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Posts posted by Trample

  1. 12 hours ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Gonna say, disappointed with the splits.

    Not that interested in buying 9 models that I only need 5 of, and really only three (I think it'll be rare to field three of a Student).

    Why they didn't just do a reprint of the Transmortis box, have that be Honor Roll, and then the supplemental stuff in Study Group, I dunno.

    All I know is I'm back to either Special Ordering them (if that's even an option, I'm doubting), finding someone to split the boxes (harder, because one of each Student appears to be a reprint), or going proxy.

    I hear you, although I know I'll b buying both boxes, probably just for 2-4 models. I have the original transmortis set already. I want another Sinew Viscera and Steel for sure. I have never used the Student of Sinew Flesh, but I think I like the new models better, so I may use one or two of those. I may paint a third steel just in case I run into a Hoffman crew. 

    (edited to get the damn names right) 

  2. 1 hour ago, Daysleeper said:

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

    I looked over the stuff once again and I saw that the Dashel Crew doesn't necessarily have a lot of wounds/armor and Dashel himself only has 10 Wounds. Maybe I can try to go for Dashel if the opportunity shows. I don't think there is any healing that can go to Dashel in his keyword.

    Guild Steward is pretty common with a Dashel crew, so they may have some healing there. Queeg can kinda do it on a melee trigger. Targeting Dashel is still a good idea. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Dashel is pretty good against The Dreamer. You've got Wardens with Ruthless, who would be great to throw up against Chompy or Insidious Madness, although they do have some armor-ignoring attacks in the crew. I would probably put a lot of pressure on The Dreamer directly and force him to discard cards with protected, to which you can follow with executes. I would still bring in The Jury OOK. Against Dreamer you really have to figure out target priority. What you choose isn't as important as making a choice and following through. I usually choose to eliminate Chompy first, and then Serena. There's a good argument for eliminating the Daydreams rapidly, since it is easy to do, so that Lucid Dreams doesn't give him a massive hand advantage. Dreamer can be killed by a Dashel crew too. You have access to plenty of focus. 

  4. 45 minutes ago, Adran said:

    The nightmare crew is 80s mei feng, but I thinks that's all officially out there.

    I would guess at an explorers book, and probably2 or 3 masters as well as some of the missing boxes like nekima or void hunters. 

    Wow - you think that much will be available? That would be great if we see volume like that right now but that seems a bit aggressive. 

  5. Interesting. After a quick browse of the number I didn't see any numbers that were really surprising o far off of what I might expect. Maybe it is slightly more difficult to get a high enough delta to achieve a positive damage flip when you're +4 on a stat with a positive flip than I would have thought. What about you? You've obviously dug in quite a bit here (thank you). What stood out to you? 

  6. Unfortunately I like most of it and consequently have  way too many models from every faction. There are a couple of things I really don't like and can't see myself ever picking up. Guilty for one. I  have a bit of trouble understand move 5 when you're strapped to a table. I don't like creepy kids a lot - like changelings (even though I have some). For the most part though I have the opposite problem. 

    • Agree 1
  7. It seems to me, and I have been playing as if, the model carrying the lodestone can take an interact action to move said lodestone. I was challenged on that last night. The model is within 1" of itself and is certainly friendly to itself, so I can't imagine what would prevent him from throwing the lodestone to another model himself. Am I right on this?

  8. 15 hours ago, emiba said:

    Being the Henchman in @Maniacal_cackle's meta and ambivalent Neverborn/Resurrectionists player, I'm taking Von Schtook into this pool tonight against Guild (unsure what master my opponent will bring). My list looks like this:

    Von Schtook with The Whisper, 5 stones
    Research Assistant
    The Valedictorian with Grave Spirit's Touch
    Carrion Emissary
    Student of Viscera with Killer Instinct

    I'm considering dropping the Grave Spirit's Touch from Valedictorian for the extra stones. A smart opponent will also make sure to bring her down before she has a chance to benefit from the regeneration.

    The idea is to load up Valedictorian with fast early and have her as a deterrent and then go hard on one flank with the Student of Viscera (with the lodestone), Valedictorian, Necropunk and potentially By your side the Undergraduate in if he goes for the flankers. Meanwhile the rest goes to fortify the center. If he goes for the center, the flankers minus Necropunk swing back toward the center.

    I'll probably go for Breakthrough with the Necropunk and Take Prisoner using what I call the "Take Prisoner triggers" on Valedictorian or Undergraduate. (Push target then push the attacker.)

    Kirai would have been my second choice. Seishin can make the crew super mobile (with a bit of luck) and Jakuuna would be an amazing anchor for holding the center.

    I like the list and look forward to hearing how it works.  

  9. 3 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    One thing I'll emphasise is if Lady J goes that aggressive and fails to kill Molly, don't forget that Molly should do 6-9 irreducible damage to her a round. She should be dead pretty quick!

    Lady J does die pretty quickly in a lot of games. She does have WP 7, so Molly has a bit of an uphill battle there. 

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  10. 6 hours ago, Shakyor said:

    Hmm okay I am interested to see how this plays out. I have to say, I dont quite see it. I build about as an defensive List as I could think off. How would you go about removing Forgotten Marshal and Toshiro with all my healing/Nurses Bedside Manner/Ashigarus Take the Hit/Probably Nightterror giving concealment. I mean it is not like I will play them frontrow.

