel, not just Ml.

    @edopersichetti Is right, I have Nekima in my face turn 1 pretty much always.

    I like the idea of Lone Swordman, @qoob and am kicking myself for not thinking of it before you mentioned it. My very first game against lilith the Lone Swordsman was with Misaki and he one rounded Nekima with double severe on no soulstone triggers... I don't expect that to happen, but he's a legitimate threat!

    @Shen Long Valid point. I don't play him aggressive often, but this might be the time to.

    I know. Ain't it sad? It's just power-playing and it's no fun. I am a Neverborn player, but I've never fielded a crew like that, I wouldn't have fun playing with it myself.


    Unless of course the opponent has the Mysterious effigy and pushes away after first attack. Than you can walk up and hit again, but two hits are rarely enough.

    Quote. Neverborn masters are usually squishy: Pandora can push away on her own, Collodi can sacrifice his marionettes, Lynch squeels, The Dreamer, besides being incorporeal, can protect himself with the Daydreams...Lilith is perhaps the most fragile, but good luck pinning her down!


    Nekima is not that resilient. A sniper is a good way to keep her at distance. A double Focus shot with Shenlong is easy to setup.

    I'm not a big fan of Yin tbh...I would take a Lone Swordsman instead but that's just me personal opinion - He is a beast with Recalled Training.

    Condition Removal is a good thing - but that should not be the Focus. A LRM or maybe Johan are enough imo.

    Shenlong is a good Master to go. With his Burning Chi he has the Chance avoiding getting mood swing or paralyze.

    Mei Feng is immune to paralyze. Maybe give her a shot?



    The problem with these obnoxious "optimized" Neverborn lists is that they have found the way to go around that. Graves + Doppleganger means Nekima can be in your deployment zone without even activating herself. I've literally seen her starting to kill stuff Turn 1. Obviously, Nekima in your face Turn 1 isn't pleasant - add that she can essentially one-shot most regular models.

    Any attempts to kill her are very complicated, as she can heal herself, but also has Johan to remove conditions and Doppleganger to backup: in my case I had managed to pin her down with doll, paralyze her and stack quite a lot of poison on her, but before I could expunge it and kill her (with a Performer) he Doppleganger-ed Johan, removed condition, and it was game over.

    I don't know how Pandora works with this crew, my opponent was playing Lilith and it was horrible: she can provide cover, and tangle shadows can really mess up your plans. 

    So yeah she's not that resilient but if you have her in your face Turn 1 and she one-shots the two-three key models in your crew, it's going to ruin your day whatever your plans were...


    Yeah I am starting to run Servant of the Seven Dragons (+1 WP), smoke grenades (:-fate to anything outside of 6"). Yin is a common take now (:-fate to all attacks and damage flips, and can impose that as a condition for Ca and WP duels) and I have started to look at Sue as an auto include for his aura that says :-fate flips to any Ca action against a friendly there. Oiran have come back up on my radar as well. 

    My concern is that if I don't run Shen, I don't feel I have enough condition removal to handle NVB. I can run chiaki and monks of low river, but monks need to be close, and thus a target. And chiaki can't do more than 2 at a time. But I've been considering using McCabe.

    My reasoning is that I can run promises on McCabe, which gives him stubborn. I can run Sot7D and grenades along with Yin still, but I can run Oiran (aura for +1 WP) and they are much more useful with their 0 upgrade (gives them fast and focused) if you hand them a saber.

    Ok that sounds like a good idea. In particular, I've played against Yin (even though it was as a Resser) and truly it was a nuisance.

    Depending on the crew you're facing, Wp resistance might be even more important than condition removal...


    Was a close decision between Titania and the new 10T mistress. The second looks boring and the the first not as majestetic enough for the Farie Queen. Titania needs something that looks more like an ancient elvish god, arrogance of ages, the deepest hate for the human invaders and a beautiful cold face to kill and die for.

    Lol Titania and Asami are among the newest masters to come out :D

    I personally think Parker Barrows is the most boring, but then again, he's Outcasts, so who cares :D

    Also, I love Titania's look, I think she (and her crew, too) is outstanding! I just finished assembling her crew and I think it's among the finest bunch of miniatures I've ever seen...

