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Everything posted by Gauner

  1. I keep thinking that Lilith will return at the head of a new faction hell bent on taking down Titania and Nekima.
  2. For me, the best way to learn the game was by playing games using the Henchman Hardcore format. 4 models, 20 points, Henchman-led crews, fixed strategy/scheme... It allowed me to focus on learning the rules without worrying about Masters, too many models, too many strategies/schemes, etc. It also provides a good gateway into playing in organized events. I had only played about a half-dozen games before I participated in my first Henchman Hardcore tournament. Finished mid-pack too! Oh yeah. I should probably mention... It is also a very fun format to play!
  3. Here is my work for May. Just the Dreamer - 15ss. Sorry for the repost. I didn't realize May stuff was supposed to go in the June thread.
  4. Tough month. I only got one done. I need to work on the base a bit more, but at least there is paint on it.
  5. Got my stuff for April done just under the wire..
  6. Hmm... anyone know why the IMG links aren't working? Seems like I'm not the only one having trouble... Never mind... got some coffee into my bloodstream and figured it out.
  7. Got my last March model in just under the wire... I think I need to bring up some of the highlights on the fleshtones, but I've been futzing with this one too long. I'm calling it done. Also, there's one picture of all of my March work. 30 points.
  8. You can use acrylic based inks to paint blood as well. You can use pre-mixed inks or you can just buy ink in dropper bottles from an art store and mix them into some clear acrylic medium. Pure red doesn't quite look right. You might mix some red into some brown or sepia colored ink. Maybe a small bit of blue or purple might work too. HCO has a pretty good tutorial here: http://handcannononline.com/blog/2012/04/12/painting-blood-with-p3-inks/
  9. I'm on a roll now. Second of three for this month:
  10. Here are my models for March... Working on some terrain pieces as well, which are in the background.
  11. Going out on a limb at the Master level... I have way too much stuff to assemble and paint.
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