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Everything posted by Yriel

  1. Ok thank you for now but so what's the difference between this trigger and "my bidding" trigger? One says "perform a 1 action chosen and controlled by this model controller" and the other says "the opposing player immediately perform a 1 action whit this model"
  2. Hello, Collodi use pull the strings on Yasunori and choose the last trigger. So he puts "A new thread" condition on Yasunori. Yasunori activates whitin 4" of Asami. The question is: can Collodi deal one damage to Asami for charge (1 AP) with Yasunori?
  3. Hi, I just started a campaign with my friends. I won the first game and I've been collected 11 script!!! My crew was: Toshiro with Commando The Graves Sensei Yu Katanaka Sniper Tengu Rail Worker
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