  6. Hahah sound advice. I feel sorry for new players, sometimes they approach with very difficult masters, and then they get turned off the game as a whole because of that. This happened to a guy at my LGS, who wanted to start with Gremlins, and chose Brewmaster (!!!)

    I love the Brewmaster, but I'm an experienced player, and he's so so tricky to use, possibly the trickiest Gremlin! I don't think the poor guy has won a single game yet...

    • Like 1
  7. I play Neverborn and I've had the hardest time against opponents that boost their Wp - one instance, Gremlins with Liquid Bravery, getting Stubborn (negative flips for me!)
    I don't know Ten Thunders well enough to advice you on exactly how to do that, but boost your Wp is the main other thing you can do (condition removal is also always helpful).

    Other than that, I feel every Neverborn master has a distinct and very unique playstyle, that is, unless players in your meta play the obnoxious "optimized" flavorless list (Nekima, Johan, Mr. Graves, Doppelganger etc.) I played against it once with a Zoraida list (his master was Lilith) and he was very annoying to play against, even though Nekima was almost dead twice (end of Turn 1 and end of Turn 3) due to my doll and only saved with plenty of good luck on his part. With Nekima dead you usually are in a pretty good spot to win the game. But I don't like people that play that sort of lists so I tend to not play with them. If that is the case in your meta, I'm sorry for you, I hope you get to play with some other people that enjoy a bit more fluff and play for fun!

  8. Looking good! I built a Bayou table myself and I love playing on it. There is a lot of severe terrain and a below average amount of cover, but that all makes for a different gaming experience so my advice is: don't worry too much about making the perfect table, it isn't written anywhere that you need A LOT of LOS blocking terrain. It's just different.
    If you really want to add something, some trees would look good. I used both GW trees and the Malifaux special edition hanging trees.

    Here is a link if you are curious


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    That's basically why this section of the forum exists - so that everyone can discuss their interpretations (and the implications thereof) and try to come to some sort of consensus, or at least reach a majority decision. I don't think (or perhaps I hope it's not the case that) anyone here is presenting their interpretation as inarguable - they're expressing their opinion on the "correct" way to play an ambiguous rule, giving their reasoning, and seeing who agrees with them (via the upvote/downvote system).

    I know that some people really hate that method of deciding on how the rules should be played, but it's really not that bad. If the community gets it totally "wrong", an answer usually gets added to the FAQ to correct us. :P

    Semi-flippant answers: Because conditions aren't the same as kills. Because the Wisp's condition already breaks the established pseudo-rule about conditions not having "memory", so all bets are off. Because to do otherwise would break the established narrative trope that "What happens to a voodoo doll also happens to the person it represents".

    Do you think the intended interaction in this case is that the condition would do nothing?

    Lol I just replied to a comment above and then read yours, and I noticed that we essentially said the same thing "What happens to a voodoo doll also happens to the person it represents". Good to know I'm not the only one that thinks this way ;)

    • Like 1

    I don't think it's a given that a talent does something in every possible scenario. Subsequently I don't think it would be weird if it is FAQ:ed that the Wisp Lure thing doesn't work if you cast it on a Voodoo Doll, there are still plenty of other opportunities to use the action, i.e. casting it directly on the enemy models (which I think is the primary intended use of it :P).

    It could be, I guess until there is an official FAQ everything is possible, but it would look weird to me. I like to think at the doll as "everything that happens to the doll, happens to the hemmed model". The doll takes 2 damage? The hemmed model takes 2 damage. The doll burns? The hemmed model burns. The doll walks towards the Wisp? The hemmed model walks towards the Wisp. :)

    I believe this makes the most sense and was as intended by the designers...but I definitely look forward to that FAQ now!


    Going by the idea of intent is a good idea in theory but I don't think it's practical. Until Aaron or Justin or whoever was responsible for that action's design and text comes in and says "this is what I meant it to do, this is how it works now" (via an FAQ), then there's no way of actually knowing what the intent of the rule was. To be a fair game, everyone should be playing with the same objective ruleset, and if you're using intent rather than actual wording to measure that, then people are no longer playing the same game.