    She has a lot of reach round 1. Pale Rider can move he almost 7" with ride with me, putting her only 13" from your deployment zone. From there she can walk-leap (12") or walk-walk-leap (17") and attack with the 2" greatsword. So she can attack someone on the front end of your deployment zone with up to 3 attacks on round 1 (stone for leap trigger) with + to the damage flip on these attacks. The Marshal has HTK and HTW, so she would need 3 attacks to kill him with a moderate or crit strike on one of the first two. With his defense 4 she can likely do that. Lady J can hit pretty hard and I would definitely send her in early, but that's just me.  If you are able to summon an ashigaru on the first turn it might help dictate where she goes. She might try to take out the Nurse (she can 1-shot the nurse). 

    My point is to watch out for her range and output. Neurotoxins can ruin her day, so the best thing you have to shut her down is the totem! I've done it before in this matchup and it really ruins the guild player's day! 

  11. If I am the Lady J player I am removing the Marshal on round 1 and Toshiro on round 2, so, as the Molly player I would make sure the machine is ready to get in on her and poison her up so she can't do much. The machine can really shut her down. Your priority should be those Domodors (and Lady J). They can mess you up if they live. 

    • Like 1
  12. Von Schtook all the way here. 

    With leylines, I love the Student of Viscera with Killer Instinct. He has a base move of 5 with unimpeded, but he also has rush for +2" movement on the charge. He has ambush for an additional 3" of movement every turn with his free action. He also has constriction which, based on the wording, works both offensively and defensively, so he can get out of engagement pretty easily. Although edge-case, he also has a trigger on his tactical action that pushes enemies. The Killer Instinct upgrade also gives him Deadly Pursuit, so he can move 4" during the end phase to get back in contact with the strategy marker if he needs to do so. All of those things are awesome for ley lines. 

    The professor's crew has a lot of pushes (Von Schtook and Undergraduate) and the ability to increase movement (Assistant and Emissary), so the Student can be a move 6 or 7. The Student of Viscera can start turn one by taking a strategy marker on their side of the board and work backwards from there. 

    Turn one the Valedictorian (who will be fast from the Professor) can dive bomb the enemy carrier and bring an Undergraduate in as cavalry and put them on their back foot from the beginning. I also like the Emissary in the crew to throw out coffin markers to gum up the works and mindless zombies to engage the enemy carrier. 

    This crew can do any of the schemes. With standard I would probably have a necropunk do breakthrough and pick your favorite from the rest. His crew should be able to do any of them although you probably have the most control over Take Prisoner. 

    Unless your opponent rolls you up in this one, you should be able to score a lot of points here (6+). I suppose a scheme marker-eating crew could prevent breakthrough, but the Professor can drop them pretty darn easily too. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 6/17/2020 at 8:27 AM, ShinChan said:

    Terrifying 13 and HtW + printed :tome for Entropy in Defense. Yes, he has Defense 3, but models without Ruthless are not going to take him down in 2 attacks. Also with SoDP he heals 2 every time he kills, which allows you to use necrotic decay and recover the damage  while bumping yours to 4/6/7 or go for the Consuming Touch and heal 3/4/5 when you kill.

    With some extra support healing from Leveticus and the Emissary, he always killed me enough models or was annoying enough to allow me to score some points. Terrifying 13 is the key to make him stay alive a little longer.

    Ok - I'll give him a try! 

    Healing from the Emissary? Do you think the scavengers have enough healing ability to serve this purpose?

  14. 58 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

    I might go back to my old favorite Yan Lo, but maybe I'll make myself try someone else. Molly just isn't clicking with me - shame as I love her models. 

    Yeah, I liked Molly quite a bit, but I haven't played her since the Archie nerf. She can still scheme and anti-scheme like crazy, but she just isn't the same since Archie changed. He was a bit too powerful, but the nerf hit hard. She seems to be missing just a bit now. 

    I love the plan to look at the pools! Great thought! 

    • Like 1
  15. Those of you running Levi - are you still using Ashes & Dust post errata? Since he doesn't really do much damage anymore and isn't quite as resilient (although still pretty darn good) is he a 9 stone scheme runner and runner hunter for you? With the current schemes and strats I'm not so sure you might be just as well off taking The Midnight Stalker for the exact same purpose. I haven't faced A&D since the errata though, so just kind of curious. 

  16. Well, maybe I'll get him on the table and try him sometime. I love the model, but it's hard for me to invest 10 stones in a model that is limited to 2ap, even if he doesn't die. I'd like a model like this to have flurry or perhaps a zero to drop a corpse or bury himself. Perhaps, as someone suggested, with Seamus so I can move corpses around a bit. 

  17. Are folks using the Grave Golum and, if so, when and where? It doesn't seem to me like he has a lot going for him besides his ability to stick around (admittedly, that can be huge) for a 10 point model. He's strictly a 2ap model. His zero action isn't worth much, he doesn't have a flurry or any sort of trigger that gives him an extra attack. I can't imagine a situation where I would prefer him over a Dead Rider or Manos.  

  18. No, those are different. Those are protective traits the model has that are preventing the unbury completely, to the model's detriment. Gravity Well is preventing the enemy model from popping up next to Anna, it isn't preventing the unbury entirely.  Gravity Well will still prevent those pesky Alps from popping up next to you. 

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