    Sure, having an official ruling is important, but is there really anyone who thinks the intent of the Wisp's lure was to allow a model to walk closest to the doll, or worse, to itself (?!?)

    In my meta, we will all play with the ruling mentioned above, as the wording is ambiguous and this is the solution that makes the most sense. But Wyrd is an amazing company and I'm sure an FAQ will come out soon and fix the whole thing (I'm used to years of playing Warhammer and this sort of situations would arise every second day, without GW showing the least sign of care about it...)

  12. I think several people are just overthinking this. The rule says that the hemmed model gets the same condition as the doll, so to me it is very clear that the hemmed model gets the condition as if it was the doll, and thus, it walks towards the Wisp...

    I love rules, but one also has to understand the principle and the intent behind them. The doll is designed to pass conditions onto enemies circumventing the need to target them directly. The condition applied by the Wisp is a "lure", forcing the model to walk towards it. It may be poor wording, but to me it's clear that the model walks towards the Wisp.

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  13. Well Doppleganger and Insidious Madnesses are a must! I have also had success with Widow Weaver, I prefer her over Candy, and I like to use Lilitu for her "lure" ability, compared to similarly priced minions that do the same thing (e.g. Beckoners). 

    As for lists, I really enjoy playing Sorrows, yes they're fragile but they're really good at what they're meant to do. I field always 2 or even 3, and they never let me down. Obviously, they have a learning curve, they need to be protected and used wisely, but they fit the crew and the theme so much well. I also include 1 or 2 madnesses and then I'm flexible, but a model with lure is always helpful (e.g. Lilitu). I don't care much for scheme runners (e.g. tots) since I only tend to field Pandora in certain strategy/schemes combinations that usually do not require heavy scheme marker placement, and also, Madnesses are excellent scheme runners if need be.

    I wish you good luck, I personally love Pandora, she's one of my favorite masters!


    Well the only Masters I've never seen on the table, neither with nor against, would be Mah Tucket and Ulix. Of those I'd consider Mah Tucket to be the "rarest". While I've heard about people playing and having great success with Ulix, there's been very little talk about Mah herself. 

    I'm also quite a fan of the "underdog". It's why I started with Pandora (way back before everyone realised she was broken, last edition) and then Zoraida. Nowadays I'm playing Ten Thunders, but the urge to drop it all and pick up the crews nobody sees is still there. :)

    Ulix is one of my top 3 favorite masters!! I love him, he's fantastic. But yeah, as a Gremlin player, I can tell you that Mah is a bit of an odd choice, I haven't had many successes with her...it could be me playing her wrong, but she's definitely my last choice in terms of Gremlins.


    I m one always drawn to the underdog. What master (apart from the new ones who we obviously haven't seen much of) have you seen little of in Malifaux? Why do you think that is and what does their crew normally look like? I think this could be really fascinating.

    There's a decent number of us playing at my LGS, and between us we cover all of the factions. The masters I have never ever played against (or with) are Kirai, Ironsides and Shenlong. I think none of those three are particularly popular, even though I don't play those factions so I can't be 100% sure. Everybody else I think I played at least once, but some other that have appeared rarely are Perdita (I know this sounds odd!), McMourning and Marcus.

    I personally play Gremlins and Neverborn, I have played all of those masters and, even though I obviously have my favorites that see the battlefield more often than others, I think they are all viable (I think I won at least a game with any one of them).


    Well, yeah, "insanely good" is always hyperbolic :) So good you lose your mind? Not even sure what it technically means ;)

    In context though, I am saying that it may be something so good that every Neverborn crew should consider it as a possible include. I have all of 2 games with it, so I am not certain of anything at this point! They were certainly great in those two games.

    As far as later Gupps, the turn 4 Gupp can absolutely find work on turn 5. Even the turn 5 gupp can count for interference/extraction/stash/occupy/take prisoner/inspection.

    Even more, however, is that you can look at the board and schemes and have a really good idea about how much work you'll get out of them, so those situations that are bad (getting the wisp killed, not having work for the 3rd+ Gupps) are something you can see coming.

    And "makes her better" is an understatement ;) She nearly doubled her AP in effect!

    I agree with this. I have had lot of success with Spawn Mommy and Gupps in Zoraida lists before, this can only make her better! I would also add that, absolutely, Turn 4 and 5 Gupps do find their use, and have saved my ass many times ;)


    Hi all,

    I love Titania's mechanics and the look of the models but I really dislike alot of the neverborn models. I was wondering if just staying with her box and the nephilim models is that enough? or do you have to take the dreams/doll/babies stuff to be competitive?

    Out of all Neverborn, the Nephiilim are probably those that will have the least affinity with Titania. There is Nekima, obviously, but I feel the Titania crew doesn't have the necessary resources to support her and doesn't really need another big damage dealer (Titania herself should be ok with that). Tots are always a good choice for scheme running, but I also don't feel Titania's crew needs any extra help for that, seeing how many scheme markers they are able to place already!

    As everybody else said, it's still early, but I can definitely see her working a lot better with Wp-debuffing models such as Widow Weaver and Insidious Madnesses, and other models that can take advantage of it such as Alps, Sorrows and Stitched Together, and generic models such as Doppleganger.

  18. Hey guys! I have a few LE models that I don't need and would be happy to trade:

    - Pink Malifaux child (assembled)
    - Miss Anne Thrope (fully painted)
    - Miss Step (New In Box)
    - Red Translucent Bete Noire (New In Box)
    - Katanaka Sniper (New In Box)
    - Aionus (Primed Black)

    I'm looking mainly for Nephilim to accompany a Lilith crew (Angel Eyes, Bloodwretches, Scion, Shaman, Young and Mature) or otherwise $$. PM if interested!

  19. 17 hours ago, orkdork said:

    NBorn have one particularly awesome Henchwoman: Nekima. Bad Juju works fine with Lilith, but isn't "tier 1".

    Meanwhile, we have quite a few less than exciting Henchmen:

    Angel Eyes, Spawn Mother, Candy, Barbaros

    I've had good times with the Spawn mother, but I agree the others are a bit underwhelming. Nekima is great but it is 13 points and you really have to commit to her (to get her in place, to heal her etc.) so the list kind of revolves around her anyway...
    Bad Juju NEVER worked for me, in my opinion one of the worst NVB henchmen.

    p.s. you forgot Widow Weaver, she's perhaps the best of them all! Useful with most masters and, even if a bit "delicate", incredibly effective!

  20. Hey all

    I am looking for the Dark Carnival crew, either the whole box or just some pieces (mainly the mannequins and the monkeys). Also, I am looking for some of the nephilim to complete a Lilith crew (Young, Mature, Scion, Shaman, Nekima, Angel Eyes).

    I have the following limited edition models to trade:

    - Pink Malifaux child (assembled)
    - Miss Anne Thrope (fully painted)
    - Miss Step, alternate Howard Langston (New In Box)
    - Red Translucent Bete Noire (New In Box)
    - Bayou Gremlin (New In Box)
    - Aionus (Primed Black)
    - Bayou Gator (new on sprue)
    - Red Translucent Coryphee/Duet (new on sprue)

    Also, some other models that I am happy to trade, since most of them were purchased for a Leveticus Crew that I'll never end up using:

    - Ashes and Dust (assembled and primed black)
    - 2 Necropunks (assembled and primed black)
    - Joss (assembled)
    - Punk Zombie (assembled)
    - Dead Doxy (new on sprue)
    - Pride (new on sprue)
    - Bishop (new on sprue)
    - Mobile Toolkit (new on sprue)
    - Ronin (new on sprue)
    - 2 Soulstone Miners (new in box)
    - 3 Molemen (assembled and primed white)
    - Seamus (assembled and primed black)
    - 3 Rotten Belles (assembled and primed black)
    - Madame Sybelle (assembled and primed black)
    - Essence of Power (assembled)

    PM me in interested! Thanks for reading.

  21. That is a massive amount of news, and one of the most exciting previews ever! The Guilders program is cool, I have my eyes on that Pandora...:D I don't play Arcanists, but honestly if I was an Arcanist player right now I'd be drooling badly because that Rasputina is to die for.

    Also, the Ripples of Fate previews continue, each day they are better, that Gremlin art is amazing! Gotta have those...Werepigs??

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